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The Protagonists are the main protagonists of roblox 2019 critically acclaimed indie horror game Circus Trip [STORY].
They are a group of campers who attempt to have a camping trip with their counselour, but things take a turn upon their arrival to the Giggles Carnival.
Circus Trip[]
Campsite and Forest[]
Arriving on the camping side, the protagonists make their way into the camp. Alongside them, they brought Kid with them whose seemingly is a close friend. Sitting around the campfire, they start to listen to a scary story told by the counselor himself. The story seemingly mirrors the protagonists current setting, but Kid interrupted him as the water tank leaked.
The counselor warns Kid that if it's a lie, he'll feed him to the dogs which scared the latter. The protagonists stayed behind with the campfire, but just as the counselor leaving, the thunder started to strike down which forces the protagonists to dogde them with all their efforts. Despite being able to avoid being harmed by the thunders, the camp is heavily damaged.
Seeing the counselor return, the protagonists and the Kid express their grateful. They explained the situation to the counselor who understand their situation completely, even showing that he has been bitten by wolves in a attempt to gather the water for them. The protagonists express worries to him as well.
The Brigde[]
With the truck completely damaged, the counselor advice the protagonists to head to a camp for temporary shelter through the night. Both of them join forces together and make their way through the traps filled inside the forest.
During the crossing, the kid fell down the brigde with the protagonists. Both of them passes the lake, if they stepped on a trap, they'll be jumping on a tree to avoid the wolves. Once the wolf leaves, the protagonists and kid arrives at the circus. If they don't step on the trap, they be greeted by Brooks who humourously help them and the counselor to the Circus.
The Circus and Giggles Cages[]
Inside the circus, the protagonists meet Giggles the Clown, whose intially they are impressed with. However, seeing that two of his staff members was killed set them on high alert. Giggles eventually brought them to complete the challenge by their own efforts, forcing them to dance or they will get electrocuted.
Then the protagonists jump through the wheels of fire before jumping through the army of fishes and underwater animals, finally facing the last challenge the pie pistols. Despite completing the challenge and decided to leave the circus, just as when they are leaving the circus they turned their back to the counselor, only to witness his death right in the hands of a mutated Giggles.
Giggles creepily addressed them as "beloved" and locked them in a set of cages before leaving them inside somewhere of the circus. One of the protagonists fell down from their cell and take the key, eventually unlocking the gate for everyone as they all hide on the upper floor, using a woodcutter to set the huge rock to fall down on Giggles.
As they are about to find another way, they find a hostage who is locked on a plate of wood. He begs them for help as he tell them that he has been locked up there for years but he knows how to get out of there. The kid reluctantly take the saw and release him as all of them proceed to the park ranger guarding room.
The hostage attempt to call for help as the protagonists started barricading the doors and windows. It proved to be insufficent with Giggles breaking inside along with his clowns. He mentally and physically torment both the Hostage (who revealed himself as Tim) with the protagonists, but just before they are killed, the Kid unlocks the door and all of the manage to escape.
Escaption and Final[]
All of them arrives at Giggles basement, hopeless and a little fragiled. Tim managed to contact Brook (if he is still alive) as he tell them that he is coming there to assist them. Hearing Giggles voice, the protagonists quickly followed after Tim and Kid to the storage room and take whatever weapons available to them.
The clowns attempt to break in from the other side, but Brooks arrives and tell the protagonists to stand back as he fire his shotgun and kill a clown. However Brooks is knock out of his consicious and falls down to the ground, with Giggles getting in from the other side. The protagonists now ultulize their arsenals and fight back against the clowns, even holding them off long enough for the S.W.A.Ts to arrive.
Getting on the S.W.A.Ts van, the protagonists looked back as Giggles tries to chase after them. But before he could reach the protagonists, the van door closed and drives away, freeing the protagonists along with their fellow survivors from Giggles nightmarish Circus.
The protagonists is seen attending the funeral of their counselor in the credits.
The protagonists seems to be silent, but in most of the game they are shown to be cooperative and understand their allies tatics. They do not want to participates in the challenges, seeing that it was torturous.
They also is seen deeply saddened by the Counselor death, but did their best to ensure everyone will survive Giggles plan.
External links[]
- Player on the Circus Trip Wiki.
- The protagonists appearance is depicted based on the players.
- They are set to return in the sequel, but the sequel status seems to still being hold in silent.
- An cutscene shows that if of the protagonists had actually fallen from the Pipes, eventually is caught by Giggles and turn into one of his clown through a torturous live before finally become insane, succumbing to Giggles corruption.
- The player is severely important for Brooks and a protagonist's fate, if the players managed to make it out of the bear traps and help each other from falling on the pipes, they'll be able to achieve the good ending.