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Pony is the deuteragonist of the Piggy franchise, serving as a major character in Book 1 and the deuteragonist of Book 2. He was formerly a member of The Silver Paw and a member of the Safe Place.
Current Design[]
In his current design, Pony wears a green jacket with an orange shirt, light blue pants and black glasses. He also wears a grey beanie. He is a light brown pony with pentagon ears and a reddish-brown nose and is equipped with a wooden sword. In his heist outfit, Pony retains the same outfit from his current design except he wears black gloves and a black mask instead of glasses. In his T.S.P. Uniform, Pony wears a brownish-gray jacket, a gray beret, blackish-blue pants and a gray shirt. He wears black glasses as well. When Pony was younger, he wore the same clothing from his current design except he doesn't have glasses or the beanie.
Old Design[]
Pony's old design is the exact same as Pedro Pony from Peppa Pig except he lacks a horse tail and has pink cheeks.
Early Life[]
Prior to the infection, Pony lived in Evalia and was the son of Peter and his unnamed wife. Based on a picture from the Heist ending cutscene, Pony was friends with Zizzy and met her likely during his childhood. He was also friends with Willow. Peter worked as an optometrist and Pony wanted to be like his father and strived to become an optometrist as well.
One night in the alleys, Willow told Pony, Rash and Billy about how her brother William has been feeling down lately. Billy suggests stealing something nice for William and Willow and Rash were onboard with the idea. Hesitant, Pony suggests buying something instead but Willow reminds him that they are all broke so Pony reluctantly agrees to steal. The group successfully steal a pie for William.
Book 1[]
Right when the infection started, Willow and Tigry find Pony sitting near a river looking at a picture of him and Zizzy when they were kids. Willow recruits him into The Silver Paw and would later on break into a Hospital owned by Mr. P to steal a bottle of Substance - 128 in which they successfully do.
Chapter 4 - Forest[]
Offscreen, Willow takes Pony to the Forest where they see The Player and Doggy sleeping. Willow forces Pony to infect them with the bottle of Substance - 128 as revenge for the officers arresting her and taking her parents away. Pony does it, however he felt guilty afterwards which caused TIO to appear in his head and give him one of his offers. Pony rejects the offers and leaves The Silver Paw, sneaking out of the Factory and going off on his own to find new survivors. Fortunately, Pony ends up finding Zizzy and goes to the Safe Place to meet her sisters and at some point they find Mimi and Giraffy and also take them to the Safe Place.
Chapter 8 - Carnival[]
Pony first appears when he and Zizzy arrive at the Carnival where they meet The Player. Pony asks whether they are infected but Zizzy tells the Pony that the infected don't talk, thus the three introduce themselves. Foxy enters the room and Pony assumes that The Player brought a friend however Zizzy points out that Foxy is infected, causing Pony to knock him out with his wooden sword. Zizzy and Pony then decide to take The Player back to the Safe Place.
Chapter 9 - City[]
On their way to the Safe Place, the trio encounter Grandma Piggy and Elly in the city, who immediately give chase and attempt to infect them. They manage to escape them and meet outside the Safe Place. Zizzy asks The Player what they did before the infection, with The Player telling them that they are a cop who is looking for the missing kid Georgie Piggy. Pony reveals that he was an optometrist because he wanted to be like his father and Zizzy reveals that she was a fencing coach and taught her sisters. As Zizzy and The Player conversate, something is heard rustling by the dumpster with all three of them looking to see what it was. Pony questions what it was and The Player assumes someone is watching them so they go to investigate. Zizzy tags along with The Player while Pony goes back inside the Safe Place.
Chapter 10 - Mall[]
Zizzy and The Player return to the Safe Place with a newfound survivor, Georgie Piggy. Pony tells them that Mimi found a helicopter signal at a nearby military outpost. The Player tells them that it is Mr. P and decides to go to the outpost with Pony and Zizzy tagging along.
Chapter 11 - Outpost[]
The trio arrive at the Outpost, and encounter the Soldiers and Torcher. While The Player finds a way to open the entrance to the power plant and while Zizzy goes around and fights the Soldiers, Pony takes on Torcher until The Player manages to get the entrance open. The trio meet at the entrance before Georgie walks up to them. Pony asks Georgie what he's doing here and he explains to him that he wants to see the person that hurt his family. Pony points out that Georgie attracted a crowd of Soldiers, Zizzy tells The Player to go inside the power plant with Georgie while she and Pony take on the crowd of Soldiers. The Player agrees and goes inside with Georgie and before their battle with the Soldiers, Pony tries to confess something to Zizzy but she interrupts saying that she knows.
Chapter 12 - Plant[]
Pony finishes off the last Soldier with his wooden sword as The Player Georgie walk out of the power plant. The Player tells him and Zizzy that they and Georgie have defeated Mr. P and the duo congratulates them, then Pony asks where they go from here. Georgie then suggests that they look for a cure, kickstarting their quest for the cure in Book 2.
Book 2[]
Chapter 1 - Alleys[]
After the events of Plant, Pony, The Player, Zizzy, Mimi, Giraffy, Georgie, Zee and Zuzy lived in the Safe Place together. Pony and Zizzy are getting ready to go to the store to find batteries for an old radio Mimi has. Pony asks The Player if they want to come along and they agree, the trio then head to the store to find batteries.
Chapter 2 - Store[]
The trio arrives at the store and during their quest to find batteries, they encounter Dessa who was a cashier at the store before becoming infected. Pony heads to a heavy bookshelf and when The Player gives him a carrot, he pushes the shelf allowing them to progress and get one of the two batteries they need. Once The Player gives Zizzy both batteries, she announces they will leave and Pony meets back up with them and the trio successfully escape the store with the batteries.
The trio return to the Safe Place, giving Mimi the batteries so she can put them in the radio. She manages to get into contact with a group called Settlement 6 that tells the group to go to Old Oak to meet them. Mimi tells the trio that they should go, however Pony is hesitant, explaining that they do not know anything about Settlement 6 and that he has no reason to trust them. Zizzy and The Player reassure him, stating that they can handle themselves and that they know how to get out of tricky situations. Pony then agrees and heads to the Old Oak with The Player and Zizzy.
The trio arrive at the Old Oak, only to discover that there is no one there. Suddenly, five people (Willow, Tigry, Baren, Pandy, and Kitty) appear from the trees and Pony recognizes them as The Silver Paw. It is revealed that the trio was tricked and Willow tells Pony that he was a good friend but now he means nothing to her due to being an ex-member of The Silver Paw. Willow then reminds The Player that they arrested her and meets Zizzy for the first time who tells her that she knows everything about her and The Silver Paw due to Pony telling Zizzy about them. Willow then tells Zizzy that one of Pony's flaws was his big mouth. Willow then kidnaps Zizzy and Pony tells Willow to leave Zizzy alone before she pulls a gun and threatens Pony. Zizzy reassures Pony and goes with Willow and the rest of The Silver Paw. Pony tells The Player all about The Silver Paw before sneakily following the group to try and save Zizzy.
Chapter 3 - Refinery[]
The Player and Pony arrive at the Refinery, to which Pony doesn't recognize. The duo sneak their way in but end up encountering Tigry who chases them as they navigate their way through the Refinery. The two manage to get into the bedrooms, where Pony goes into the vent to distract Katie who was blocking The Player's way.
Chapter 4 - Safe Place[]
To be added.
Chapter 5 - Sewers[]
To be added.
Chapter 6 - Factory[]
To be added.
Chapter 7 - Port[]
To be added.
Chapter 8 - Ship[]
To be added.
Chapter 9 - Docks[]
To be added.
Chapter 10 - Temple[]
To be added.
Chapter 11 - Camp[]
To be added.
Chapter 12 - Lab[]
To be added.
Tigry Savior Ending[]
To be added.
Tigry Survivor Ending[]
To be added.
Willow Savior Ending[]
To be added.
Willow Survivor Ending[]
To be added.
Hidden Ending[]
To be added.
To be added.
- Swordsmanship: To be added.
- Marksmanship: To be added.
To be added.
External Links[]
- Pony on the Piggy Wiki.
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