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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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This scum Phil Eggtree
is really bothering Kenshiro!
So sayeth the great god of Earthrealm Raiden:
or he will send lightning bolts to terminate you.

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Alright, that’s it! I’m getting out of this school!
~ Phil, before he escapes school in “Riddle School”.

Phil Eggtree is the main protagonist of the Riddle School video game series. He is a very intelligent child that always finds a way to escape from, whether it be a school, alien mothership, alien study sight for humans, or a world getting destroyed.


He starts out as a bit selfish, wanting to escape school because it is boring. Unlike other children, who just sit there, Phil uses his intelligence to actually escape, even though it causes him trouble in the future. Why he wants to escape is because he is in detention for making fun of Smiley Sundae, by putting a mustard face on the wall that’s supposed to look like her by being a Smiley face.


The premise is the same in Riddle School 2, and 3.

In Riddle School 4, it seems the premise is the same, but it is revealed that Phil gets killed off by his teacher, Mr. Munch, who drops him into a pit of lava.

In Riddle School 5 - Transfer 2, he has to save the world by stopping project Vizion, consisting of Viz, Diz, and Quiz.

In Riddle School 5, it turns out that the past events were just a dream. It is really like the same premise, but in a different setting. You’re supposed to wake up his three friends by invading their dreams and killing them, kinda like how he was woken up. You then take on Viz by freezing him and his ship in ice with a comet blaster.

In Riddle Transfer, Phil has to save his three friends again by saving them from a human studying site, “Zone 5.1”, while also saving other animals in the process. He also needs to save Diz, who proceeds to abandon them.

In Riddle Transfer 2, they get teleported back to Riddle Elementary School. They need to defeat Quiz, who then turns to their side to defeat a double-crossing Diz, who, along with Quiz, dies in the process.


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