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Queen Aleena is the overarching protagonist in the TV Show Sonic Underground.

She is an anthropomorphic hedgehog and the mother of Sonic, Manic, and Sonia. She is also the original leader of the Freedom Fighters.

She was voiced by Gail Webster.


Queen Aleena is a purple anthropomorphic female hedgehog with black eyes. She wears a gold crown with a single jewel in the center. She sometimes wears white armor, the jewel in the center of her is cherry red. Her white dress usually has gold trim, especially on the skirt, and a yellow cape with a heart-shaped pendant on the front.


Aleena is known to be quite a caring queen, especially towards her children: she once openly fired on a group of Swatbots and a Roboticizer to save Manic. She loved peace in her kingdom of hers, Mobius, and she quickly joins the Freedom Fighters to make the prophecy about her and her children come true, or else she fears something terrible will happen.

Powers and Abilities[]

Queen Aleena appears to possess certain magical abilities, such as projecting her image to other locations and teleporting from place to place. Her golden crown contains a jewel that acts as a signal device; if separated from her, it will pinpoint her location. She also has a Royal Scepter, but she rarely uses it. Throughout the series, the Queen has shown exceptional skill in stealth, as she was able to conduct operations, spy on the enemy, and sneak around without people, friend or foe, finding out.


Queen Aleena was the former ruler of Mobius, but was deposed at the hands of Doctor Robotnik. The Oracle of Delphius informed her that she was forced to leave her children in a basket and gave them to three separate families (by placing them in front of their house and knocking the door) in order to protect them.


  • Aleena appears to be an incompetent queen, given Robotnik was able to plan so easily under her nose; even with the nobles backing him out of greed.
  • Her husband (the king of Mobius) was planned to appear in show but was scrapped for unknown reasons. He was the rightful king of Mobius before Doctor Robotnik deposed him and his queen, he is thus the biological father of Sonic, Sonia and Manic.
    • Its also unknown what happened to him, he never appeared or was mentioned in the show. The French theme song of the show however implied that there was no king at the time that Sonic and his siblings were born, which could mean that he either went away from court, was imprisoned, roboticized, or killed.
  • The Sonic Underground were supposed to finally reunite with her in <nowiki>Virtual Danger (the true last episode of the series), which would fulfill the Oracle's prophecy, defeat Robotnik, and restore everything to normal, but the outcome was sadly never resolved when the series was cancelled before completion of the triplets' quest, making everything unsolved as to whether Sonic and his siblings fulfilled the Oracle's prophecy or if Robotnik otherwise won the war, defeated and roboticized them.

External Links[]


            SonicUndergroundLogo Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Manic the Hedgehog | Sonia the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog | Queen Aleena | Trevor the Mouse
Alternate Dimension Doctor Robotnik | Doo Bot | Knuckles the Echidna | Oracle of Delphius | Mindy LaTour | Mr. LaTour

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
