Phoenix Squadron, also known as the Phoenix rebel cell, was a group of rebels who fought against the reign of the Galactic Empire. They were led by Commander Jun Sato and were part of a larger movement organized by Senator Bail Organa and former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. They operated in a fleet consisting of a squadron of A-Wing Starfighters, several Alderaan Cruisers, Taylander Shuttles and a Pelta-class Frigate, the Phoenix Home, before its destruction by Darth Vader. Later, was reinforced by 3 Hammerhead Corvettes and an Imperial Light Carrier. They also managed to acquire a couple Y-Wing Starfighters but they got orders to deliver them to General Dodonna.
- Jun Sato
- Rebel Crewman
- Rebel Pilots:
- Hera Syndulla
- Phoenix Leader
- Phoenix One
- Phoenix Two (Vader's attack)
- Phoenix Two (Concord Dawn)
- Phoenix Two (female)
- Phoenix Two (Atollon)
- Phoenix Three
- Phoenix Four
- Dicer
- Wedge Antilles
- Derek Klivian
- Ghost Crew
- Kanan Jarrus
- Sabine Wren
- Ezra Bridger
- Garazeb Orrelios
- Alderaan Cruisers
- Liberator
- Pelta-class Frigate
- Phoenix Home
- Taylander Shuttle
- A-Wing Starfighters
- B-Wing Starfighter
- Y-Wing Starfighters
- Hammerhead Corvettes
- Imperial Light Carrier
- Phoenix Home