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Polycephaly is a significantly larger iteration of the regular TV Men, resembling the Large Cameraman and Large Speakerman in his physical appearance. He possesses the same psychological attack capability as the standard Normal TV Men, but his effects are significantly amplified and potent. In Episode 68, he's equipped with speakers instead of TVs, making him essentially a miniature version of Cinemaman, who had similar upgrades to him.


Polycephaly sports a suit jacket paired with a purple sleek tie, black dress pants, and polished black shoes. His head is a swivel mount. Additionally, he possesses the ability to extend CRT monitors mounted on arms that emerge from his back. He can extend his speakers on his back in his 1.1 version.

This unique feature allows him to display multiple screens simultaneously, making him a walking multimedia hub. Polycephaly's unconventional design not only showcases his technological prowess but also sets him apart from other characters in the genre.

Polycephaly is also constantly playing static on his screen, just like his four other CRTs. This constant display of static on his screens adds an eerie and mysterious element to his character, creating a sense of intrigue and curiosity among those who encounter him. The white screens also serve as a blank canvas, allowing him to project images or messages onto them, further enhancing his role as a walking multimedia hub and making him a captivating presence in any setting. In his 2.0 His appearance is similar to his previous version, but unlike before, the tentacles have been replaced by Detaining Claws. Due to the additional plates on his head, the rectangular screen now appears to have a different shape. Like the Upgraded Titan TV Man, he has extendable TVs on his head and a Konda (Ikakalaka) or hook sword-like weapon on his back.

            Skibidi Toilet Heroes

The Alliance
Cameramen (Titan Cameraman | Plungerman | Scientist Cameraman | Plungerwoman | Lucky Cameraman | Cameramen (Skibidi War - Toilets Attack)) | Speakermen (Titan Speakerman | Speakerwoman | Dark Speakerman) | TV Men (Titan TV Man | Polycephaly | TV Woman | TV Daddy | Scientist TV Man)

Secret Agent
