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Pigeon Pete is one of the secondary protagonists of the 2024 animated series Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

He is voiced by Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who also played Fishlegs Ingerman in How to Train your Dragon, Fogell in Superbad, King Gristle Jr. in Trolls and Alvin in ParaNorman.




Pigeon Pete, once an ordinary bird, underwent a remarkable transformation after exposure to a combination of Michelangelo's blood and a mysterious chemical. He mutated into a humanoid form, retaining his bird-like characteristics, such as flying capabilities, pigeon noises, and instinctual behaviors like grooming and foraging. After being struck by an electric net, Pete's vocal abilities evolved, allowing him to speak perfectly, albeit still squatting and pooping like a pigeon, showcasing his unique blend of traits. Despite his unorthodox appearance and behaviors, Pete proved to be exceptionally intelligent and resourceful. He demonstrated a talent for reading, having perused a newspaper before it was repurposed as bathroom material, and used this skill to uncover a sinister plot by East River Three villains to steal a valuable pearl from the museum. With his quick wit and sharp eyes, Pete deciphered the news article, showcasing his analytical mind. As a trusted ally to the TMNT, Pete brings his distinct perspective, intelligence, and loyalty to the team, all while maintaining his endearing pigeon quirks.


Pigeon Pete was originally an ordinary pigeon at the zoo before Michelangelo and Rod came at the latter's request to be a mutant. After extracting blood, Michelangelo chose not to inject Rod with it, which result in a struggle, leading to the vial of mutant blood falling into a hazardous disposal bin, where it combined with an unknown chemical before Pete got in and came in contact with it, effectively mutating as a result. Pete formed a close friendship with Mikey and Rod, helping them fight Mechazoid 03.

Pete, Mikey and Rod managed to reach Bishop Robotics, where they confronted the creator of the Mechazoids, Josefina Bishop. When the Mechazoid army rebelled against Bishop, Pete arrived at the moment to launch the bomb that disabled the Mechazoids, but was left with an electric shock, which struck the Turtles when they high five each other. With New York City saved again, Pete gained popularity as a hero and starts a friendship with Leatherhead.

During the flood, Splinter sends Leonardo and Pete out on a run. During which, Pete doesn't obey most of Leo's commands before spotting Mustang Sally's movements through his thermal eyesight and goes topside. He flies all over the city during the evacuation while searching for the mutants, gaining the attention of the New York Police Department. They believe him to be a rogue mutant before Leo explains the situation, only to be dragged away by Pete, who ends up defecating all over Hauser, whose lifelong fear of pigeons, brands the former a fugitive monster. Following Sally to the pump station, Pete and Leo end up finding themselves targeted but Hauser and the EPF before the former managed to ensnare Pete with an electrified net, this helped Pete get the courage to speak to Leo before they use a regular pigeon to take the former's place in order to escape the pump station before it exploded, Pete revealing it was a diversion for the East River Three to steal the pearl from the museum opposite the station.





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           TMNT-Logo-Original Heroes

Mirage Comics: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo) | Splinter | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms
Archie Comics: Golani
IDW Comics: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Jennika | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms | Angel | Alopex | Venus

1987 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Irma Langenstein | Casey Jones | Fugitoid | Buffy Shellhammer | Mona Lisa | Lotus Blossom | Renet Tiley
2003 TV series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Hamato Yoshi | Utroms (Mortu) | Justice Force | Fugitoid | Leatherhead | Karai | Dr. Chaplin | Agent Bishop | Traximus | Zog | Miyamoto Usagi | Nanobots | Renet Tilley | Baxter Stockman & Hun (Alternate Future) | The Ancient One | Augie O'Neil | Tang Shen | The Ninja Tribunal | Cody Jones | Serling | Starlee Hambrath
2012 TV series: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai | Ice Cream Kitty | Dr. Cluckingsworth | Fugitoid | Kirby O'Neil | Bishop | Mutanimals | (Slash | Leatherhead | Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Pigeon Pete) | Mona Lisa | Sal Commander | Utroms | Metalhead | Shinigami | Miyamoto Usagi | Mondo Gecko | Muckman | Jack Kurtzman | Alopex | Renet Tilley | Zeno the Triceraton | Bebop | Rocksteady
Rise of the TMNT: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Todd Capybara | Frankenfoot | Piebald | Karai
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Leatherhead | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug | Pigeon Pete | Anamika Khatri | Harold | Lee the Eel | Mustang Sally

TMNT 1, 2, & 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo) | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Danny Pennington | Keno | Jordan Perry | Mitsu | Max Winters
TMNT (2007 film): Leonardo | Ralphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones | Karai
TMNT (2010 films): Leonardo | Splinter | Raphael | Michelangelo | Donatello | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie: Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Casey Jones
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Leonardo | Raphael | Donatello | Michelangelo | Splinter | April O'Neil | Bebop and Rocksteady | Leatherhead | Mondo Gecko | Wingnut | Ray Fillet | Scumbug
