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I will always be in your heart, just as you are in mine. You will be a great warrior, Twigbranch. And [Violetshine]... You'll be a wonderful mother to those kits.
~ Pebbleshine saying goodbye to her family

Pebbleshine is a posthumous supporting character in the Warriors series, and the titular protagonist of Pebbleshine's Kits. She was a SkyClan warrior Hawkwing's mate, who what separated from her Clanmates soon after The Kin drove them out of the gorge. She later gives birth to two she-kits later named Twigkit and Violetkit, but is killed by a monster while chasing off a badger when trying to defend them. As a spirit, she continues to watch over both of her daughters as they grow up, eventually finding peace and joining StarClan.


Pebbleshine is a white she-cat with light brown speckles all over her pelt and green eyes. She has a long, thick tail, broad shoulders, and fur akin to owl feathers.


Pebblekit is born alongside her brother Parselykit to Tinycloud and Sparrowpelt.

Ravenpaw's Farewell[]

Pebblepaw and Parsleypaw are now warrior apprentices, being trained by Billystorm and Rabbitleap, respectively. SkyClan's medicine cat Echosong explains to the loner Ravenpaw that Pebblepaw has a fierce rivalry with her fellow apprentice Hawkpaw. When SkyClan is about to drive out the kittypets that have been harassing them, Pebblepaw crouches beside Billystorm, anticipating the battle. It's noted that she easily blends into the grass because of her brown speckles.

Hawkwing's Journey[]

Hawkpaw finds out from his brother Duskpaw that he, Pebblepaw and Cloudpaw are planning to steal leftover food from a twoleg campsite. Duskpaw the invites Hawkpaw to join them, but he refuses, so Pebblepaw calls him a scaredy-cat and says they should go without him, to which Hawkpaw hisses that he doesn't want to go anywhere she's going.

Later, Pebblepaw is trapped in a burning twoleg building with most of the other apprentices, and Hawkpaw and his mentor Ebonyclaw save them. Hawkpaw rescues Pebblepaw, after which she lies on the ground and whimpers from the pain of her burns. She explains how the fire started before limping behind Hawkpaw back to camp. She lays on the grass, groaning in pain, before Echosong treats her and Cloudpaw's burns. After Hawkpaw becomes a warrior and earns the name Hawkwing, she calls out to him and thanks him for saving her, telling the gray tom he's very brave. Hawkwing snaps at her though, wishing he'd saved Duskpaw, who had died in the fire, instead of her.

A few days later, a newcomer named Darktail suggests sending a patrol to find the other four Clans. Pebblepaw, now fully healed, goes on this patrol alongside her mentor and Hawkwing, Blossomheart and Waspwhisker. She hopes that she'll get to meet Firestar, the leader of ThunderClan who helped rebuild SkyClan, and goes on to praise the orange tom. She then asks Billystorm if he thinks it'll be good for SkyClan to rejoin the other four Clans after spending so long being independent. Hawkwing then retorts that they would be stronger together.

While Hawkwing hunts, Pebblepaw accidentally scares off a he was intending to catch while trying to hunt a squirrel with Blossomheart. After catching the squirrel, she gives her gratitude to StarClan for the prey and agrees with Blossomheart that they work well together. Billystorm then praises his student, and invites Hawkwing to share the squirrel with them.

When the group spots a couple of twoleg children, Pebblepaw asks what they should do, and Billystorm tells her they'll have to get past them to get to and across the thunderpath. After the group gets across, Pebblepaw laughs at Hawkwing getting squirted by the twolegs' watergun, and he snaps at her that he could have been killed. She sarcastically wonders how a spray of water could have killed him, and he retorts that he could've drowned. She then rhetorically asks if he's a mouse, commenting that even the smallest mouse couldn't have drowned from so little water. He snaps that he takes death very seriously, and Pebblepaw defends herself before dropping the topic.

Eventually the SkyClan cats find a tree splitting into three branches just as Darktail said, but Hawkwing doubts it's the right one because it has a smaller fourth branch near the base. The rest of the patrol agrees that its the right one though, and the conversation then turns to the other four Clans. Pebblepaw worries what will happen if the other Clans reject SkyClan, especially after they've been driven out before from the forest, but Hawkwing replies that happened years ago. Billystorm states that the other Clans have no reason not to accept them, and Pebblepaw tries to argue, but gets cut off.

Soon they reach the clearing Darktail had told them about, and Pebblepaw scents a strange smell that Hawkwing identifies as badgers. He adds that Darktail said the badgers don't live there anymore though, but the scent grows stronger until badgers attack. As Hawkwing is about to strike one of them, Pebblepaw hurls herself onto it and latches on, scratching at its eyes. She begins throwing herself at the badgers when she sees Billystorm laying still in a pool of blood. She tries rushing after the badgers as they retreat, but Hawkwing tells her to leave them, so she instead runs to her mentor, trying to wake him up. Waspwhisker announces that Billystorm is dead, and Pebblepaw wails with grief. Hawkwing thanks her for saving him, but she snaps that she wished she saved her mentor instead. Waspwhisker then tells the group that they should continue on their journey, but the apprentice says it would be disrespectful to Billystorm to go on without him. The warrior says that carrying on is what Billystorm would've wanted, but she retorts that they don't know what he wants, because he's dead.

After spending the night sitting vigil for Billystorm, the group is conflicted on whether or not they should continue with their quest, ultimately voting to go home. They get back home to find that the camp has been attacked by raccoons, and Sandynose is made Pebblepaw's new mentor. She and Hawkwing become closer, but soon Darktail reveals his true colors and drives SkyClan out of the gorge with the help of many rogues. Pebblepaw and Hawkwing help carry Birdwing's kittens as they escape. Pebblepaw and Parsleypaw then earn their warrior names: Pebbleshine and Parsleyseed. Soon Pebbleshine and Hawkwing become mates, and she later reveals that she's pregnant with their kittens.

SkyClan begins their search to find the other Clans, but during their travels the Clan begins to starve. One day, Pebbleshine finds a twoleg monster with chickens inside and plans to catch them. Her Clanmates are concerned since she's pregnant, but she brushes their worries off and climbs inside with Waspwhisker and Blossomheart. A twoleg approaches soon after though, and despite the other two urging her to leave, she stays behind to try and get a cage open. She gets trapped inside the monster however, and it soon drives off with her. The rest of SkyClan yowl for her and try to run after the monster, but it quickly drives away.

Pebbleshine's Kits[]

Pebbleshine is able to escape the monster when it stops for the night, trying to follow the landmarks she'd passed by, but finding that she doesn't remember much of them. She instead decides to shelter inside the barn of a nearby farm, where she meets a black she-cat who lives there named Bug. She's invited to stay, and asks about the place she'd last seen her Clanmates, but Bug doesn't know anything about it. Bug then suggests that she stay at least until her kittens are born, but Pebbleshine insists on finding her Clan as soon as possible.

She tries sneaking onto another monster to cover more distance faster, but backs down when she's overcome with far of the twoleg driving. She instead enters a twolegplace, where a territorial kittypet named Coco confronts her. Two other kittypets by the names of Milo and Olive tease Coco over being so aggressive towards an expecting mother, and Pebbleshine describes the place she'd last seen SkyClan, asking if they know where it is. She's surprised to know that they know what she's talking about, and though they're hesitant to leave their owners, Olive and Milo agree to take her there. She explains to the two of them what SkyClan is, but when they get there, she finds that they mistook the place she described for somewhere else, so she parts ways with them as they go back to their owners. A moon later, Pebbleshine gets stuck in a twoleg house while trying to catch a pigeon, and begins losing hope that she'll ever reunite with her Clan. In her dreams though, her Clanmates reassure her to not give up, and Hawkwing tells her to follow the setting sun.

Tree's Roots[]

While following the sunset, Pebbleshine sees a loner named Tree scavenging for chicken in the trash. He's relived to find that she's just passing through like she is and doesn't intend to drive him off, declining sharing a rat she caught with her because she's heavily pregnant and needs the food more than he does. She then tells him about SkyClan, and he's glad to hear that they don't drive toms out of their ranks like The Sisters, the group he was formerly apart of. She then explains how she got separated from her Clanmates and is now trying to find them, but Tree has doubts that she will before her litter is born. She urges that she must find them, and has faith in StarClan that she will, but while the yellow tom admires her determination, he suggests she wait until the kits are born. Pebbleshine then offers to have Tree join her in her quest, but he declines, not wanting to bond with anyone else after the death of his father, Root. He then lies that his mother, Moonlight, had abandoned him, and claims that it's best if he's on his own, but lets Pebbleshine stay for the night.

While the two are sleeping though, foxes ambush them, and Tree urges the brown-speckled she-cat to run across the thunderpath to safety. She instead stays to help him fight, and the two foxes retreat. The morning after, she thanks Tree for saving her and her unborn litter, offering once more to go with her and join SkyClan. He still refuses though, and wishes her well as the two part ways, with Pebbleshine saying that he'll always be welcome in SkyClan, should he ever change his mind.

Pebbleshine's Kits (cont.)[]

While heading towards a lake with the scent of foreign Clan cats, Pebbleshine suddenly goes into labor and seeks shelter in a tunnel under a thunderpath. A StarClan spirit named Micah then appears to her and helps her give birth, and she delivers two she-kits; one black-and-white, and the other gray. She wishes that Hawkwing was there to see them, telling her daughters that their father loves them. She makes a nest for her and her newborns in the tunnel, and goes hunting the next day. A badger finds the nest however, and Pebbleshine attacks it, trying to get it run over by luring it onto the thunderpath. Pebbleshine herself is hit though, and despite the twoleg inside stopping to pick her up and take her to a vet, she dies on the way there.

When she awakes as a spirit, she's surrounded by StarClan cats, and Micah greets her and introduces himself formally as SkyClan's first medicine cat. She frets about her now orphaned kittens, and Micah shows her two apprentices; a ginger tom from ThunderClan named Alderpaw, and a gray she-cat from ShadowClan named Needlepaw. He promises that the two will find her kittens and bring them to safety, and that they will one day meet Hawkwing and the rest of SkyClan. Pebbleshine still wants to ensure her litter's safety though, so she leaves StarClan to watch over them as a wandering spirit, though is unable to interact with the living world the way a StarClan spirit can. Soon the two apprentices find the kits, with Alderpaw naming the gray one Twigkit while Needlepaw names the black-and-white one Violetkit. The two then begin their journey back to the Clans of the lake with the kittens, and Pebbleshine follows them.

A Vision of Shadows[]

Thunder and Shadow[]

Much later, Twigkit - who now lives in ThunderClan - falls in the lake, and hears a voice urging her to swim. The voice calls the apprentice her special little kit, and Twigpaw wonders if her mother is speaking to her, noting that she doesn't remember much about her, but her scent now surrounds her. Twigkit is unable to swim to safety despite her best efforts though, but is soon rescued. She thinks it's her mother that saved her, disappointed when it turns out to be the ThunderClan apprentice Sparkpaw, and feeling stupid that she assumed it was her mother.

The Raging Storm[]

Much later, Twigbranch and Violetshine are now adults, and the former brings SkyClan back to the lake after they had left initially when the other Clans caused trouble for them. Twigbranch explains that Pebbleshine had told Tree to tell her to bring SkyClan back, which shocks both Violetshine and Hawkwing. A bit later, Tree uses his powers to make Pebbleshine's spirit visible to her family, and upon seeing her, Twigbranch wonders how someone can be strange, and yet so familiar at the same time. Hawkwing and Pebbleshine then tough noses, the gray tom saying he never though he'd see her again. Pebbleshine apologizes for getting separated, telling him there was nothing she could do to escape the monster until she was already far away from the Clan. Hawkwing replies that he wishes he had found her, and she remarks that it was unbearable to be separated from him.

Pebbleshine then approaches her daughters and tells them that she's been with them both from the very beginning, unable to move on to StarClan while they only had each other. Hawkwing softly adds that they now have him and their Clans as well, and she adds that they also have mates of their own in Tree and Finleap. She then thanks Tree for letting her speak with her family, and he apologizes for not seeing the connection between the four of them sooner, even after hearing that Pebbleshine is a Clan cat when the first met. Pebbleshine responds that she's glad with how her family turned out and they no longer need her, causing Violetshine and Twigbranch to panic as they beg their mother not to leave.

The green-eyed she-cat begins backing away into the shadows, whispering that they both now have more than she could ever give them alone, and Violetshine tries to bolt after her, but Hawkwing hold her back and tell her to let Pebbleshine ascend to StarClan. Twigbranch snaps at him before looking her dad in the eyes and realizing that she has to go. The brown-speckled she-cat promises to keep watching over them from the stars, and assures that she'll always be in their hearts. She tells Twigbranch that she'll be a great warrior, and reveals to Violetshine that she's expecting kittens of her own, remarking that she'll be a great mom. The family says goodbye as she leaves for Silverpelt, leaving behind sparkling pawprints.

External links[]

Pebbleshine on the Warriors Wiki


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