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Planet Express, Inc. is an intergalactic delivery company owned by Professor Farnsworth to fund his research and its the overall main protagonistic faction of the Futurama franchise.

Founded in 2961, its headquarters is located in New New York, and its crew includes many important characters of the series. The current crew reached their 100th delivery in September 3010, and to celebrate, Bender threw a 100th-delivery party. The inaugural delivery crew, which disappeared on its first interplanetary mission, was found alive in August 3011.

The company scrapes by, in spite of fierce competition from the leader in package delivery, Mom's Friendly Delivery Company. They stay in business thanks to their complete disregard for safety and minimum wage laws, and the Professor's unscrupulous acceptance of the occasional bribe.




          FuturamaTitle Heroes

Main Heroes
Philip J. Fry | Turanga Leela | Bender Bending Rodríguez | Nibbler | Professor Farnsworth | Amy Wong | Hermes Conrad | Dr. Zoidberg | Scruffy Scruffington | Planet Express

Supporting Heroes
Kif Kroker | Calculon | Candy | Cubert J. Farnsworth | Dr. Cahill | Dwight Conrad | Elzar | Encyclopod | Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate | George Takei's head | Jrrr | LaBarbara Conrad | Leelu | Linda van Schoonhoven | Mrs. Fry | Nichelle Nichols' head | Number 9 man (Futurama) | Randy Munchnik | Smitty | URL | Yancy Fry Sr. | Yivo
