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Hero Overview

Well, I've certainly learned a lot. That being a gentleman doesn't mean learning to dance, or proper table manners. It means being a gentle man. Gentle to everyone.
~ Pip speaking in the South Park episode "Pip" (or "Great Expectations")

Phillip Pirrip, better known as Pip was a recurring protagonist in South Park. He was a British orphaned exchange student boy who was one of the boys' classmates at South Park Elementary. He was also a good friend of Butters until his death when he got crushed by Mecha-Streisand's foot in the controversial episode "201", which aired in 2010. He often appeared in the background in older South Park episodes.

He originally came from the small fictional town of Drop-A-Chair-Upon-Top-Snot in England.

He was voiced by the series' co-creator Matt Stone who also voices other characters in the series, including Kyle Broflovski and Jesus Christ.


Pip wears an old-fashioned, brown gatsby cap (nowadays known as a 'newsboy' cap), a brown bow-tie, an old-fashioned red smoking jacket, a white shirt, and blue and violet trousers. He has short light blond hair.

In earlier episodes his head is shaped subtly differently from the other children in that his jaw section is more angular than the other children's, and his body is slightly smaller. However, he is occasionally seen with a more "normal" appearance. After his titular episode, Pip was cleaned up slightly, with a fringe of hair sticking out under his cap on the top left.


Pip was born in a small town of England, into a family. His parents died, making him have to get adopted by their sister and brother-in-law. He met a convict, who he assisted to get chains off him and give food. Pip was soon to get a job at 8, and met a girl of his dreams; Estella Havisham, who was beautiful yet nasty. He was determined to get the love of this girl, as suggested by Mrs. Havisham, their boss. Pip was invited to London, to learn how to be a gentleman, and presumed Mrs. Havisham was the one to do this.

Pip meets Herbert Pocket, who teaches them mannerisms and such, but reminds Pip that Mrs. Havisham isin’t who he thought she was. Pip didn’t take too much belief in it, and goes to learn all the fancies of being a gentleman. He returns to his little town with glee and hope, only to find out Estella had a boyfriend already. He was betrayed by Mrs. Havisham, and was soon attacked by Robot Monkeys that she owned. He woke up in his home; with Pocket, Mr. Joe Gargary(Pip’s brother-in-law), and surprisingly, the convict.

Pip was surprised to find out that the Convict was the one who sent Pip to be a gentleman as a thank you, and Pip was shocked. He is soon to find out that being a gentleman isn’t about table manners and looking fancy; It’s about being a gentle man. Pip soon goes to confront Mrs. Havisham, with all the fellow men along his side. Mrs. Havisham wanted to fuse her soul with Estella’s, so that she may go in with breaking men’s hearts for another generation. Pocket goes to stop the men whose tears will power the genesis device, Mr. Joe fights off the Robot Monkeys, and Pip makes an attempt to stop Estella in person.

He succeeds, and Mrs. Havisham bursts into flames and passes on. He and Estella live happily ever after, but Pocket dies of Hepatitis B.


Pip is kind, and a doormat for others to use. Shown a lot in various episodes, he is constantly being bullied by the other students due to their positive personality. However, if required, they can get aggressive. In Season 2, episode 18, Pip aggressively throws a ball at Kyle when called “French”. Of course, he feels awful afterwards.

Other Memorable Quotes[]

  • "Oh, good day Damien. My name is Phillip, but everyone calls me Pip, because they hate me".
  • "Cheerio".
  • "Ello".
  • "Lunchie munchies?! Hmm?"
  • "Righto".
  • "Not so fast, you ugly ancient b***h".
  • "Oh dear".
  • "God bless us, everyone".
  • "Nice try! A little higher and you've got it!"
  • "Lets hear it for Cartman's fat ass!"
  • "Then you all fall down laughing, and I join you, as I find it funny too".


  • Pip was based on the hero of Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations.
  • It's unknown if Pip went to Purgatory, Hell or Heaven after his death.
  • Pip is included in the Hall of Honor at South Park Elementary.
  • Pip is one of the most popular characters in South Park among the viewers, despite having less appearances than the main characters.
  • Like Butters, Pip is most commonly depicted of having bright blue eyes in fan art, while other fans sometimes draw him with brown eyes. His true eye color has not yet been confirmed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
  • He often appears with Damien Thorn in fan works.
  • He is hated by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

External Link[]


           South Park sign Heroes

The Main Boys
Stan Marsh | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick

Kids of South Park
Butters Stotch | The New Kid | Wendy Testaburger | Jimmy Valmer | Craig Tucker | Tweek Tweak | Pip Pirrip | Clyde Donovan | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Bebe Stevens | Heidi Turner | Red McArthur | Lola | Jenny Simons | Shelly Marsh | Kevin McCormick | Ike Broflovski | The Goth Kids | Scott Malkinson | Annie Knitts | Bradley Biggle | Nichole Daniels | Kelly | Karen McCormick

Adults of South Park
Randy Marsh | Sharon Marsh | Jerome "Chef" McElroy | Herbert "Janet" Garrison | Gerald Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Liane Cartman | Stuart McCormick | Carol McCormick | Steve Black | Mr. Mackey | Sergeant Harrison Yates | Mayor McDaniels | Tuong Lu Kim | Jimbo Kern | Ned Gerblansky | Mr. Slave | Big Gay Al | PC Principal | Strong Woman | Father Maxi | Officer Barbrady | Dr. Mephesto

Other Characters
Terrance and Phillip | Satan | Jesus Christ | Santa Claus | Super Best Friends | Mr. Hankey | Toolshed | Human Kite | Super Craig | God | Doctor Timothy | Freddy Krueger | Ugly Bob | Brian Boitano | Gene Hackman | Cesar Millan | Marvin Marsh | Robert Smith
