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Hero Overview

Face it, this room will be our tomb; the mansion our gravestone; and our gravekeeper will be that cast-iron bitch Integra. And our epitaph? "Here lies the fearsome Wild Geese who kicked beaucoup Nazi ass for queen and crumpets." But they won't write any of that. Because of you it'll say: "Here lies those gutless pussies that died pissing themselves and screaming like schoolgirls. Man the fuck up, bitch! You'll die with honor even if I have to tie you to your damn post! You take the money because you like it, and you fight because you like it and now... you're going to die like a merc and like it!
~ Pip scolding a Wild Geese member for wanting to give up.
Hey, don't cry, Seras. You're a tough girl, ain't you? Now devour me. Devour me and let's get her, together, Seras.
~ Pip asks Seras to drink his blood as he dies.
You're such a fine girl. If I can die to protect her, that's okay with me.
~ Pip's dying thoughts about Seras.

Pip Bernadotte is one of the main characters in the Hellsing manga series and its OVA adaptation. He is the leader of the mercenary detachment called Wild Geese and allies with the Hellsing Organization. He has been a member of a family of Mercenaries for generations and has been hired by Hellsing to shore up security and staff vacuum left by Valentine brothers' assault on Hellsing HQ. Pip is also the love interest of Seras Victoria.

When the Millennium Organization attacks the Hellsing Manor, Pip is killed by Zorin Blitz while attempting to save Seras. Following this, Seras drinks all his blood, absorbing his soul, turning him into her familiar. This allows Pip to aid Seras in battle to defeat the members of the Millennium. 30 years later, he is still active as "Seras' shadow", helping to guard the Hellsing Manor.

He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime and by Yuri Lowenthal in the English version. As a child, he is voiced by Hiromi Igarashi in Japanese and by Karen Strassman in the English version of the anime.


Pip is an average-heighted man with carrot-colored hair and freckles. Perhaps his most notable features are his eye patch and long braid. He usually wears a cowboy-style hat with the left side flap folded up; it has what appears to be an emblem of a Griffin on the front. Pip is also a compulsive smoker, and is shown with a cigarette in his mouth more often than not.



Pip Bernadotte is a Frenchman and is of Swedish ancestry. His family has had at least one member serving in the Wild Geese for six generations. His father was a mercenary who was killed in combat while gathering money for Pip's delivery. As result, Pip was raised by his grandfather, who was also a mercenary. Pip (along with the rest of the Wild Geese) primarily uses an AK-74 assault rifle as well as a Colt Single Action Army Revolver. Although having no supernatural powers, he does have experience from warfare and skills with firearms and military tactics.


Pip is hired by Walter C. Dornez to replace all the Hellsing staffs killed by the the Valentine Brother's invasion of Hellsing Manor. Walter's mistress, Integra, was initially reserved about hiring mercenaries whose sole motivations are for more monies, but Walter assures Integra that Wild Geese are professionals known for their loyalty to their benefactors.

On his first debriefing, he openly insults Seras Victoria over the absurdity of vampires but is quickly put in his place by Seras' 'aggressive reasoning', involving nearly breaking his neck by flicking him only with her forefinger. Pip and the other members of the Wild Geese, now believing Seras' and Integra's claims about vampires, proceed to train at the shooting range outside Hellsing Manor with Seras - training that ended with Seras blundered into shooting targets both friends and foes alike. Pip was quick to tease Seras for her stupidity, raising her irritation further with his obscene cadence and making her bursting into Walter's office complaining sexual harassment.

Soon after Pip is deployed to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil along with Seras and Alucard to find the whereabouts of Millennium. Alucard and Seras are later attacked by BOPE units of the Brazilian military police after being declared in public as international terrorists, a ruse perpetrated by Brazilian officials in exchange for immortality promised by Millennium. Pip stealthily kills the Brazilian officials in charge of the BOPE unit while Alucard massacres it's members. Later after Seras' and Alucard's victory over Tubalcain Alhambra, the Millennium member in charge, Pip hi-jacks a helicopter and brings it to Seras and Alucard as a way to escape. Pip is later seen with Alucad and Seras at the conference which members of Iscariot, Hellsing, Millennium and The Convention of Twelve attended.

Pip is later seen throughout the attack on Hellsing Mansion during Millennium's invasion of London (Operation Seelöwe 2). Zorin Blitz, a Millennium First Lieutenant, attacked Hellsing Manor with roughly 1/3 of the Letztes Bataillon, though the attack was initially a disaster. Seras Victoria was easily able to shoot down Zorin's zeppelin with the Harkonnen II's AA cannons, forcing the surviving members to carry on on foot. Despite this, the survivors, behind halved in number and having lost all their heavy equipment, continued to attack, only to fall into a minefield set up by Pip.

Seras and Pip

Pip and Seras kiss.

Ultimately, the Millennium forces were able to bypass the mine field with the help of one of Zorin's illusions and breached Hellsing Manor. Zorin joined her battalion of troops in the destruction of the Wild Geese; killing all those in her way with her painful illusions and massive scythe. Eventually she encountered Seras and although Zorin was easily able to kill her she instead left her alive after scraping her eyes on her scythe, slicing off her left arm, and paralyzing her with a blow to the spine. Pip, already severely injured, tried to save Seras, but was instead brutally killed by Zorin, being impaled by the entire blade of her scythe.

Just before he dies from his sustained injuries, he finally kisses Seras for the first time, after she had rejected him several times earlier, and tells her to drink his blood and become stronger. Seras drinks his blood after he dies, and gains his memories and experiences. Seras also becomes a true vampire at this point (since she had previously refused to drink blood, barring drops given by Integra Hellsing) and begins for the first time to show abilities similar to Alucard's. Seras then healed herself (save for her left arm, which now spews shadow matter) and effortlessly destroyed the remaining members of Zorin's Battalion, before defeating Zorin.

Sera's familiar

Pip as Seras' familiar.

Because Seras had drank Pip's blood, his soul now lives on through her. He makes his first reappearance in Volume 9, giving Seras tactical advice during her battle with The Captain at the Deus Ex Machina's storage room; Seras is horrified at all the pilfered treasure, which provoked Pip to condemn the SS for thinking they were elite warriors, when they were nothing but pathetic thieves and losers. At the end of the battle, he manifests out Seras' body and stabs the werewolf's chest with a tooth that has a silver filing, killing the Captain.

30 years later after the confrontation against the Millennium Organization, The Iscariots talk about the seemingly poor security system of the Hellsing Manor while walking inside the mansion. However, when the leader Makube strikes a wall, the shadow covering the whole hall is revealed and Pip's voice is heard. The Iscariot recognizes Pip, calling him Seras Victoria's shadow, revealing that the shadow (Pip) had covered the entire mansion to detect threats, thus they conclude it'd be wiser to rebuild their forces over the next few centuries so they can properly challenge such a powerful force.


If that girl is a vampire, I'm the Frankenstein's Monster.
~ Pip upon meeting Seras for the first time.
Standard small arms aren't meant to hit targets 500m away! Anyone who could is a god damn monster!
~ Pip mocking Seras when she makes the Wild Geese train with targets 500 away.
Seras: Satisfied?
Pip: Take a close look, retard. You killed all the hostages.
~ Pip to Seras after her absurd aim destroyed not only all the targets but also the hostages during their training.
What was that? Some kind of evil love beam?
~ Pip after seeing Alucard using his power of hypnosis.
Piccadilly Circus, Soho, and Covent Garden have turned to ashes. Our London is now... the synonymous with Hell. I couldn't stand London. I thought it was a stuffy old city. I didn't think it was the city for me at all. Even so, when we would go out and party at this cabaret on weekends, the beers was cold and tasty, and the bartender was this idiot who liked the most ridiculous dirty jokes. The hookers in the whorehouses were money-grubbers, and they were a lot who were hard on the eyes. But you know, they were all nice to us, and they all had this pitiful look in their eyes. The lady at this restaurant on Versailles Road would always serve me fish and chips, without me even ordering it. She said it was because I was foreigner, and that it was the local delicacy, time and time again. I told her it was too greasy, and I couldn't eat it, but I didn't want to offend, so I gagged it down each time, hard though it was. I couldn't stand London. But still, those people... The bartender, the hookers and the old lady had nothing to do with this conflict. They had nothing to do with this war, or Nazis, or vampires. That Major guy, and Section XIII, and the Last Battalion, and those of us in Hellsing were none of their concern. But now, they are dead bodies eating dead bodies. That's something I just can't accept! Seras, let's avenge them. Let 'em have it. Let those guys have it.
~ Pip to Seras about London's destruction.
Seras, my mignonette... Don't get yourself killed. Come back alive.
~ Pip to Seras just before she leaves to kill the vampires who invaded the Hellsing Manor.
If we let that girl die, we'll disgrace our manhood. It will land us in Hell, get me? (...) Well, I hate to say this, but I need your lives. This will be the place where you lose your lives. Consider your posts to be your graves.
~ Pip to the Wild Geese about protecting Seras at any cost.
You're all ungrateful sons, who became merchants of war for the fun and for the pocket change, aren't you? Now then, let's go and die like mangy dogs. Let's die while yelling "Fuck, Fuck!" as we take gut shots. As we writhe in agony.
~ Pip to the Wild Geese.
She's coming. I'm sure she is coming. That's the kind of girl she is.
~ Pip about Seras returning to help the Wild Geese while they are being attacked by Zorin Blitz and her vampire troops.
She's here, as promised. Our girl is really here, to single-handedly kill all the monsters. Ah, damn it. She is truly is an amazing girl. Damn it... I really should have kissed her when I had the chance.
~ Pip when Seras finally arrives to save the Wild Geese.
You came charging in to save me... and now I have to save you...
~ A dying Pip to Seras.
Hahaha! I finally managed to catch you off guard! Hehehe! I finally stole a kiss from you!
~ A dying Pip after kissing Seras.
I told you, don't waste your tears on a mercenary. You lost those pretty blue eyes of yours trying to save me... You lost your arm too. What a waste. Foolish Mon Cher... Another time maybe, another place. You're a rare woman Seras. I die so she can live? All right.
~ Pip's thoughts about Seras before dying.
Hey, now, are you serious? This ain't like you. Get up. The woman I know didn't know when to quit.
~ Pip when Seras is about to give up on her fight against The Captain.
Disgusting, no? It's plunder from when they ransacked Europe half a century ago. These bastards shook out whole countries like piggy-banks, taking everything of value. No matter how small. Everything from gold ingots and wads of cash down to pocket watches and gold teeth. The fearsome Schutzstaffel. They think they're Nietzsche's wet dream, but they're just vultures picking at the dead. They're a bunch of misfits who think war is some kind of costume ball. The invincible army? The knights of steel? What a pack of losers.
~ Pip to Seras about Nazis.
Don't get fancy. Lay into him. Make it hurt.
~ Pip giving Seras advice in how to deal with The Captain.
That's what you get for messing with another's man woman.
~ Pip while killing The Captain.
Now you see what happens when you mess with mon cher: she takes your heart.
~ Pip when shoving the silver teeth in the Captain's heart.
Ouch! Damn it! That hurts! What the hell was that for!?
~ Pip revealing himself as a shadow covering an entire hall in the Hellsing Manor after being pinched.


  • Pip is the only known character that became a familiar and was able to fully maintain his awareness and personality, because he willing offered all his blood for Seras to drink. Because of this, he is also able to contact her even without being summoned, showing that he is conscious the entire time that he is within her. Meanwhile, most of the other characters who were seen as Alucard's familiars were sucked dry by him against their will, turning them into a sort of mindless zombie-like creatures.
  • In the credits, it revealed that Pip enjoyed running military training drills singing the chants of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.
  • Although it is never exclusively disclosed, Hirano confirms Pip to be French in the back of volume 6's tankoubon, where it is stated that he is "French and loves boobs". Hirano also mentioned in a filler-chapter that Pip is of Swedish ancestry.
    • Regarding Pip's Swedish ancestry, the Royal House of Bernadotte is the current royal house of Sweden, founded by one of Napoleon's marshals: Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte. The current Crown Princess of Sweden is named Victoria of Bernadotte, this is a very interesting fact considering Pip and Seras's romantic relationship in the series and them uniting when he becomes her familiar.
    • His French status is clear in the English dub as he speaks with a French accent

External Links[]



Hellsing Organization
Integra Hellsing | Alucard | Walter C. Dornez | Seras Victoria | Pip Bernadotte

Iscariot Organization
Alexander Anderson | Heinkel Wolfe | Yumie Takagi

Abraham Van Hellsing | Shelby M. Penwood | Hugh Irons | Rob Walsh
