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What are you waiting for? GO!

Ness: Everyone, hang in there! There has to be something...something we can do! There has to be some way left!
Pokey: Hah-hahahaha! Like hell there is, don't be ridiculous! Hmph! Now what? You're always trying to show off...always giving me such a hard time. You've really been getting in my way, Ness! But in the end, this is all your powers amount to? My, my, what a pity... Well then, for your own sake, should I make you all disappear? I'm getting pretty tired of looking at something so pathetic.
~ Pokey Minch confronting Ness R. and the other Chose Four

Pokey Minch is the main antagonist of the official Mother 2 Novelization of the video game of the same name by Saori Kumi.

Similarly to his original counterpart, he is the next-door neighbor of Ness R. and his former best friend/rival. Due to severe bullying from peers and abuse from his father, he became a spiteful delinquent. He ends up becoming the host of Giygas who causes him to develop inhuman changes and tries to get used to his new powers while Ness tries to stop him.


Pokey was born to Aloysius and Lardna Minch in Mountain Onett and later older brother of Picky and neighbor of Ness (who is two years younger than him) and his family. Him and Ness were close friends and viewed them as more of a family than his own. Since they were different ages, however, he would go to a separate school from Ness.

Due to his weight, Pokey grew up an outcast and got severely bullied in school (which led to his depression), at one point being called "Porky" due to his weight and being made fun of for not being able to do flip over a vault bar in elementary school. This moment would lead Ness to run away rather than help him would distance himself from Pokey due to his behavior and ignore him. This caused Pokey to hate his now former friend, though Ness secretly still cared for Pokey and took pity on him.

His bullying would continue but slowly stop however, as his father was a feared businessman and Pokey would later use this to his advantage. His relationship was not great with his father as he would only spoil him with gifts rather than show him any affection. His loneliness and anxiety would soon turn to seething hatred for everybody and he would become more violent and a bully, becoming the most despised kid on the block. While at first his piggish insults made him insecure, he became to pride himself in it. He constantly teased and tormented Eddy, who had asthma, Mike, who was very scrawny, Bill, who had a habit of stumbling over his words when he was in a hurry to speak, and so many others. Every now and then he'd be called in to the principal's office to be reprimanded, though to no affect.

At the age of 14, he stole his father's Ferrari and took it for a joyride with his brother Picky, then ditched it as soon as he spotted the police. He "encouraged" Ness to take the blame for him so he doesn't get in trouble. He would run into the meteor on Onett. When the ground shaked, he turned the car around to get away though knocked Picky out of the car while a large piece of the comet tore into the roof. As Ness found Picky alone, Picky told him he thinks something about his brother has been changing in some way for the worse. As Ness and Picky head home, the Starman Junior attacks the duo, disguised as Pokey. It is later revealed that Giygas had attached itself to Pokey for being nearby and will continue to grow inside his belly and take over him once evolving past his larval state. Because Pokey already had a destructive personality, he was easier to manipulate into a puppet as Giygas would eat through him in about half a year. Buzz Buzz now tasks Ness with defeating him. Ness is hesitant to take down Pokey due to their former friendship.

As Ness traverses and faces monsters, they refer too Pokey as Master Giygas, viewing him as their leader and attacking Ness to protect him. Throughout time, Pokey grows size continually at a rapid degree, which Aloysius compares to his wife during her pregnancy. Eventually, he begins to become inhumanly large and less recognizable and loses his humanity slowly as the Evil Mani Mani amplifies his most negative qualities. To satiate his hunger, he eats a live fish, then joyously thinks of murdering Ness.

Pokey makes his way to the town of Fourside alongside his father to assist in his business at Ness Burger while his burgers are selling well (which is secretly laced with fragments of the Evil Mani Mani Statue, that ends up driving people to suicide or making them more violent.) While in Fourside, his father becomes aware of his condition. Instead of helping Pokey, however, he is more interested in having him serve Giygas even at the cost of his own humanity.

Having crashed the helicopter in the Deep Darkness, him and his father leave the money behind and traverse the wasteland, which causes his father to go insane and count money. This causes Pokey to worry about his father and tells him to eat, but to no avail as his father starves himself to death. Pokey uses a bent piece of steel from the helicopter for his father's grave with the encryption "See you in hell you scrawny greedy bastard!."

Ness meets Pokey in his dream world and remembers when he ignored Pokey being bullied, finally confronting how he regrets that day. Pokey refuses to believe Ness has any good in him while Pokey has caused destruction that is described as:

The sun burst, the earth trembled, the sky shattered, and a shower of blood gushed from the group of older kids. Thick and eerie black clouds swirled into a vortex, and thunder rang out high and low through an atmosphere that boiled like a witch's cauldron. Violent lighting lashed like celestial whips against the old schoolhouse. Windowpanes smashed to pieces, classrooms crumbled in silence, and people fell to the ground one after another. Children throughout the playground were assailed by a whirlwind as sharp as knives. There was a child whose hands and feet were ripped off with overwhelming force, and then something like an explosion tore them to pieces. There were screams...cries...sobs... There was a girl reaching out and crying, “Someone, please help me!”...as half of her face had been brutally torn away. “It hurts, it hurts!” cried a young boy, his entrails hanging loose as he clutched his stomach and sobbed. A pale and motionless arm protruded from beneath the rubble. There was a child whose clothes had been torn to rags, walking unsteadily until suddenly they stopped, dropped to their knees, pitched forward and fell. As their face rebounded off the pavement, they became still.

During his confrontation with Ness and the other Chosen Four (or rather their robot bodies), he grows even bigger and tries to kill them. He ends up getting defeated. Being separated from Giygas, he has a happy ending as not only is he back to normal but he is also now skinnier, more fit and happier than he ever was, and resumes his friendship with Ness.


This is awful, this is terrible, this is serious! Open up, c'mon, open up, hey, Ness! Open the door quick, or I'll kill you!
~ Pokey knocking on Ness's door.
Pokey: Hey, hey now, are you alright, Ness? It kinda looks like you're trying to defy me. If you make me angry, it's all over for your family, you know. That whole house...it belongs to me.
Ness: What are you talking about?
Pokey: Like someone with a bad case of financial constipation, your stupid father hasn’t paid the interest on that loan this month. Since that house was put up as collateral, the ownership will be transferred to my father. But my dad has no need for a run-down old house like that, so he's going to give it to me. So in other words, believe it or not, I'm your landlord now, aaah-hahahahaha!
Heh-heh-heh, I've gained some weight, sure. But is it so bad to be fat? I'm nothing short of greatness, and now, even by all outward appearances, I'm the literal definition of 'great'! Adjusting to it was a bit of a rough process, but now I'm just fine–in fact, I'm in perfect form!
~ Pokey gloating to Ness.
You must be angry, I know. You have every right to be angry. We made your precious Ness Burger into the butt of a joke! But, please try to put yourself in my shoes–it made my dad and Mr. Monotoli so happy! Look at me, I'm just a lonely, fat kid, you know? I've never been praised or loved by anyone...can't you understand? See, I get kinda carried away when people speak highly of me...I'm not sure how to put it quite right, but, you know what they say–'When flattered, even a pig will climb a tree', and...oh-whoa!
~ Pokey's words engraved on his fathers grave.
As a baseball player, I'm sure you understand how hard it is to play at your very best during an entire live game, don't you? This thing is a device that can ensure that you will! It's a very amusing toy, don't you think? And it's been doing such a fine job, wouldn't you say? Thanks to this thing, everything's been going unbelievably perfect for me ever since I got my hands on it! And I even let you use it, despite the fact that I don't like to share it with anyone else! Aren't you grateful I allowed you to see something that so few others have seen?
~ Pokey to Ness.
You can talk all the nonsense you want, but no matter what you do, it's too late! Now then, here's a twist! ...Now, DIIIIEEEE!
...Ugaaaaahhh! Wh-what the... Stop...! What are you doing...? St...STOP IT, please stooooppp! It...it hurts...it hurts, it hurts! ...I'm...I'm gonna burst! Uwaaaauugghh!
~ Pokey Minch as he is being separated from Giygas.

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            EarthBound LogoHeroes

Earthbound Beginnings/Mother
Ninten | Ana | Lloyd | Teddy | Queen Mary | Flying Man

Earthbound/Mother 2
Ness | Paula Jones | Jeff Andonuts | Poo | Buzz Buzz | Ness's Father | Runaway Five | Mr. Saturn | Dr. Andonuts | Apple Kid

Mother 3
Lucas | Flint | Hinawa | Claus | Boney | Kumatora | Duster | Salsa | Wess | DCMC | Dr. Andonuts


This article contains content derived from the "Pokey Minch" article on the Villains Wiki, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
