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Pop Harukaze
Pipito purito puriton peperuto!
~ Pop Harukaze

Pop Harukaze known also as Poppu Harukaze, and Caitlyn Goodwyn in the English dub, is one of the seven witch apprentices of the Ojamajo Doremi series.

She was voiced by Sawa Ishige in Japanese and Liza Jacqueline in English.



Pop has short light pink hair and darker pink eyes. Her skin is pale, and she wears a light blue shirt with short puffy sleeves and a white string tied at the collar, a short dark magenta skirt, light blue shoes with white grips and ties, and light pink socks.


Pop is Doremi's younger sister. She is much more responsible than her sister, despite her age. She is very popular at school. Pop becomes a witch apprentice after witnessing Doremi, Hazuki, and Aiko's Magical Stage in the middle of the first season. Pop's first poron was a Peperuto Poron, like Doremi, which was later upgraded early in Ojamajo Doremi #, allowing her to skip from level 10 witch apprenticeship to level 6 because she saved the Witch World from a flood of milk created by Hana. Like Hana, she only has one witch outfit. This is due to the fact that she usually cannot stay up late enough to participate in her tests.





Magical Doremi ~ Caitlyn Transform Spells English


  • Pop's theme color is red, but her hair is pink. Doremi's theme color is pink, but her hair is red.