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Poko is one of the main protagonists of the anime movie Doraemon: Nobita in the Robot Kingdom. He is a robot boy who is Maria's son and Queen Jeanne's adoptive younger brother. When Jeanne is manipulated by Dester into executing the "Robot Reproduction Plan", he and his mother try to run away, but his mother is captured. Out of accident thanks to Dr. Chapek's teleporting gadget, he is transported to Earth and meets the main group, who brings him back to his home planet to repair him.

He was voiced by Houko Kuwashima.


Poko was the son of Maria, who was entrusted by Princess Jeanne's father, King Atom, to look after her since her mother passed away when she was young. As such, Poko became Jeanne's adoptive younger brother, and the two had a very close bond. Unfortunately, this wouldn't last: One day, King Atom died due to sacrificing himself to save robots, much to Jeanne's grief. After she's crowned Queen, her advisor Dester manipulates her into believing that her father's death was due to was due to believing that robots also had emotions like humans, so Jeanne executed the "Robot Reproduction Plan" to remove the robots' emotions. Poko and Maria ran away from the castle upon learning this, but Maria was captured. While Poko was wandering, Dr. Chapek accidentally transporting him to Earth when experimenting his own transportion gadget.

Poko is then transported to Nobita's room alongside the robots that the latter has accidentally ordered. He thinks that Suneo's robot dog, Asobo, is one of Jeanne's robot dogs that attacked his mother, thus he attacks him and is knocked unconscious. Realizing that Poko isn't from Earth due to his complex body parts, the main group travel to his home planet to repair him. They meet Dr. Chapek who repairs Poko, but Poko escapes into the city to search for his mother, only to be attacked by the robot soldiers. Doraemon manages to rescue him, only to be captured in the process and forced to fight Kongfighter. The group rescue him, but Poko tries to convince Jeanne once again, only to be attacked by Dester. Thankfully, Nobita rescues Poko and the group escapes. Jeanne and Dester chase after them, and it's at this point that Dester reveals his true colors by pushing Jeanne into a cliff and taking over as the new king.

Poko finds a barely alive Jeanne and carries her with the group to the Rainbow Valley. They nurse her back to health and help her realize the error of her ways. As a result, she decides to abolish the "Robot Reproduction Plan" and travels alongside the group and the valley's inhabitants back to the castle to do so. Unfortunately, Dester forbids them to come in. However, the robot soldiers are programmed not to harm humans, thus they malfunction, allowing the group to cross over easily. Dester then activates the castle, which is in truth a gigantic robot itself, to attack the group, forcing them to flee. Nobita controls the "Robot Arena" to fight against it, and although he fails due to his own incompetence, he manages to destroy one of its legs, causing it to collapse.

Doraemon then invades the castle to rescue Maria and accidentally knocks Dester unconscious. Unfortunately, Dester accidentally transforms the castle into a rocket that is about to crash into the moon. As all hope seems lost, Poko realizes that he can telepathically communicate with his mother, so he requests Dr. Chapek to use him to locate them and rescue Maria and Doraemon with his transportion gadget. The plan succeeds and Poko and Jeanne reunite with Maria after being separated for so long. Later on, Jeanne announces that the "Robot Reproduction Plan" is abolished and returns the kingdom into one that humans and robots co-exist peacefully once again. Afterwards, Poko, Jeanne, Maria and Dr. Chapek bid a goodbye to the main group as they return home.


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           Doraemon logo Heroes

Doraemon | Nobita Nobi | Shizuka Minamoto | Suneo Honekawa | Takeshi Goda | Dorami | Sewashi Nobi | Mini-Doras | Time Patrol

The Doraemons
Doraemon | Dora the Kid | Wang Dora | El Matadora | Dora-nichov | Dora Med III | Dora-rinho

Principal Teraodai | Jaidora | Noramyako | Robot Academy | Dorapin | Mimimi

Pisuke | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Kuntakku (Peko) | Eru | Miyoko Mangetsu | Papi | Riruru | Banhou | Ro | Linlei| Kukuru | Chippo | Sindbad | Paruparu | Sapio | Tap | Galaxy Super Express Train Conductor | Peave | Jack | Luffin | Lian | Theo | Gusuke | Milk | Poko | Fuuko | Ichi | Pisuke | Miyoko Mangetsu | Kibo | Princess Lire | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Sophia | Haribo | Riruru | Pippo | Dakke | Kurt Hartman | Kuntakku (Peko) | Aron | Kukuru | Carla | Flock | Sarah| Luca | Luna | Aru | Mozo | Kyu | Myu | Papi | Pinna | Sonya | Hanna | Marimba | Miina | Mikka | Chapekku | Claire | Milo | Chai | Pal |
