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Wait, you don't know? My legal name is actually... 🅱en.
~ Fortunate Ben

Pen is a male contestant in Battle for Dream IslandBattle for BFDI, and The Power of Two.


Pen is a generic ballpoint pen. His body is slim and white, and his cap is a light blue color. Despite his blue cap, his ink appears to be black or indigo. In early BFDI, his rear shading and bottom were curved, but later on they became straight.


Pen is a cool character. He is friends with Blocky, Eraser, and Snowball, and Coiny. However, he is rather more energetic and intelligent than them. He is also more compassionate than them and is kind.

He is often the most and only happy member of the group.

In BFB, Pen has the same personality: optimistic, nice, friendly, and good-natured. However, he was sometimes a scapegoat, often yelled at by Tree. He also is very good friends with Firey. He is also shown to be dimwitted. Here are some examples. He has great problem-solving skills as well.



X | Two

Death P.A.C.T.
Black Hole | Fanny | Gaty | Lightning | Liy | Marker | Pen | Pie | Pin | Remote | Tree
Barf Bag | Basketball | Blocky | Bomby | Book | Bubble | Coiny | Donut | Firey | Flower | Gelatin | Ice Cube | Leafy | Lollipop | Loser | Match | Needle | Pencil | Ruby | Snowball | Spongy | Taco | Teardrop | Tennis Ball | Winner | Woody
