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Heroes Wiki

Papi is the key character from the 1985 film Nobita's Little Star Wars and its remake. He is the president of his planet Pirika Galaxy.


Papi is the president of Pirika Planet. One day he escapes to Earth because his planet is under control of PCIA, which is controlled by General Gilmore and meets Nobita and Doraemon. They take care of him but finally, Shizuka is captured by PCIA because one of the spy balls detected their base. The Small Light is also stolen. He exchanges Shizuka with herself to be captured. Fortunately, Rokoroko, his dog, reached earth that day so he brings the gang to Pirika Planet.

Doraemon and friends can overcome the PCIA's force with their radio-controlled tanks and then Suneo and Shizuka keep defending the rebel base (Papi's side) on the asteroids, while Nobita, Doraemon, Gian, and Rokoroko are going into the planet to find the rebel base in the planet. Back to the Papi's side, he gets a life sentence in the next 2 days by the supreme court. At Doraemon's side, they have found the rebel base; unfortunately, are captured by PCIA and get the life sentence.

At the death row, Rokoroko delays the time to death. At Suneo and Shizuka, they get shot by PCIA's force and fall into the sea. Fortunately, the Small Light's effect has worn off so the gang gets large again. They strike back to PCIA force and Dracorl, the leader, has been captured while escaping.

           Doraemon logo Heroes

Doraemon | Nobita Nobi | Shizuka Minamoto | Suneo Honekawa | Takeshi Goda | Dorami | Sewashi Nobi | Mini-Doras | Time Patrol

The Doraemons
Doraemon | Dora the Kid | Wang Dora | El Matadora | Dora-nichov | Dora Med III | Dora-rinho

Principal Teraodai | Jaidora | Noramyako | Robot Academy | Dorapin | Mimimi

Pisuke | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Kuntakku (Peko) | Eru | Miyoko Mangetsu | Papi | Riruru | Banhou | Ro | Linlei| Kukuru | Chippo | Sindbad | Paruparu | Sapio | Tap | Galaxy Super Express Train Conductor | Peave | Jack | Luffin | Lian | Theo | Gusuke | Milk | Poko | Fuuko | Ichi | Pisuke | Miyoko Mangetsu | Kibo | Princess Lire | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Sophia | Haribo | Riruru | Pippo | Dakke | Kurt Hartman | Kuntakku (Peko) | Aron | Kukuru | Carla | Flock | Sarah| Luca | Luna | Aru | Mozo | Kyu | Myu | Papi | Pinna | Sonya | Hanna | Marimba | Miina | Mikka | Chapekku | Claire | Milo | Chai | Pal |
