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Heroes Wiki

President Marvin Phyronix is the Galactic President of the Solana Galaxy in the Ratchet & Clank universe. He is a member of the Cazar species, and the father of Sasha Phyronix, who formerly captained the Starship Phoenix before becoming mayor of Metropolis.

He is voiced by Lindsay Schnebly.


President Phyronix first appears after Ratchet and Clank saved Planet Veldin from the Tyhrranoids. He is revealed to be the one who ordered the Galactic Rangers to deal with the threat. Believing that Clank is the leader of the duo, he addresses him and warns that Dr. Nefarious must be stopped, and provides information about a mysterious man who has stopped him before. The mysterious man is revealed to be Captain Qwark, who has gone insane and believes he is a monkey.

After Ratchet and Clank arrive at the Starship Phoenix, they settle in and meet with the president's daughter on the bridge. His compound has been breached by tyhrranoids and the duo must save him, receiving assistance from the Galactic Rangers. President Phyronix addresses the duo and requests that they repair the laser defense system.

When Qwark regains his memory and sanity, the president places him in charge of their new organization: the Q-Force, to stop Dr. Nefarious. Throughout Ratchet and Clank's journey in stopping Nefarious, the president hosted meetings with Qwark and Sasha. He is not seen until Qwark's apparent death, where he appears via transmission to express his condolences and positive encouragement.

Later on, Nefarious uses the Biobliterator on Metropolis to transform its population into robots. The president is seen at his compound to address this, being interviewed by Darla Gratch. He appears complacent, accepting that Nefarious would succeed in his plans, and concerned more about his re-election. He cements this by claiming he is "half-robot himself."

He is not seen until the defeat of Nefarious, where he appears at the latest Secret Agent Clank film.


Agent Clank, we must stop Dr. Nefarious! As you may know, only one man has ever faced him and survived. I have just received a top-secret report on that man's whereabouts. Here, take a look.
~ President Phyronix during his introductory transmission.
They came out of nowhere! Tyhrranoid invasion force- ..presidential compound has been breached- ..can not hold out much longer here-...
~ President Phyronix during the Tyhrranoid invasion of his home planet.
President Phyronix: My daughter tells me you're a man who's good with his hands, Ratchet.

Ratchet: Sir, I- I swear I never-...

I just heard what happened. I wanted to offer my condolences to the team. Qwark's loss is a true tragedy. The man was a hero. Brave, honest, kind, and humble to the core.
~ President Phyronix during Qwark's funeral.
Captain Qwark may be gone, but his indomitable spirit of heroism lives on in each of you. I know the Q-Force will make our fallen Captain proud. Carry on, men.
~ President Phyronix
I'm glad you asked, Darla. Our demographic research indicates that robots will make up one-hundred percent of the galactic population by this time next week. Of course, that's great news for my re-election campaign, because as you know, I'm half robot myself!
~ President Phyronix during his interview with Darla Gratch.


The President was inspired by Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States. He had a bad habit at times of being very naïve (as evidenced by his belief that Secret Agent Clank was real), incompetent and placing his political career ahead of more important issues. However, he deeply cared about his friends and his daughter and refused at times to compromise his beliefs despite the consequences.



           Ratchet & Clank Logo Heroes

Original Timeline
Q-Force: Ratchet | Clank (Secret Agent) | Captain Qwark | Sasha Phyronix | Al | Skidd McMarx | Helga von Streissenburgen | Skrunch
Other: The Plumber | Galactic Rangers | President Phyronix | Angela Cross | Team Darkstar (Merc and Green) | Neftin Prog | Vendra Prog

Ratchet & Clank Future
Talwyn Apogee | Cronk and Zephyr | Smuggler | Alister Azimuth | Orvus | Sigmund

Ratchet and Clank (2016)
Galactic Rangers: Ratchet | Clank | Captain Qwark | Cora Veralux | Brax Lectrus | Elaris

Rift Apart
Rivet | Kit | The Phantom | Glitch | Captain Quantum | Gary | Pierre Le Fer
