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Pippi Longstocking is the titular protagonist of a book series by the Swedish author, Astrid Lindgren and all of its TV and film adaptions. She was portrayed by Tami Erin in the American-made film adaption, The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking, and voiced by Melissa Altro in the animated musical adaption and its spin-off TV series who was well-known for voicing Muffy Crosswire in Arthur.


She is a freckle-faced, red-headed girl with pigtails and, of course, long stockings (that are odd-colored, of course).


She is "the strongest girl in the world," (due to her superhuman strength). She has never had an education at school (she only went once to see what it was like there and to get Christmas holidays; however, after her first day, she decided not to attend school, with or without those holidays). She owns a monkey named Mr. Nilsson and a horse who doesn't have an official name (being given different names throughout various adaptations). She spent most of her life at sea. She is, as her real name reveals, the daughter of Captain Efraim Longstocking and a deceased mother who is in heaven (but she doesn't believe she is dead).

Powers and abilities[]

  • Superhuman strength: She is so strong that she can load a horse, an entire chest, weights, break thick ice from a frozen sea, and stop a car in one touch without effort. Her strength extends to her lungs since with one breath she can raise the sails of a ship, create a tornado in a closed space and up to inflate a giant balloon.
  • Agility: She has surprising agility as if she were an Olympic gymnast, spinning, jumping, standing on her head, climbing, turning and dodging.
  • Navigator expert: Having spent much of her life at sea because of her father, she has proven herself well as part of his crew.
  • Expert cook: Despite her young age, she can cook crepes by the load.



  • Princess Daisy has some similarities to Pippi Longstocking.
    • They're both obviously Tomboys.
    • They're both extremely strong.
    • They're both very energetic.
  • Pippi shares quite a few similarities with Obelix from Asterix the Gaul; they are both inhumanly strong (though we get no reason why Pippi is so strong), they have red hair in braids (some designs of Pippi), have animal companions that join them on adventures and are very friendly.