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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Oscar the Pig, more commonly known as Porker Lewis, is a major character in Sonic the Comic comic book series. He is one of Sonic's friends and a former Freedom Fighter. After a traumatic experience, he retired to Floating Island, but still assisted his allies in any way he could.



Oscar was a skilled technician who lived in the Special Zone and worked for the crime boss Hammerhead. One day, he discovered his plans for the most destructive bomb to date. Not wanting his intelligence to be used for evil of this scale, he sabotaged the bomb and escaped his home dimension, where he was still considered criminal, to Mobius. There, Oscar changed his name to "Porker Lewis".

Sonic the Comic[]

Porker was a founding member of the Freedom Fighters. Acting as the brains of the group, he helped Sonic fight Robotnik and many other villains. During one mission, he got stuck on the Miracle Planet and subjected to torture by the Brotherhood of Metallix for a whole month. This experience traumatized him so badly that he chose to quit the group and settle on the Floating Island, where he would often assist Knuckles with repairing the island's ancient mechanisms. He wasn't safe from further misadventures, however, as he eventually ended up back in the Special Zone, where the police recognized him as Oscar the Pig, and had to confront Hammerhead once more. He was lucky enough to avoid standing trial after Lieutenant Furor lied about him and Oscar being two different people, allowing him to return to Mobius. Stll, Porker's life on the Floating Island would come to an end when it sank, and he rejoined his friends for a final showdown against Chaos.

Alternate timeline[]

When Robotnik became omnipotent and altered the timeline so that Sonic never existed, this in turn left Porker without a mentor who would ensure he would gain the confidence needed to stand up to evil-doers. Due to this, Porker joined Robotnik out of fear for his life, leading his own death squad and going by his real name. Porker went back to normal after Robotnik was depowered.


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Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Johnny Lightfoot | Kintobor Computer | Miles "Tails" Prower | Porker Lewis | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Sonic the Hedgehog | Tekno the Canary
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chamelion | Mighty the Armadillo | Omni-Viewer | Vector the Crocodile
Echidna Empire
Guardian Robots | Knuckles the Echidna | Pochacamac | Tikal
Blockhead Bill | Bravehog | Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Ebony | Hercules | Lieutenant Furor | Morain | Norris Wimple | Society Max | Tuftee the Squirrel

Household Keepers
Amy Rose | Commander Steele | Silver the Hedgehog
The Ultimax
Holly Thumpfoot | Miles "Tails" Prower | Theo
Bob the Plax | Niya the Gorilla | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Tekno the Canary
Blaze the Cat | Cedric the Elephant | Charles' Grandfather | Iggy the Mouse | Lumina Flowlight | Marine the Raccoon | Sally Acorn | Shadow II | St. George | Sticks the Badger | Tweet Titans

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
