“ | Ready... Set... PLANT! | „ |
~ The game before it starts. |
Plants are the titular deuteragonists of PopCap Games' Plants vs. Zombies franchise. They are led by the Player and Crazy Dave on their mission to defeat the zombies.
The purpose of the plants is when collected enough sun, they can be planted to support the players to defend their homes from the brain-eating zombies. They are mutants monstrous that can damage them, simply sit back and act as a support, or can only used once. Players must strategize with them to build a perfect defence to protect themselves from the zombie horde.
Plants vs. Zombies[]
- Peashooter - A basic attacker who shoots peas that deal moderate damage.
- Sunflower - A primary sun producer. She gives you additional sun for planting more plants.
- Cherry Bomb - An instant-use pair of cherries that explode, taking out zombies in a 3x3 radius.
- Wall-Nut - A defensive plant blocks off zombies with his hard shell and protects your other plants.
- Potato Mine - A mine that explodes when a zombie comes into contact with him, but is delayed arming himself.
- Snow Pea - Similar to peashooter, but he shoots frozen peas that damage and slow the enemy.
- Chomper - Eats the first zombie that comes into contact with him, but vulnerable while chewing.
- Repeater - A Peashooter that shoots two peas at the enemy instead of one.
- Puff-Shroom - A mushroom that fires spores at zombies from a short distance. Sleeps during the day.
- Sun-Shroom - A cheap sun producer that gives small sun at first and later normal sun. Sleeps during the day.
- Fume-Shroom - Fires fumes that pierces through screen doors. Sleeps during the day.
- Grave Buster - An instant-use plant which removes graves. Can only be planted on graves.
- Hypno-Shroom - A mushroom that hypnotizes a zombie when eaten. The hypnotized zombie will fight for turn around and fight fellow zombies. Sleeps during the day.
- Scaredy-Shroom - Basically a Puff-Shroom but fires spores from longer distance. Hides when enemies are near him. Sleeps during the day.
- Ice-Shroom - Freezes all zombies when placed and chills them after. Sleeps during the day.
- Doom-Shroom - An explosive mushroom that deals massive damage to nearby zombies, but has a larger radius and leaves behind an unplantable crater. Sleeps during the day.
- Lily Pad - Used to add a non-aquatic plant in the pool.
- Squash - Used to squash the first zombie that comes near him.
- Threepeater - Shoots three peas in three adjacent lanes.
- Tangle Kelp - An aquatic plant that can pull zombies underwater.
- Jalapeno - Burns all zombies in a chosen lane when placed.
- Spikeweed - Used to damage zombies that step on it and pop zombie vehicle wheels.
- Torchwood - Any pea projectile that passes his flame will be boosted into fire peas.
- Tall-Nut - A tougher Wall-Nut and additionally blocks airborne zombies.
- Sea-Shroom - A Puff Shroom but can be in the water with a slower recharge. Sleeps during the day.
- Plantern - Used to help see through fog. Sleeps during the day.
- Cactus - Fires spikes that pop balloons off balloons and vehicle tires.
- Blover - A flower plant used to blow away all fog and balloon zombies in its path.
- Split Pea - Functions like a regular Peashooter forward and but shoots two peas backwards, similar to a Repeater.
- Starfruit - Fires stars in five star-shaped directions.
- Pumpkin - Can be planted on another plant and acts like a durable shield. Plants can also be planted on him for the protection.
- Magnet-Shroom - A magnet used to remove metal objects off zombies. He goes on a short cooldown before removing the next object. Sleeps during the day.
- Cabbage-Pult - A lobbing plant that hurls cabbages at the enemy, dealing basic damage.
- Flower Pot - Used to have plants be planted on roof levels.
- Kernel-Pult - A lobbing plant that hurls light-damaging kernels and sometimes butter, which immobilizes the enemy.
- Coffee Bean - An instant-use plant that wakes up sleeping plants so they can use their abilities.
- Garlic - A defensive plant that diverts most the zombies to other two lanes when bitten.
- Umbrella Leaf - Protects nearby plants from Bungees and Catapults.
- Marigold - Functions like a Sunflower but drops coins instead of sun.
- Melon-Pult - A lobbing plant that hurls melons that deal splash damage.
- Gatling Pea - Must be placed on Repeater. Rapidly fires 4 peas at a time.
- Twin Sunflower - Must be placed on Sunflower. Drops two suns overtime.
- Gloom-Shroom - Must be placed on Fume-Shroom. Will burst out bubbles in 3x3 area and sleeps during the day.
- Cattail - Must be placed on Lily Pad. Rapidly fires homing spikes at the zombie nearest to the house.
- Winter Melon - Must be placed on Melon-Pult. Hurls ice melons that will deal splash and chilling damage.
- Gold Magnet - Must be placed on Magnet-Shroom. Automatically collects coins and diamonds instead of metal.
- Spikerock - Must be placed on Spikeweed. Deals twice as damage and takes multiple hits.
- Cob Cannon - Must be placed on two horizontal Kernel-Pults. Launches explosive corn cobs in a selected area, but slowly recharges after use.
- Imitator - Copies the seed packet of the latest plant selected.
- Explode-o-nut - Explodes on contact with zombies. Only found in Wall-Nut bowling.
- Giant Wall-nut - Crushes over any zombie in its path. Only found in Wall-Nut bowling 2.
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures[]
- Aspearagus
- Sweet Pea
- Beeshooter
- Hard-nut
- Acespearagus
- Power Flower
- Popcorn
- Beet
- Beetboxer
- Ice Queen Pea
- Flaming Pea
- Shamrock
- Shamrockstar
- Bamboo Shoot
- Bamboom
Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time[]
- Bloomerang
- Iceberg lettuce
- Bonkchoy
- Snapdragon
- Springbean
- Coconut Canon
- Chili bean
- Pea Pod
- Lightning Reed
- Hot Potato
- Pepper-Pult
- Chard Guard
- Stunion
- Rotobaga
- Red Stinger
- A.K.E.E.
- Endurian
- Stallia
- Gold Leaf
- Laser Bean
- Citron
- E.M. Peach
- Infi-nut
- Magnifying Grass
- Tile Turnip
- Sun Bean
- Phat Beet
- Celery Stalker
- Thyme Warp
- Spore-shroom
- Primal Peashooter
- Primal Wall-nut
- Perfume-shroom
- Primal Sunflower
- Primal Potato Mine
- Bowling Bulb
- Guacodile
- Banana Launcher
- Moonflower
- Nightshade
- Shadow-Shroom
- Dusk Lobber
- Grimrose
- Electric Blueberry
- Jack O' Lantern
- Grapeshot
- Cold Snapdragon
- Escape Root
- Gold Bloom
- Wasabi Whip
- Apple Mortar
- Witch Hazel
- Parsnip
- Missile Toe
- Caulipower
- Electric Peashooter
- Holly barrier
Power Mints=
- Fila-mint
- Reinforce-mint
- Contain-mint
- Pepper-mint
- Enchant-mint
- Ail-mint
- Enforce-mint
- Appease-mint
- Arma-mint
- Bombard-mint
- Enlighten-mint
- Conceal-mint
- Spear-mint
- Winter-mint
Plant vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare series[]
Ability Plants[]
- Chili Bean Bomb
- Sombrero Bean Bomb
- Heal Flower
- Dark Flower
- Spiky Spikeweed
- Garlic Drone
- Potato Nugget Mine
- Artichoke Drone
- Iron Maiden
- Chesterweed
- Goop-shroom
- Bamboo Shoot
- Toxic Gloom-shroom
- Weed
- Pumpkin Weed
- Terracotta Weed
- Dandelion Weed
- Leaf Shield Weed
- Wood Shield Weed
- Vase Weed
- Porcelain Vase Weed
- Heal Weed
- Flag Weed
- Royal Hypno-Flower
- Giga Torchwood
- Super Bean
- Sunflower Queen
- Big Stump
- Marigold
- Squash
- Spooky Squash
- Twin Heal Flower
- Cherry Strike
- Coconut Spotting Station
- Revive Rainbow
- Tallnut Cannon
- Corn Mortar
- Tactical Cuke
- Flax Cannon
- Mega Flower
- Butterhawk
Plant vs. Zombies Comics[]
- Boom Boom Mushroom
- Kelptomaniac
- Security Gourds
- Toss Moss
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes[]
Plant Heroes[]
- Green Shadow - A Peashooter heroine who devastates enemies with her Precesion Blast. Leads the Mega Grow and Smarty classes.
- Solar Flare - A Sunflower heroine who scorches zombies and gains sun with Sunburn. Leads the Solar and Kabloom classes.
- Wall-Knight - A Wall-Nut hero who wears his Uncrackable shield. Leads the Guardian and Solar classes.
- Chompzilla - A kaiju-like Chomper who feasts on zombies with Devour. Leads the Mega Grow and Solar classes.
- Spudow - A Potato Mine hero who demolishes zombies with Tator Toss. Leads the Guardian and Kabloom classes.
- Citron - An orange bounty hunter from the future who protects his allies with his Peel Shield. Leads the Smarty and Guardian classes.
- Grass Knuckles - A Bonk Choy hero who defeats zombies with Power Pummel. Leads the Mega Grow and Guardian classes.
- Nightcap - A mushroom hero who clears lanes and strikes the zombie hero with Mush-Boom. Leads the kabloom and Smarty classes.
- Rose - A flower sorcerer who weakens zombies with Goatify. Leads the Solar and Smarty classes.
- Captain Combustible - A Torchwood hero who boosts allies with his Blazing Bark. Leads the Mega Grow and Kabloom classes.
- Beta-Carrotina - A carrot heroine who creates powered plants with Genetic Amplification. Leads the Guardian and Smarty classes.
- Small-Nut
- Sting Bean
- Pismashio
- Spineapple
- Water Chestnut
- Steel Magnolia
- Grizzly Pear
- Hibernating Beary
- Prickly Pear
- Smackadamia
- Tough Beets
- Cosmic Nut
- Starch-Lord
- Blockbuster
- Jugger-Nut
- Mirror-Nut
- Galacta-Cactus
- Gravitree
- Three-Nut
- Marine Bean
- Poppin' Poppies
- Soul Patch
- Body-Gourd
- Pecanolith
- Tricarrotops
- Loco Coco
- Forget-Me-Nuts
- Corn Dog
- Health-Nut
- Pear Cub
- Hothead
- Ensign Uproot
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville[]
- Night Cap
- Acorn and Oak
- Dandelion Weed
- Wildflower
- Terracotta Wildflower
- Pumpkin Wildflower
- Bitter Dill
- Dreadroot
- Dreadwood
- Blight Cap
Battle Leaders[]
- Bam-Bam-Boo
- Bluehorn Corn
- Flotsamuel
- Lucy
- No-Neck Raffi
- Pinky Rain
- Pollen Kate
- Pound Cake
- Queen Capra
- Sherman
- Sproutrage
- Teddy
Bounty Hunt[]
- Queenigma
- Solar Sisters
- Wild Bunch
- Bitey Brothers
- Mirror-Shroom
- Tiger Klaus
Elusive Foes[]
- Sleepy
- Amber Gemma
- Pops Cyclops
- Big Hurtle
- Kitty Sparkles
- Mrs. Veilbiter
- Air Ron
- Best Fishing Friend™️
- Major Sweetie
- Brian
- Vivian
- Sergeant Peel
- Bingo-Bongo
- Tenderleaf
- Dandelion
- Exposition Al
- Gilly the Kid
- Corny Corn
- Mark
- Sir Crustworthy
- Sir Victor-Ian
- Land Phil
Plants vs. Zombies 3[]
- Buttercup
- Pushywillow
- Caramel Popcorn
- Shuffle Truffle
- Butternut Squash
- Ragweed
- Sawgrass
- Pine Needler
- Bamboo Shoots
- Aloe Vera
- Hydrangea
- Dogwood
- Flak Seed
- Lemon-Aid
- Fairy Ring Mushroom
- Kalestorm
Easter Eggs and Cameos[]
- The Plants and Zombies were mentioned in an episode of Supernatural.
- They were also mentioned in Diary of a Minecraft Zombie.
- The Plants were mentioned in DLC Quest.
- In the episode "One Coarse Meal" of Spongebob Squarepants, SpongeBob shoots peas like a Peashooter.
- In You're Skitting Me, one of the plants even spits a fireball to destroy one of the zombies, similar to Flaming Pea.
- In the level Ha'Kraj Plateau of Kingdom Rush, there are 5 hidden Ice-shrooms.
- In Cookie Run, the Zombie Cookie said that he's worried about encountering plants along the way, or that plants are bad.
- In Mass Effect: Andromeda, there is a plush toy of Peashooter in the Crew Quarters of the Tempest.
- The Sunflower appeared as a pet in World of Warcraft.
- The Snapdragon could be found on the dropper ride in ROBLOX Halloween event.
Cultural References[]
- Chomper is a reference to the Piranha Plant from Super Mario Bros. franchise, and Audrey II from Little Shop Of Horrors.
Winter Melon with Kyle Broflovski's hat
Winter Melon with Eric Cartman's hat
- One of EM Peach's costume is a reference to Mega Man from Mega Man franchise.
- One of Infi-nut's costume is familiar to the Ghostbusters's ghost trap.
- Magnet-shroom's costume is familiar to Magneto's cape from X-Men franchise.
- One of Primal Wall-nut's costume is similar to the Minions' outfit.
- Moonflower’s costume is familiar to Sailor Moon’s wand.
- Starch-Lord's name is a portmanteau of Star-Lord and Starch.
- Sportacus's name is a portmanteau of “Spartacus” and “spore”. Also, his name is the same as the LazyTown character with the same name.
- Primal Potato mine's PvzH description is a reference to the TV series The Land Before Time.
- Sonic Bloom's appearance is similar to Guile from Street Fighter, and his name is a reference to his signature ability Sonic Boom.
- Gravitree's description is a reference to Issac Newton's discovery of gravity.
- Power Flower's description, Kale University, is the reference to Yale University.
- Sun-shroom's custom Is most like Jason Voorhees/Zombie hockey mask.
- One of Split Pea's costumes is similar to the hats of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber.
- Mushrooms sleep in the day in the first game, but not in future games.
- Despite the name, the Plants Faction is made of 3 different taxonomic kingdoms. The other two kingdoms are Fungi (which contains all Mushrooms) and Protista (containing Tangle Kelp).
- Gold Magnet, Flower Pot and Coffee Bean are the only plants in the first game that did not recur in any other future games, although the Flower Pot made a cameo in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
- Twin Sunflower, Spikerock, and Winter Melon are the only upgrade plants from the first game that can be planted instantly in the second game.
- Some plants could fit into other families, but are in other families based on how they are played:
- Despite being fire plants, Wasabi Whip and Torchwood are not in Pepper-Mint Family.
- Despite all being electrical plants, Magnet-shroom, Laser Bean, and Infi-nut are not in the Fila-mint family.
- Despite both being explosive plants, Coconut Cannon and Dandelion are not in the Bombard-mint family.
- Despite all not being pea plants, Bowling Bulb, Red Stinger, Starfruit, Dandelion, Rotobaga, and Torchwood are in the Appease-mint family since they fire single target projectiles.
- Despite Hurrikale blows icy winds to slow down zombies, he is not in the Winter-mint Family.
- Ghost Pepper is from the Pepper-mint family, but is not a fire plant.
- Magnet-shroom and Grave Buster are from the Contain-mint family, but they don't really stall zombies.
- Despite not being an electric plant, Ultomato is in the Fila-mint family.
- Power Lily, Tile Turnip, Gold Bloom, Gold Leaf, Thyme Warp, Lily Pad, Imitater, and Perfume-shroom are the only plants to not be in their own plant families.
- Snapdragon, Cold Snapdragon, and Dark Matter Dragonfruit are the only plants that are dragons.
- Acorn, one of the Go-Nuts, and Tricorn are the only plants that are acorns.
- Sun-shroom, Sun Bean, and Sunnier-shroom are the only male sun-producing plants.
- Soul Patch has the highest health out of all plant cards.
- The Great Zucchini, Red Stinger (when ability activated) and Gravitree have the highest strength out of all plant cards.
- Hurrikale and Molekale are the only plants in the franchise that are kale.
- Thyme Warp and Party Thyme are the only plants that are thyme, which plays on the word time.
- Heartichoke and Dartichoke are the only plants based on the artichoke.
- Pea-nut and Three-nut are the only peanut plants.
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Plants |