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Phi is the deuteragonist of Animation vs. Education, a spin-off of the Animator vs. Animation series, being a minor character in Animation vs. Math and the deuteragonist of Animator vs. Geometry.

It’s the personification of the golden ratio who befriends The Second Coming after the latter summoned it, and the two later fight against the Four-Dimensional Hyper Diamond.


Phi appears as a white Greek alphabet, ϕ, which denotes the golden ratio. It is approximately equal to 1.61803399.


Animation vs. Math[]

At the end of the episode, Phi, Delta, Zeta, and Aleph come to comfort Euler's identity and possibly to become its friends.

Animation vs. Geometry[]

Phi first appeared after The Second Coming makes the geometry dot in 1.618 and makes Phi appear in front of The Second Coming, and as Second Coming steps back from Phi, he grabs onto the edge, and as Phi goes back up and makes a geometry line to save him. The Second Coming as he tries to touch Phi, steps back from him and makes geometry lines and shapes, but as making a square and two attached rectangles, later the 4D-Hyper Diamond appeared and attacked out of nowhere after Phi created two squares, then starts sucking up squares and The Second Coming uses circles as a bow to stop the 4D-Hyper Diamond but still remains alive, Phi makes a bridge to escape with The Second Coming and the 4D-Hyper Diamond chases them in the bridge and starts sucking most of it. Phi later makes a kite for The Second Coming to have both of them escape from the 4D-Hyper Diamond, and as Phi makes a pentagon and summons its clones, the clones starts firing shards at the 4D-Hyper Diamond but later turns big, destroys part of the Pentagon, and Phi's clones still fires again, Phi and The Second Coming makes a pyramid to trap the 4D-Hyper Diamond inside, Phi and The Second Coming makes the cube, the 4D-Hyper Diamond tries escaping it and later breaks out of it, and as Phi makes the blue diamond shape, The Second Coming tosses it at the 4D-Hyper Diamond, causing it to get trapped inside, as Phi then makes a gold diamond shape, The Second Coming picks it up and throws it at the 4D-Hyper Diamond and leads to the 4D-Hyper Diamond's defeat.

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