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Heroes Wiki

Peter Grill is the main character of Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time. He is a member of the Brave Swordsmen's Guild, serving as their strongest asset. Peter also has a crush on Luvelia Sanctos, daughter of the Guild Leader, Albatross Sanctos. Although he doesn't get along with the latter.

He is voiced by Hiro Shimono in Japanese and Joe Daniels in English. The latter has also voiced Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty: The Anime and Daikichi Karube in Alice in Borderland.


Peter is a handsome young man with a tall well built body blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He also wears a black and white tunic traced with metal Armor, he’s been shown to wear Boxers at times but would sometimes be stripped of them by force due to his unwilling affairs.


Peter is a good natured man who loves Luvelia Sanctos. In order to be with her, he wins the Grand Fighting Tournament. Due to his win, other races and nations are interested in getting his seed, causing him constant trouble, making him unable to resist or even forcing him to cheat on Luvelia. Because of this, Peter must prevent anyone from knowing about his affairs otherwise, there'll be hell to pay. He's willing to do anything to get rid of his harem problem especially using others like Spartacus who was once in love with Lisa Alpacas. This doesn't make him a bad person, he's just desperate. That said, his love for Luvelia hadn't change and deeply cares for her via puts his life on the line should she appears to be in any danger.

Peter also has to deal with his lover's father, Albatross, who despises him as he refuse to let his daughter marry Peter, but submit to it when she threaten to cut off ties from him. Peter is also aware of Albatross' attempts in breaking his engagement such as having Peter fall for Piglette Pancetta or the destruction of a ancient weapon for a ceremony as he want to kill Peter himself.


Although he is human, Peter possess skills in the art of swordsmanship, including using a banana. Capable of defeating dangerous monsters and other skilled warriors without breaking a sweat. He can even deflect powerful attacks with parrying skills.

Outside of his physical prowess, Peter is intelligent. Throughout the series, he prevented anyone (besides Tim) knowing about his affairs by finding ways to cover it up. Strongly convincing Piglette in thinking about her choices of being under her family's thumb (which backfired in the end) to prevent Albatross and Babe knowing about their fling.

Perhaps more notable than his fighting prowess is his immense libido and sexual talent, as he is able to satisfy multiple sexual partners concurrently, even those from races with legendarily high libidos. Although, it isn't clear if he gets repeatedly assaulted or merely repeatedly lost control of his lust, regardless of consent, he seemed to please any lover without abundant effort - excluding some exceptions such as Lisa and Mimi's mother who had legions of former lovers or dragonkin who are notoriously difficult to pleasure.


  • Of all anime characters who has their own harems and are perfectly fine with it, Peter Grill is most likely the only one who doesn't want one - also barring the oblivious harem protagonists, such as Ichika Orimura from Infinite Stratos.
  • Peter is the first and only human had won the Grand Fighting Tournament, something no one among his species has ever done over 150 years.