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The Police are a group of minor protagonists in the inFAMOUS series.



The Police department was trapped in the chorenteen with everyone else in Empire City. What little there was of them went to fight against the Reapers, Dust Men and the First Sons. There would either help or attack Cole MacGrath depending on his karma.

inFAMOUS 2[]

It is believed that after the Beast destroyed what was left of Empire City, most, if not all of the Police officers their also died.

In New Maras, however, the Police officers there would fight against the Militia, the Corrupted and Vermaark 88, as well as Cole MacGrath again depending on his karma.

inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood[]

The Police have been shown to fight against Vampire Packs, they would only want to fight Cole if he bites one of them.

inFAMOUS First Light[]

The Police went to the docks to check for any criminal activity, only to see Abigail Walker, who used her Conduit powers to destract the Police and let her brother, Brent Walker be undetected. The Police would continue to look for Abigail, until the Department of Unified Protection appeared. The Police would later try to fight against Abigail once again, as she was forced to distract them from Shane Bommer, as her was trying to blackmail the mayor of Seattle.


A police officer known as Reggie Rowe went to arrest his brother, Delsin Rowe after he vandlized a bill board. After he later went with Delsin to Seattle in hopes to find Brooke Augustine, the leader of the Department of Unified Protection so that they could help their tribe. Reggie went to ask for help from the Police department seen in Seattle for their help.

Depending if Delsin has Evil Karma or if Delsin is too close to a crime scene, the Police would try to attack him.


  • The Police are the only faction in the InFamous series to have appeared in almost every game.
  • The Police are so far, one of the two only known heroic factions in the inFAMOUS series, the other being the Rebels.


           Infamous logo Heroes

Cole's Saga
inFAMOUS: Cole MacGrath | Police | Trish Dailey | Warden Harms | Zeke Jedediah Dunbar
Comics: Linda and Troy
inFAMOUS 2: Lucy Kuo | Rebels | Rosco Laroche | Sebastian Wolfe
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood: Father Ignitus

Second Son
inFAMOUS Second Son: Abigail Walker | Betty | Brent Walker | Delsin Rowe | Eugene Sims | Raymond Wolfe | Reggie Rowe | Hank Daughtry
inFAMOUS First Light: Jenny
