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Hulk smash puny Perfume-shroom for the following reason(s):
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Perfume-shrooms emit a pure, concentrated mist of aerosolized love.
~ Perfume-shroom's Plants vs. Zombies 2 description.

Perfume-shroom is one of the main protagonists of the Plants vs. Zombies 2 world ‘’Jurassic Marsh’’, introduced as the main counter for the world’s gimmick, the dinosaurs. She is a pink fungi who sprays a hypnotizing love potion perfume.


Perfume-shroom is a mushroom with a baby pink stem, with her face being on said stem. She has a hot pink cap with purple hearts on it and a nozzle extending out of the frontward middle that sprays the mist. She also has a second cap connected to a second stem that branches out from the back of her main stem. This cap sprays out Perfume-shroom’s mist upon being squeezed.


Plants vs. Zombies 2[]

Perfume-shroom appeared in Plants vs. Zombies 2 after the players completed Jurassic Marsh - Day 8, introduced specifically as a counter to its world’s gimmick, the dinosaurs. In this game, she costs 150 suns and sprays perfume throughout it’s lane, and then disappears. Also, she is in the Ail-mint family, a family of poison plants.

Power and Abilities[]

  • Enchanted perfume: Perfume-shroom sprays perfume throughout its lane upon being planted. This perfume enchants and charms all dinosaurs that come into contact with it, making them turn against and fight the zombies.
  • Vanishing: After delivering its dose of perfume, Perfume-shroom just… ceases to exist.


  • It isn’t ever actually explained why Perfume-shroom’s perfume only affects dinosaurs and nothing else.
  • Perfume-shroom is the only plant in Jurassic Marsh that isn’t a primal variant of a plant from Player’s House.


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