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Heroes Wiki

Powergirl is the female superhero of the Cartoon Network Show DC Super Hero Girls (2019) and one of the main protagonists alongside Zee Zatara, Jessica Cruz, Kara Zor-El, Karen Beecher, and Diana Prince. She's the total opposite of Supergirl. Instead of being a jerk, she acted like a good guy but it kinda went her friends a little bit too far. (Please read this, when reading the personality, I can't look for powergirl's personality, so I look for Supergirl instead, hope you understand)


In common with Supergirl's origin story, she is the daughter of Superman's aunt and uncle and a native of the planet Krypton. The infant Power Girl's parents enabled her to escape the destruction of her home planet by placing her in a rocket ship.


She's NEW appearance is on Episode 30. She's dressed as a Superhero but doesn't care about fighting. She only care about something else but not her life. The Super Hero Girls don't like her like that. She's really like a jerk to them.


Supergirl's personality varies slightly depending on the incarnation, but she usually keeps several core traits: her kind-hearted although short-tempered nature and her struggle to adapt to an alien environment.



           DC SuperHero Girls logo Heroes

DC Superhero Girls (G1)
Main Characters
Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Poison Ivy | Harley Quinn | Katana | Bumblebee | Batgirl | DC Super Hero Girls
Secondary (Original)
Amanda Waller | Starfire | Frost | Beast Boy | Big Barda | Blackfire | Cheetah | Hal Jordan | Lady Shiva | Hawkgirl | Jessica Cruz | Miss Martian | Raven | Star Sapphire | The Flash | Cyborg | Lois Lane | Robin

DC Superhero Girls (G2)
Main Characters
Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Supergirl | Zatanna | Jessica Cruz | Bumblebee | Harley Quinn | DC Super Hero Girls
Secondary (Reboot)
Katana | Oliver Queen | Hal Jordan | Steve Trevor | The Flash | Hawkman | Aqualad | Invinci-Bros | Blue Beetle | Superman | Batman | Aquaman | John Stewart | Robin | Beast Boy | Starfire | Cyborg | Raven
