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I'm too old to go on adventures. And I did mean every word when I said I couldn't break my twoleg's heart. She doesn't keep cats in her den because she want to torture them. Her cats are her only friends, and she loves them. If I leave, she'll be all alone, and I don't want that.
~ Petunia not wanting to leave her owner behind

Petunia is a minor character in the Warriors series, serving as a supporting character in the super edition Graystripe's Vow. She was formerly a kittypet to an elderly twoleg, but as her owner's mental health declined she stated hoarding many cats that she couldn't take care of. Though reluctant, Petunia eventually leaves the house she's lived in with the other cats, and later becomes the medicine cat of WarriorClan.


Petunia is an elderly she-cat with a flat muzzle, fluffy gray fur and amber eyes.


When Graystripe gets trapped inside a twoleg house overcrowded with cats, he spots a small gap in a wall and tries to escape through it. Petunia approaches him and says many of them have tried getting out through there and only one has succeeded, adding that Honeysuckle making it out was just luck. Graystripe realizes that Honeysuckle must have been the name of a rogue he befriended named Fang when he was living in the house. The two elderly gray cats then introduce themselves, with Petunia saying that she's been there the longest and he should just accept that it's his new home now. Graystripe asks her if she knew Fang's deceased mother Gremlin, and she replies that she did, and her death was hard on everyone there.

Graystripe then hears a twoleg come into the room with a bowl of cat food, setting it down before a bunch of cats begin fighting for it. Petunia gets some and gives it to a sick she-cat named Daffodil, coaxing her into eating. Graystripe then says that they need to find a way to escape, and one of the kittypets suggests attacking their owner. Petunia is enraged by this idea, stating that their owner saved her life when she adopted her from a kill shelter, and it's not her fault she became sick and started hoarding them. She says that it would break her heart if they left, and while Graystripe understands how she's feeling, he says that they can't keep living like this. Petunia protests that she's used to it, but the gray tom points out that the twoleg can't take care of them all, and many of them are getting sick and dying.

Petunia hesitates for a moment before telling everyone that their owner goes outside every once in a while, and they can escape through the door the next time she does. She insists on staying behind though, and though everyone else protests, Graystripe knows that she won't be swayed. Soon the escape plan is set into motion as the cats lie in wait for the door to be open, but Graystripe is unable to get to it to hold it open in time, and the plan fails. That night, Graystripe sees Petunia comforting Daffodil when the younger she-cat worries she won't see Fang, her mate, ever again. Graystripe tries reassuring the two that they'll find a way out, but Petunia gives him an unsure look. He nods before padding away, admiring the gray she-cat's care for her peers.

Later, Fang and WarriorClan - a group of kittypets who formed their own Clan - arrive to free the trapped cats. They and the house cats pry open a loose floorboard, with Petunia helping a mother and her litter get out. Once everyone else is out, Graystripe the convinces Petunia to escape as well, but she once again insists on staying with her twoleg. He understands and is about to leave when they hear a commotion going on in the house's front yard. They see two twolegs bring the elderly owner into an ambulance. Petunia wails and tries to hop inside, but one of the twolegs pushes her aside before the doors close and the ambulance drives away as the amber-eyed she-cat yowls in sadness. Graystripe comes to her side and comforts her, suggesting that she join WarriorClan. She refuses at first, but is convinced when the ThunderClan tom says that she'll be given away to new owners if she stays.

The day after, many of the escaped kittypets discuss were they'll go now, with Petunia saying that if they find new owners, they'll have a nice life. Many of the escapees decide to join WarriorClan, and as they talk, Graystripe notices Petunia looking somber while standing off to the side. He asks if she'll stay in WarriorClan, and she says that she'll leave once her owner comes back. He then begins telling her about medicine cats, but she tells him that Gremlin has already told her all about the Clans from her past experience with ThunderClan. He suggests she become one because of how she cared for the ill Daffodil. She's interested, and Graystripe begins teaching her about herbs and their uses, encouraging her to take on her new Clanmate Lily as an apprentice. Petunia decides to ask WarriorClan's new deputy Fang for his opinion, and after talking the matter over, Fang accepts and thanks Graystripe for finding the Clan a medicine cat.

Later, in the manga epilogue, WarriorClan's leader Monkeystar get worried when Petunia goes missing for three days. She, Lily, Clawwhistle and Bugeater set out to find the medicine cat, discovering that she went back to her old owner's house. Monkeystar asks if she's ok, and Petunia weakly apologizes, saying she couldn't leave her old home behind. Lily says that WarriorClan needs her, and Petunia agrees to go back to camp. Monkeystar notices that she's still depressed though, and tries to cheer her up by taking her to the Moonstone, where Clans of the past visited their deceased ancestors. After a while, Petunia comes back, looking much happier. She says that when she went to the Moonstone, she saw Gremlin's spirit. Gremlin told her that her owner had passed away, but she's now in a better place where she's not sick or confused anymore, telling Petunia that she can be happy too. Petunia decides to put her focus onto her new life in WarriorClan, and her Clanmates are happy to have her back.

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