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Well, unfortunately for you, you're not dealing with Superman... You're dealing with me!
~ Power Girl.
But even as a member of the J.S.A., with friends that have become like family, I still feel, in the pit of my stomach-- alone. Complete and utterly alone. I tell myself I'm okay with that. Maybe one day, I actually will be.
~ Power Girl.
One more Kryptonian down, is that what you're thinking? One more Superman you've knocked in the dust. You saaaaad old monster. You want to know who this world's Superman is? IT'S ME.
~ New-52 Power Girl.

Power Girl (real name Kara Zor-L) is the Earth-Two equivalent of Supergirl and is a major character in the DC Universe. She has been a member of the Justice Society, Justice League, and both formerly the Suicide Squad and the Birds of Prey.

She was created by Gerry Conway, Ric Estrada, and Wally Wood, and first appeared in All-Star Comics # 58 in February of 1976.


Early Life[]

Kara Zor-L was born on Kandor, Krypton to Zor-L and Allura In-Z, and was the first cousin to Kal-L, who was the son of Jor-L and Laura. When her father learned that Krypton was about to explode, he learned her in a ship to Earth at the same time Kal-L's ship was launched from the planet. Kara's ship took a longer journey to Earth, resulting in her arriving decades after her cousin made it to the planet.

Unlike Kal-L's ship which was designed for fast travel, Kara's ship was designed to hold her in stasis during her development, and her the ship held an artificial intelligence that ran programs for her to interact with life-like copies of her family and Kryptonians. By the time Kara landed on Earth, she was an adult in her early twenties, unlike her cousin who was an infant when he landed.

Kara's existence as Power Girl wasn't revealed to the public until years after her arrival, and she was supported by her cousin and his wife Lois Lane, who helped her transition from virtual reality to real life relationships. She became close to her cousin and his wife, regarding them as her "uncle" and "aunt", and Lois regarded Kara as their daughter on a few occasions.

Becoming a Hero[]

Kara first assisted the Justice Society in containing an artificially induced volcano that had erupted in Peking, China, and aided its members Flash (Jay Garrick) and Wildcat. She joined them and Robin and Star-Spangled Kid to form a superhero team to defeat Brain Wave and Per Degaton, who were planning to take over the world. Later on, she was granted full membership to the Justice Society, taking over Superman's vacated spot on the roster.

Despite becoming a superhero, she had a hard time fitting into life on Earth but was helped by Andrew Vinson, a reporter, a to adopt a secret identity as computer programmer Karen Starr. Power Girl was able to develop this knowledge from treatment under Wonder Woman's purple ray on Paradise Island, and later became close friends with Helena Wayne. Kara and Helena became good friends and later teamed up together, and the former later became a founding member of Infinity Inc.

Origin Change[]

After the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kara's background and origin were altered, and she's now the granddaughter of the Atlantean sorcerer Arion and had been frozen in suspended animation until the present day. After the Invasion, Kara joined Justice League Europe and was later injured by Gray Man, losing a significant amount of her powers. Despite this, she remained a key member of the team and helped them battle Overmaster and the Extremists.

During the last days of the team, Kara discovered she was mystically pregnant and delivered the child during the events of Zero Hour. The child soon after aged rapidly and became Equinox, but after fighting and defeating Scarabus, Kara's child disappeared.

Afterward, Power Girl was recruited by Oracle as a field agent, but their partnership ended after a mission ended with many people dying. Despite Power Girl and Oracle budding heads, and Kara not liking Barbara's intensity, the two would work with each other on a few occasions. When Black Canary resigned from the Justice Society of America, she recommended Kara to take her place.

Infinite Crisis[]

During the events of Infinite Crisis, the Psycho-Pirate showed Power Girl multiple versions of her origins to drive her insane and revealed that she was Kryptonian and a survivor of the Earth-Two universe. Kal-L returned to the mainstream universe after breaking down the paradise dimensions' walls where he, Lois, Superboy-Prime, and Alexander Luthor, Jr. were living after the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Kal-L tracked down Power Girl in Chicago and explained the events of the original Crisis, and Kara's memories of her Earth-Two life were restored after being re-introduced to Lois. Afterward, Kara stumbled upon Martian Manhunter, who was held captive in a machine but was attacked by Superboy-Prime before she could free him. She was attached to the machine alongside Manhunter, and Luthor revealed he was going to restore the multiverse upon representatives of various Earths and chose Kara due to her link to Earth-Two.

Power Girl was later freed by Wonder Girl and Kon-El and joined them in battling Alexander Luthor, Jr. and Superboy-Prime. Superboy-Prime eventually fled Earth for Mogo, and Kal-L was mortally wounded and Power Girl arrived just in time to bid farewell to her cousin, who died beside her.


New 52[]


Doomsday Clock[]

After his encounter with Superman, Doctor Manhattan restored much of Prime Earth's altered history back to its intended state, which resulted in the return of the Justice Society and another version of Power Girl. This Power Girl was different to the one seen throughout the events of the New 52 and has a similar history to the incarnation that operated on New Earth, including her role in Infinite Crisis.

Lazarus Planet[]


  • Ranked 9th in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Woman in Comics".
  • Power Girl has worn a few different outfits throughout her superhero career. Her most recurring is a white spandex with a hole on her chest that shows off her large cleavage. The hole has been the source of humor in the comics and there have been multiple reasons given as to why she has this hole on her costume. One reason being was to show her pride in being a woman while another being that she could not think of a symbol to put on her costume that was iconic as Superman's shield. It has also been said that she uses it to distract her opponents in battle and to keep herself cool in the outfit.
    • A real-world rumour is that an artist gradually increased the size of the "window" to see if the editor was paying attention.
  • Power Girl has been shown to collect snow globes.
  • Due to the similarities between the version of Power Girl who lived on New Earth and the Power Girl that appeared during the events of Doomsday Clock, it is speculated they are the same Power Girl except appropriated for the Prime Earth continuity.
  • Power Girl was a supporting character in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies and its animated film adaptation.
  • A villainous version of her was in the DCAU, who was a clone of Supergirl called Galatea (a reference to the Pygmalion myth).
  • The design of Supergirl in DC Super Hero Girls is closer to Power Girl, which is lampshaded when she once wore a superhero costume like Power Girl's.


           Download-Superman-Logo-PNG-001 Heroes

Superman | Supergirl | Superboy | Power Girl | Steel

Kent Family
Lois Lane | Jon Kent | Jonathan Kent | Martha Kent

Jor-El | Lara Lor-Von | Zor-El | Alura In-Ze | Lor-Zod | Mon-El

Supporting Characters
Batman | Bizarro | Wonder Woman | Nightwing | Damian Wayne | Tim Drake | Lana Lang | Jimmy Olsen | Perry White | Pete Ross | Cat Grant | Chuck Riggs | Sam Lane | Lucy Lane | Bibbo Bibbowski | Maggie Sawyer | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Dan Turpin | Lobo | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Lori Lemaris | Maxima | Parasite | Roberta Lee | Saturn Girl | Natasha Irons | Superboy-Prime | Otho-Ra | Osul-Ra | Teen Titans | Tommy Lee | President Superman | Justice League

Krypto the Superdog | Streaky the Supercat | Comet the Super-Horse

Theatrical Movies
Superman (1978): Superman
Supergirl (1984): Supergirl
Superman Returns: Superman | Lois Lane
Man of Steel: Superman | Lois Lane | Jor-El | Calvin Swanwick | Colonel Nathan Hardy
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | Alfred Pennyworth | Lois Lane | Calvin Swanwick | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Superman: Doomsday: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Superman | Batman | Power Girl | Captain Atom | Captain Marvel | Amanda Waller | Black Lightning | Toyman III | Starfire | Hawkman | Lois Lane
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Big Barda | Harbinger
All-Star Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Atlas | Samson
Superman vs. The Elite: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Vera Lynn Black
Superman: Unbound: Superman | Lois Lane | Supergirl | Jimmy Olsen | Zor-El | Alura In-Ze
The Death Of Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, & Wonder Woman) | Jimmy Olsen
Reign Of The Supermen: Superman | Superboy | Steel | Eradicator | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, & Wonder Woman) | Jimmy Olsen | Chloe Sullivan
Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Superman | Lois Lane | Martian Manhunter

Superman: The Animated Series: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Aquaman | Orion | Steel
Smallville: Clark Kent | Lana Lang | Chloe Sullivan | Lois Lane | Oliver Queen | Kara Kent | Tess Mercer | Whitney Fordman
Krypto the Superdog: Krypto the Superdog | Streaky the Supercat | Comet the Super-Horse | Hot Dog
Superman & Lois: Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons
My Adventures with Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Martha Kent | Jonathan Kent | Jor-El | Newskid Legion (Flip Johnson) | Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Sam Lane | League of Lois Lanes (Jalana Olsen) | Steel

Also See
Justice League Heroes | DC Multiverse Heroes

           JusticeLeagueLogo Heroes

Justice League | Justice League of America | Justice League Dark | Justice League Europe | Justice League Incarnate | Justice League International | Justice League Task Force | Justice League Queer | Super Buddies

Aquaman | Atom | Batman | Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance | Dinah Drake) | Cyborg | The Flash (Barry Allen | Wally West) | Green Arrow (DC vs Vampires) | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Hawkman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | Wonder Woman

Adam Strange | Agent Liberty | Alan Scott | Amanda Waller | Amazing Man | Ambush Bug | Amethyst | Andrew Bennett | Animal Man | Antaeus | Andy Curry | Atomica | August General in Iron | Avery Ho | Azrael | Aztek | B'wana Beast | Batgirl | Bart Allen | Batwing | Batwoman | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Black Adam | Black Condor | Black Lightning | Black Orchid | Blue Beetle | Blue Devil | Blue Jay | Booster Gold | Bronze Tiger | Captain Atom | Captain Cold | Catwoman | Commander Steel | Congorilla | Conner Kent | Cassandra Cain | Green Arrow (Connor Hawke) | Creeper | Crimson Fox | Damian Wayne | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Doctor Fate | Doctor Light | Doctor Mist | Donna Troy | Element Woman | Elongated Man | Emiko Queen | Equinox | Etrigan | Faith | Fire | Firehawk | Firestorm | Frankenstein | Freedom Beast | General Glory | Geo-Force | Guardian | Guy Gardner | Gypsy | Harley Quinn | Hank Heywood | Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall | Dawn Granger) | Hippolyta | Hourman | Huntress | Ice | Jace Fox | Jackson Hyde | Jade | Jaime Reyes | James Gordon | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jessica Cruz | John Constantine | John Stewart | Jon Kent | Katana | Kid Flash | Killer Frost | Kyle Rayner | Lex Luthor | Lightray | Lobo | Lois Lane | Madame Xanadu | Man-Bat | Maxima | Mera | Metamorpho | Mister Miracle | Miss Martian | Mister Terrific | Mon-El | Moon Maiden | Natasha Irons | Nightmare Nurse | Nightwing | Nubia | Offspring | Oracle | Orion | Pandora | Pariah | Phantom Girl | Phantom Stranger | Plastic Man | Power Girl | Poison Ivy | Powerhouse | Question | Ragman | Raven | Robin | Red Arrow | Red Hood | Red Robin | Red Tornado | Rhonda Pineda | Rocket Red | Ryan Choi | Saturn Girl | Shade the Changing Mann | Shazam | Silver Sorceress | Star Sapphire | Simon Baz | Sojourner Mullein | Starfire | Stargirl | Starman | Steel | Steve Trevor | Supergirl (DC vs Vampires) | Swamp Thing | Tasmanian Devil | Ted Kord | Tempest | Tomorrow Woman | Triumph | Vibe | Vixen | Wildcat | Wonder Girl | Yara Flor | Zatanna | Zauriel

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman) | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Mera | Lois Lane | Hippolyta | Nuidis Vulko | Martian Manhunter | Zeus | Artemis | Green Lantern Corps
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: The Flash | Batman | Thomas Wayne | Cyborg | Kal-El | Cole Cash | Godiva | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane | Etrigan | S.H.A.Z.A.M. | Samuel Lane
Justice League: War: Justice League (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, & Cyborg) | Steve Trevor | Freddy Freeman |Sarah Charles | Thomas Morrow | Silas Stone
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Aquaman: | Atlanna | Mera | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Superman, & Wonder Woman) | Steve Trevor | Lois Lane
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Teen Titans (Raven, Robin, Starfire, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, & Nightwing) | Justice League (Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Superman, & Wonder Woman)
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash)

Also See
DC Multiverse Heroes | Justice League International Heroes | Justice Society Heroes | Outsiders Heroes

           Logo Justice Society Template Heroes

Justice Society | Justice Society International

Atom | Black Canary (Dinah Drake | Dinah Laurel Lance) | Doctor Fate | Doctor Mid-Nite | Flash | Green Lantern | Hawkman | Hourman | Mister Terrific | Sandman | Spectre (Jim Corrigan) | Starman | Wildcat

Air Wave | Amazing Man | Atom Smasher | Batman | Black Adam | Captain Marvel | Citizen Steel | Cyclone | Damage | Darknight | Hawkgirl | Hector Hall | Hippolyta | Huntress | Jakeem Thunder | Johnny Thunder | Judomaster | King Chimera | Liberty Belle | Lightning | Magog | Miss America | Mister America | Obsidian | Power Girl | Red Beetle | Red Tornado | Ri | Robin | Sand | Stargirl | Star-Spangled Kid | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Superman (Golden Age) | Thunderbolt | Tomcat | Wonder Woman

Black Adam: Black Adam | Doctor Fate | Hawkman | Atom Smasher | Cyclone | Adrianna Tomaz | Amon Tomaz
