Princess Celestia watching Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy dance
Princess Celestia watching Grubber dance
Princess Celestia watching Captain Celaeno dance
Princess Celestia watching a Storm Creature reassembling the Storm King's remains
Reunion of Celestia and Luna (Friendship Is Magic) MLP FiM HD
Celestia's Ballad (Magical Mystery Cure) MLP FiM HD
Princess Celestia Banishes Nightmare Moon (Princess Twilight Sparkle) - MLP- FiM -HD-
Princess Celestia defeats her younger sister
Princess Luna and Princess Celestia Defeat Discord (Princess Twilight Sparkle) - MLP- FiM -HD-
The two sisters defeats Discord from the element of harmony
The Tree Of Harmony (Princess Twilight Sparkle) - MLP- FiM -HD--2
Starlight Switches Celestia's and Luna's Cutie Marks (A Royal Problem) MLP FiM HD
Star Swirl reunites with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (Shadow Play) MLP FiM HD
Star swirls meet the two sisters
Celestia, Luna and Discord Turn the Villains to Stone (The Ending of the End) - MLP- FiM -HD-