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This article's content is marked as Mature Philomela Sargant contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
“ | You were the one who wanted me to be that way, grandmother. All so that I would listen to you. So that I wouldn't be able to think about myself. You cursed me. But I was taught... I'm allowed to ignore you. To get angry. To shout. I can choose myself and make my own wishes. So that's what I hope to do. | „ |
~ Philomela standing up to her grandmother. |
“ | Grandmother, there's so much in this world I want to do! So I'm going to undo the curse you put onto me! | „ |
~ Philomela as she summons Thor's hammer onto her grandmother. |
Philomela Sargant (フィロメラ・サーガント) is the deuteragonist of season 2 of the anime/manga series The Ancient Magus' Bride, alongside Elias Ainsworth. She is the student of the College and the granddaughter of Lizbeth Sargant. She serves under her in order to please her as well as in hoping of bringing her late parents back to life.
She is voiced by Maki Kawase in Japanese and by Jill Harris in English, who also voiced Charlie Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel pilot episode.
She is a young teenage girl with light white hair that is pulled back into two ponytails with purple ribbons tied with it. Whenever she attends College, she wears a standard red college uniform with a tie, along with a black band that has a ribbon bow. Her bangs are cut into a slant, starting on the right and slanting downwards.
When she became corrupted by the Testament of Carnamagos, her skin turns completely black and naked-like. Her hair grows far longer into a more vine-like and can even be used to strike her enemies.
She is shown to be timid and reserved in speaking with others. She severely lacks self-esteem because of the upbringing and lessons of her grandmother. She is often treated as someone who "stole their lineage" within the household and would be punished if she so much as spoke out of turn to her grandmother, who disdains her lack of initiative and sees her as more of a contemptible doll that can only nod her head.
She has a habit of clamming up when things look bad, a habit that Rian has warned her against because it makes her look worse.
However, she was not always like this. She used to be a playful and loving child when she was with her parents. That is until assassins came took nearly everything from her.
She was born a happy life with her parents after they fled Lizbeth's household. They went into hiding in London. Adam ask Alycone, their familiar, to be Philomela's guardian. However, Philomela's parents were killed by assassins sent by Lizbeth and she and Alycone were later captured as they were running away.
After she has been taken to the Sargant mansion, Lizbeth manipulated her into forgetting about her parents and that her grandmother is the only one who will look after her. During the rest of her childhood, she had been both physically and mentally abused by her grandmother for being inferior comparing to her father, Adam. Not all of her childhood is horrible however, as she grew a genuine bond with Rian Scrimgeour, her distant cousin, and they would tree climb together during free time.
As Philomela grew older, Lizbeth assigned her to accompany the werewolf assassins and observe them as they slaughtered the entire Webster family, the exception being Lucy Webster, and steal the thread spiders that are used to make books. Feeling extremely remorseful on this, she apologized to the people who were killed and pray for the night to protect them. Afterwards, she reports this to her grandmother with the thread spiders in possessions. Lizbeth congratulated and gifted her the Testament of Carnamagos which she would use it to gather magic powers from sorcerers in the College if she wants to bring her late parents back from the dead.
When Chise is checking her own health in the College nurse’s office, Philomela decided to spy on her out of curiosity. Chise was able to sense her presence, causing Philomela to flee, horrified considering she has never been spotted whenever she uses her smoke stealth magic before. Later on, Philomela would eventually collapses near the fountain and Chise to catch her. She gave Philomela a potpourri to help her ease the stress and nerve that Philomela was constantly getting from her grandmother. Philomela expressed her gratitude towards Chise and they part ways.
Philomela decides to assign to participate in the waste tower of the College, along with Chise, Zoe, Rian, and Isaac, where they were tasked to collect rare ores and medical herbs inside. However, the tower has risk within that not many students want to take as it contains dangerous magical creatures and crooked sorcerers. The group would led by Fabio Zaccheroni. Philomela warned Chise to be careful around Zaccheroni as he was a criminal hired by the College. During their time collecting ores and herbs, Rian was attacked by a plant scorpion-like creature, Philomela saved him by quickly torching the creature.
After Liza Quillyn, the principal of the college, had locked down the College in order to find the potential attacker, Philomela became even more paranoid. Being pressured by her grandmother, she began sapping many more students, including Jasmine St. George, leaving them in noticeable pain and gradually rendering them unconscious. This goes on for a bit until the Grimoire attacks Chise through one of the afflicted students and gets more than it bargained for, causing its connection to the students to burst and everyone to suddenly get well again.
During the Christmas festival, Philomela completely snaps and starts fusing with the Grimoire and mutates into a pitch-black abomination and starts rapidly absorbing the magic of every student she comes across and rendering them comatose instantly, starting with her roommate Veronica Rickenbacker, a daughter of the Rickenbacker family that she’s tasked with accompanying, and her childhood friend, Rian Scrimgeour, being another victim. She threatens Liza into unsealing the College so she could leave and go back to her grandmother or she would sap many students and teachers’ magic in the process.
Arriving back at the Sargant mansion, she gave her grandmother back the Testament of Carnamagos with enough stolen magic. As Philomela’s body was starting to crumble, she asked her grandmother if they could finally bring back her late parents. Lizbeth did not respond and orders Alcyone to take Philomela to the underground by sundown while she is preparing the ritual to resurrect her son Adam and not her daughter-in-law Iris.
As her grandmother left to the underground, Philomela began to collapse due to consuming so much magic from her collegemates with Alycone putting the unconscious girl in her lap. Later on, Chise, Lucy, and Isaac came to Lizbeth's study room to save their friend, but corrupted Philomela attempted to kill them in return. Luckily, Chise's ancient runes were able to protect. When Lucy discovered her stolen spiders in the room, she furiously lashed out on Philomela about her family's death. This caused Philomela began to have mental breakdown, feeling terribly remorse for being forced by her grandmother to witness the slaughter of Lucy's family by the werewolves and she could not do anything about it. She felt trapped within Lizbeth's grasp. Feeling deep sympathy for her friend, Chise decided to dig into Philomela's memories and help her put her pieces together. When the three asked what Philomela really wants, she tried to ask for their help, but the darker half of her persuaded her to see her deceased parents again.
When regaining her coconsciousness, her body had return to normal with only her elbow-length arms remained mutated and her fingers were chopped off. Philomela went to the underground to see her grandmother in order see her parents being revived, but not without Ruth, Chise's familiar, telling her this is not what she truly wanted. When she finds Lizbeth in the dungeon preparing to initiate the ritual, the latter asked her to enter the ritual circle. For the first time of her life, because of Chise's influence on her, she started to question her grandmother if she was sure this will bring back her parents. Lizbeth immediately has her restrained by a couple of her guards and reveal that she is going to sacrifice her granddaughter in reviving her son.
Just as Philomela accepted her fate, Chise comes to her rescue along with Lucy, Isaac, Elias and Ruth. Chise brought out a flaming war hammer and breaks the ritual circle that she’s in and save her. With Chise saving Philomela, the latter is able to reunite with her guardian familiar, Alycone, who had broke free from Lizbeth's curse thanks to Elias.
Lizbeth, being furious about their inference, allowed herself to be corrupted by the Testament of Carnamagos and attempted to kill them all and she ends up fatally impaling Alcyone. This unleashes a doppelganger of Adam, who is actually a curse left behind by late Adam as a final act of spite against her that he left to kill whoever destroyed Alcyone, which he figured in advance would likely be his own mother. However, before Shadow Adam can strangle her, she was absorbed by the god entity that she summoned within the ritual.
As Ruth, Morrigan, and the female werewolf were holding off the god entity as it was going on a rampage in the underground, Philomela, Chise, and the others were figuring out how to take it out as it cannot be killed through normal means. Philomela figure out that they need to cast the ritual spell with the Testament of Carnamagos in order to banish the god entity from their world. Since the Testament of Carnamagos would only respond to previous readers, only her and Lizbeth are the only ones able to cast the spell. However, the book was swallowed by the god along with Lizbeth. Philomela is willing to risk her life to get the book back, but was stopped by Lucy. They then turned to Elias, knowing that he will turn into two beasts fast enough to evade the god entity's vines. Philomela and Chise rode on Elias' half, while Lucy and Isaac rode on another. As Lucy and Isaac were distracting the vines, Chise demanded Morrigan to cut the entity's eyes, where Philomela manage to locate the book and her grandmother, which Morrigan applies with pleasure.
As Morrigan cut the eyes open, Philomela catches the book and was preparing to cast the spell, but was interrupted by Lizbeth as she entered her granddaughter's coconscious. She attempted to mentally break her in order to prevent her from banishing the god entity. However, because of Philomela's friends, she is finally able to stand up against her grandmother and banished her from her coconsciousness with an ancient ruin that Chise and Alycone gave her in the College. She then finishes the spell and successfully banishes the entity by summoning the outer god Shub Niggurath, causing all the students who previously had their magic stolen at the college to recover.
Afterwards, she approached her deceased guardian, Alycone, who had turned into a bird then was reduced to dust. Philomela feeling immense despair of losing the last family member that truly care her. She then approached her near dying grandmother on Lucy’s behalf on why she had the Websters killed since Lucy deserves to learn the truth she has been searching for ever since it happened. Her vile grandmother refused to tell Philomela why she ordered the werewolves in slaughtering the Webster, stating that fewer people know, the better, before being decapitated by a werewolf cub she kidnapped. The cub then snatched the Testament of Carnamagos and made a run for it. Ruth attempt to pursue the cub, but the female werewolf put him to the ground in protecting her child then chase after him. The students eventually fell uncoconscious, leaving Elias and Ruth take them back to their home where Silver Lady took care of them.
External Links[]
- Philomela Sargant on the Pure Good Wiki
- Philomela Sargant on the Villains Wiki
- Philomela Sargant on the Ancient Magus' Bride Wiki
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