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Philip Benjamin "Phil" Urich is a Marvel Comics character whose first appearance was in Web of Spider-Man #125 by Gerry Conway. He once was the second person (after Harry Osborn) to use the Green Goblin identity as a superhero instead of a supervillain. He tries and fails to stop being a costumed hero, then he assumes the Hobgoblin identity and operates as a supervillain.


Born to Arnold and Mindy Urich, Phil started working with his uncle Ben Urich as a journalist at the Daily Bugle. On a journalism assignment, the two discovered one of the late Harry Osborn's secret lairs. Phil discovered that Harry, before his death, had been working on new goblin gear, notably a new goblin suit and glider. When a group of thugs who were looking to extort the new goblin gear, Phil was knocked into a chemical bath of an untested version of the Goblin Formula. Donning a new goblin mask, which delivered a 'zap' giving Goblin-level strength without the psychotic side-effects, he scared off the hoods. Later on, he decided that the costume and equipment could be put to good use, and set out to be a superhero instead of a villain like the previous Goblins.

Major Story Arcs[]

Phil would start parading around as the Green Goblin and getting into fights with super-villains including Hobgoblin (Macendale), Rhino, Joystick, and Angel Face. Some believed Phil to be as maniacal as the rest of the Goblins, but he claims he was only doing it for kicks.

When a corrupt judge sent the assassin Purge to kill his uncle Ben, Phil decided he needed to take on his new persona with responsibility. Teaming up with Daredevil, they were able to stop Purge, giving the new hero a lot of attention and developing a small but devoted following. After Phil saved Liz Allan and her son, Normie, from Angelface she gave Phil her "blessing" to use the Green Goblin identity.

Phil's costume would later become damaged during the Onslaughtsaga after Phil crashed his glider into a Sentinel attacking the Daily Bugle in order to destroy the robot. Repairing it was beyond his scope, and after getting beaten without his powers, he finally decided to give up being the Green Goblin.


Later, Phil, and Mickey Musashi (formerly Turbo), form a superhero self-help group called The Loners to prevent teenagers from becoming superheroes and aiding young former superheroes get over their pasts. Eventually Phil suffers a mental breakdown when he witnesses Musashi and Chris Powell kiss, having convinced himself that he and Mickey had feelings for each other. He attacks them and steals the Darkhawk amulet. The Loners manage to defeat Phil and depower him, but he manages to escape with Hollow.

Goblin Again[]

Back in New York, Phil lands a job at the new Front Line offices. There he develops a crush on his co-worker Norah, who was researching the "Goblin Gangs" for a story. Hoping to impress her with Goblin tech Phil goes to one of Norman's Goblin labs where he runs into Daniel Kingsley, the twin brother of the first Hobgoblin Roderick Kingsley. Kingsley attempts to kill Phil, when Phil snapped and was able to activate his sonic goblin laugh to incapacitate him. Using the new fire sword that Kingsley had just found, Phil decapitates him and takes over the mantle of Hobgoblin.
