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Heroes Wiki

Parker Pyne is another famous detective, created by Agatha Christie. In the film incarnations, he's played by Maurice Denham.


The Parker Pine Agency is not a detective agency in the traditional sense. Pine considers his task to be “healing the soul,” and equates an unhappy state to a disease. His goal is to bring clients the desired happiness: return family happiness, taste for life, and solve other personal problems. He conventionally divides human problems into several types according to their root causes: poor health, boredom, problems of wives with husbands, problems of husbands with wives. His methods: cunning, manipulation, involving the client in dramatic performances based on scripts written by the writer Ariadne Oliver. She comes up with such scenarios twice for Pine's clients. Parker refers to her as “a world-renowned novelist.” Ariadne Oliver also appears in works about Hercule Poirot, where she helps him conduct investigations. Parker Pyne's secretary is Miss Lemon, the future secretary of Hercule Poirot. Also working for Pine are thirty-year-old handsome Claude Luttrell, who is assigned the role of a comforter to unhappy wives, as well as Madeleine de Sara (real name Maggie Sayers), a young beauty, a vamp, who is assigned the role of a comforter to unhappy husbands.

Agatha Christie's signature Heroes

Main Detectives
Hercule Poirot | Jane Marple
Secondary Detectives
Parker Pyne | Mr. Quin | Tommy and Tuppence Bresford
Amateur Detectives
Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Bobby Jones | Frances Derwent | Arthur Calgary | Reniseb | Charles Hayward | Mark Easterbrook | Luke Fitzwilliam | Alix Martin

Righteous Culprits
Mary Debenham | Princess Natalia Dragomiroff | Hector MacQueen | Edward Masterman | Colonel John Arbuthnot | Linda Arden | Count Rudolph Andrenyi | Countess Helena Andrenyi | Greta Ohlsson | Pierre Michel | Antonio Foscarelli | Hildegarde Schmidt | Cyrus Hardman | Edith de Haviland | Hercule Poirot
Short Stories
Madame Déroulard | Ronnie Oglander

Recurring Supporters
Captain Arthur Hastings | Inspector Japp | Felicity Lemon | Ariadne Oliver | George the Butler | Superintendent Spence | Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Countess Vera Rosakoff | Raymond West | Joyce Lemprière

Victims & Attempted Victims
Alexander Bonaparte Cust | Miranda Butler | Mrs. Otterbourne | Pilar Estravados | Olga Seminoff

Poirot's Minor Supports
Bella Duveen | Dulcie Duveen | Colonel Carbury | Dr. Stavros Constantine | Dr. Gerard | Sarah King | Katherine Grey | Ginerva Boynton | Judith Butler | Lydia Lee | Miss Bulstrode | Monsieur Bouc | Nadine Boynton | Rosalie Otterbourne | Stephen Farr | Tim Allerton | Valerie Saintclair | Virginie Mesnard

Bridget Conway | Hori | Katherine Corrigan | Monsieur Giraud | Sophia Leonides

Adaptational, Homage & Non-canonical
Knives Out (2019): Benoit Blanc | Marta Cabrera | Linda Drysdale
