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Pochacamac is an overarching protagonist of the Sonic the Comic comic book series. He is the leader of the Echidna Empire who fought against the Drakon invasion of Mobius 8000 years ago.


Sonic the Comic[]

8000 years ago, Pochacamac led the Echidna Empire in the war against the Drakon Empire, who stole the echidnas' emeralds to use them as containers for their Chaos Energy and conquer Mobius. One day, he encounter a visitor from the future, Sonic, brought into the past by Pochacamac's daughter Tikal. Sonic and Knuckles captured a Drakon Prosecutor and brought him to the chief for negotiations. His temple was attacked by the Drakons', however, and the attack resulted in the prosecutor coming in contact with Chaos Emeralds and becoming the creature known as Chaos. Sonic then disappeared back into the future.

Sonic the Comic Online[]

Chaos would eventually be defeated and imprisoned for eight millenia alongside Pochacamac's daughter Tikal. Later, the chief made a deal with the death god Vichama to let Knuckles live forever as the Floating Island's guardian. By creating the Guardian Emerald that would resurrect Knuckles every time he died, Vichama would be granted passage onto the mortal plane of reality, but once he achieved his goal, he began to slaughter the echidnas. Pochacamac eventually subdued the god and imprisoned him in an echidna corpse, building a temple dedicated to his daughter over it to keep Vichama locked up.


Eventually, all Echidnas except Knuckles went missing, leaving Pochacamac's fate unknown for now.


Pochacamac is greatly concerned with the safety of his tribe and Mobius in general. Though he is always ready to defend his home with a spear in hand, he isn't opposed to negotiations either.


  • Pochacamac is an adaptation of Pachacamac from Sonic the Hedgehog series. In stark contrast to his inspiration, Pochacamac isn't a warmonger or abusive to his daughter.


            Stc logo.webp Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Johnny Lightfoot | Kintobor Computer | Miles "Tails" Prower | Porker Lewis | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Sonic the Hedgehog | Tekno the Canary
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chamelion | Mighty the Armadillo | Omni-Viewer | Vector the Crocodile
Echidna Empire
Guardian Robots | Knuckles the Echidna | Pochacamac | Tikal
Blockhead Bill | Bravehog | Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Ebony | Hercules | Lieutenant Furor | Morain | Norris Wimple | Society Max | Tuftee the Squirrel

Household Keepers
Amy Rose | Commander Steele | Silver the Hedgehog
The Ultimax
Holly Thumpfoot | Miles "Tails" Prower | Theo
Bob the Plax | Niya the Gorilla | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Tekno the Canary
Blaze the Cat | Cedric the Elephant | Charles' Grandfather | Iggy the Mouse | Lumina Flowlight | Marine the Raccoon | Sally Acorn | Shadow II | St. George | Sticks the Badger | Tweet Titans

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
