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I'll never be anything more than a wealthy queen of a fabulous faraway kingdom...it's my destiny.
~ Bean's most famous quote.

Tiabeanie Maribeanie De La Rochambeaux Grunkowitz, better known by her nickname Bean is the main protagonist and heroine of Matt Groening's adult animated fantasy comedy Disenchantment.

She is voiced by Abbi Jacobson (who also plays Katie Mitchell) in the English version of the cartoon, and by Rossa Caputo in the Italian version of the cartoon.


Like typical rebellious Princesses, Bean desires the freedom to make her own choices in life and believes that everyone should have that freedom as well. Unlike typical rebellious Princesses, Bean is an alcoholic and has been known to get drunk and gamble. She also is very irresponsible, disobedient, and even cynical at times and has had issues with her temper at times. Despite these flaws, Bean is a kind and brave Princess who tries to learn from her mistakes. She is very protective of her friends and while she is not the brightest member of the dreamland royal family, she is smart on the streets, and can defend herself. Though her alcohol addiction remains a problem.



Bean is the only child of King Zog and Queen Dagmar of Dreamland, a parody of dark fantasy/fairytale kingdoms.

One evening at the age of 5 years old, Bean was playing with her mother when Odval, the vizier brought in a tray of wine and grapes.While taking a grape while her parents backs were turned, Bean turned the tray around and the King and Queen drank from the goblets not intended for them.

However, the drink intended for Zog was poisoned and Dagmar was killed. (In truth, Dagmar had poisoned the drinks herself and did not really die, but had turned to stone. Zog, covered his daughters eyes, so she assumed her mother had died.


Without her mother, Bean was primarily raised by her nursemaid Bunti, and by a group of drunks at local taverns.

Over the next 15 years, Bean grew into a rebellious and alcoholic but kind and caring girl.

Sometime after her mother's death, her father, Zog, remarried, his new wife was Oona, who gave to the king a son, Derek. Since Dreamland was a patriarchy, Derek would become the next King, while Bean would be married off for a political alliance. This caused Bean to become jealous of her brother as he got to do all the things she wanted, and dismiss him as annoying.

Bean was eventually put into an arranged marriage with the Prince of Bentwood, which did not make her happy. (the bride and groom topping on the wedding cake didn't even look like Bean and the Prince, it looked like Zog and the King of Bentwood kissing). While looking over the wedding presents, Bean found a small package containing a demon named Luci, who had been sent by the evil Emperor Cloyd and his Enchantress, and sister, Becky, to turn Bean evil.

At the wedding, Bean said "no" during the vows, while an Elf named Elfo who had left the elf forest because he was tired of being happy all the time interrupted the wedding. Zog, knowing that Elf blood could create the Elixir of Life ordered Elfo to be seized, but during the ensuing chaos, Bean, Luci and Elfo escaped. During their first misadventure, the three formed a strong friendship and were able to call the wedding and alliance by tricking Bean's fiancée into drinking a potion that would turn him into a pig.

From then on, Bean and her friends went on comedic misadventures that often began with them getting into or starting trouble. But the three always tried to fix the trouble. Elfo meanwhile, agreed to be a test subject for creating the Elixir of Life.

Fall of Dreamland[]

Zog eventually grew impatient from the repeated failures to create the Elixir of Life from Elfo's blood and was surprised to learn that Elfo was not really an Elf. Bean, Elfo and Luci learned this as well and traveled to Elfwood where Elfo learned that he was only Half-Elf. At the same time, Zog's men arrived to kill the elves and steal their blood. Though Bean, Elfo and Luci were able to close the Elves drawbridge, saving them from an arrow volley, one of the arrows struck Elfo, who died in Bean's arms.

Heartbroken and furious at her father for murdering her friend and seeking the Elixir, Bean disowned Zog only to learn that Zog was not trying to create the Elixir of Life to become immortal, but to revive Dagmar, and that Dagmar's "memorial" was really the Queen after being turned to stone. Bean later created the Elixir using the Vial of Immortality(Which she had obtained in an earlier episode) and after some uncertainty about whether or not to resurrect Elfo or Dagmar, chose to revive her mother.

However, this proved to be a grave mistake as this made Oona more and more of an outcast, and Dagmar began to manipulate Bean to gain her daughter's trust. Dagmar then began framing Oona for turning people in Dreamland to stone, causing Oona to flee to her home Kingdom of Dankmire while Dagmar turned everyone in Dreamland to stone. While asking a crystal ball if Oona was still in the castle, magic bolts shot out of Bean's fingers much to her shock.

Later, Dagmar revealed that this power was connected to an unknown destiny Bean had. Dagmar then kidnaped Bean and brought her aboard a strange ship filled with monsters saying it will bring them to her homeland. Luci was also kidnapped but by an unidentified party, while Elfo's body was accidentally cast into the ocean where it was recovered by another unidentified party.


During the trip to Dagmar's homeland, Oona boarded the ship, but while she was unable to rescue Bean, she managed to steal the Vial of Immortality. Dagmar also continued to manipulate Bean into thinking that Oona was behind it all to keep her daughter's trust. Upon arriving in Dagmar's homeland, Maru, Bean was introduced to Cloyd, and his Enchantress Rebecca, who revealed themselves as her Aunt and Uncle. She also met Jerry, another maternal uncle, who was little more than a slave. Although her maternal family seemed welcoming at first, they warned her not to enter a certain room. Additionally, Maru's somewhat creepy nature, combined with growing uncertainty over her mother, and choosing to sacrifice Elfo, caused Bean to doubt her current situation.

As Dagmar continued to show Bean the wonders of Maru, she claimed that her own mother and father died in a "double murder suicide", and that Maru's royal family suffered from insanity to a small degree. That evening, Maru's elderly population began spewing mysterious claims about a "Tiabeanie" who would save Maru. That evening, Cloyd and Becky announced that Bean would take part in a ceremony to welcome her into the family. Before the ceremony could begin, Bean snuck into the forbidden room, and found a painting that looked exactly like her, along with severed arms. The sight was so shocking, Bean fainted.

When she came too, she told Dagmar what she had seen, only to find a different painting and the arms were missing from the room. Dagmar then claimed that Bean had inherited the family insanity curse, and that it was to blame. Bean confronted Jerry about the family curse, and he revealed that a number of Maru's royalty indeed had insanity, and that they were prone to murdering people and animals alike. Remembering all the people or animals she has harmed either through accident, self defense, or "justifiable homicide", Bean began to fear that she too was insane. But once Jerry realized one of the paintings from the royal gallery were missing, that of Queen Mariabeanie, which was the replacement painting Bean had seen when she entered the forbidden room with Dagmar.

Bean then found a secret passage in the forbidden room, leading to the basement which was filled with items of dark magic, where she found Dagmar's stone potion, as well as the painting of herself. Still believing her mother to be on her side, Bean took the painting, along with other evidence that pointed to Maru as the culprit behind the fall of Dreamland and warned Dagmar that they had to leave and that Becky and Cloyd were planning to murder her in the ceremony as a sacrifice. When Bean blamed her aunt and uncle for turning Dagmar and Dreamland to stone, Dagmar said they they could no have made the potion, as they don't know how to make fruit cocktails. Bean then realized the truth, her mother was evil, and that she had been behind it all from the start. Dagmar then ordered Bean to prepare for the ceremony, and locked her in the guest room.

Bean returned to the basement and rescued Luci. But Dagmar and her siblings caught up with the heroes, and revealed that Bean was meant to fulfill, she was to be sacrificed in order to pay off a debt Maru owed to Hell in order for the Kingdom to prosper again. As Bean escaped, the shelves were knocked over and Cloyd was crushed. Dagmar then revealed that she had murdered her own mother and father, but Bean said she was not, and will never be like her mother. Dagmar then asked if Elfo deserved to die. While opening the door, Luci accidentally knocked a candle Bean was holding into the now alchohol soaked basement floor, setting it ablaze. Bean and Luci raced to the temple, hoping to bring Jerry with them, only to find that Jerry had been murdered by Dagmar. Grief stricken at the loss of so many that evening, Bean hoped that Elfo would forgive her for her mistake, and aplogized. Just then, Elfo's voice seemed to be coming from the oracle fire.

Elfo revealed that after he died, his spirit ascended to Heaven. Luci then revealed that there was a way to resurrect Elfo, but Elfo's spirit must be in Hell for it to happen, as Luci could not enter Heaven. Despite the bad connection the oracle fire gave them, they were able to tell Elfo that he must find a way to get to Hell. Luci then revealed that the temple had a secret entrance to Hell. Before Bean could enter, Dagmar revealed she had not died in the basement and made one last attempt to kill Bean. However, Jerry was not dead yet, and used his remaining energy to knock Dagmar out, before finally dying. Bean then descended to Hell.


Donning a demon costume in order to disguise herself, Bean, along with Luci arrived in Hell. Elfo arrived in Hell as well, as he called Jerry, who had ascended as well, a "dumb-dumb", much to God's fury. Bean also learned that Luci was a low ranking demon, who had not "earned his wings" yet. Luci lead Bean to the infernal stronghold, where all damned souls are recorded. On the way, she encountered Hansel and Gretel again.

Upon arrival at the stronghold, Bean looked into the Book of the Dead, but was caught by Asmodeus himself. Luci then removed Bean's disguise, and offered her to Asmodeus, along with Elfo. The Prince of Darkness promoted Luci to a level 2 demon, and gave him demonic wings, who had a horrified and betrayed Bean taken away. Bean was imprisoned next to Elfo, who was forced to watch a vison of Bean choosing to resurrect Dagmar over him. Elfo felt betrayed, and accused Bean of not caring about him, and refusing to resurrect him, when she could have. Bean freely admitted that resurrecting her mother was a mistake, and revealed that Luci had betrayed them... only to see that Luci had unlocked their cage.

Luci revealed that he needed to earn his wings so that he could help his friends escape from Hell, but he had to betray them in order to gain those wings. Still not fully trusting the demon, Bean and her friends escaped the prison. As they flew to safety, Luci revealed that Elfo's spirit would lead them to his body, but once he let Elfo's spirit out of a bottle he had placed him in earlier, he would have only 30 seconds to reclaim his body.

However Asmodeus confronted them, and revealed that a level 2 demon can never escape. Luci then betrayed his friends again, thus tricking Asmodeus to promote him to an Uber Demon. Luci then betrayed his master for the final time, and slammed him into the ground. Asmodeus warned Luci that if he left, he would not only lose his wings and status, but also his immortality, power, parking space, everything. But Luci revealed that during his time with Bean and Elfo, he gained a true friendship with them, and would rather live a short life with them, then an eternal one without them. Luci then rescued his beloved friends, and they escaped from Hell, and Luci lost his wings, power, and immortality.

Bean and her friends arrived on a tropical island, where they found Elfo's body. Bean placed Elfo's spirit back in his body, and her friend returned to life, much to Bean and Luci's joy. The three friends were reunited.

Return to Dreamland[]

After spending a luxurious night on the tropical island, being massaged by Mermaids, Bean and her friends returned to Dreamland, only to find Zøg trying to kill them by shoving boulders into the ocean, as he blamed Bean for everything. Fortunately, Zøg fell of the cliff and onto a rock, knocking him out, allowing his daughter and her friends to return to shore. Bean was guilt stricken when she saw her people trapped in stone, but was chased into the church by her now recovered father. Zøg accused Bean of being like her mother, but she responded with that she is 50% her father, and her own person. Zøg was still hesitant to trust his daughter, but after Bean saved him from accidentally falling of the church tower, father and daughter reconciled.

Soon after that, a pirate ship arrived, captained by Leavo, the only other Elf to have left Elfwood, along with his new first mate, Oona, who had joined the pirates after escaping from the ocean. Oona revealed she still had the eternity pendent, and Leavo demanded treasure in exchange for Dreamland's restoration. However, while Bean was away, Bozaks had stolen most of Dreamland's treasures. While Elfo tried to trick Leavo into getting knocked out in the dungeons, Bean made up with her stepmother. Leavo survived Elfo's trick, but was then tricked by Bean into thinking Dreamlands people were a great people.

Hoping to strike a new deal, Bean and the others traveled to Elfwood with Zøg in chains to apologize to the elves, and have all of them supply the blood needed to make the elixir to free Dreamland. After some difficulties, Leavo was able to convince the Elf King and the others to travel to Dreamland, as it had something the elves had been searching for. With all the Elves of Elfwood, Dreamland's people were freed, while Zøg and Oona divorced on good terms with each other. Leavo decided to retire from piracy, while Oona took over the ship, while promising to see Derek whenever she could.

Return of Dagmar[]

Life returned to normal in Dreamland, but Bean pondered why her mother would betray her. Dagmar, meanwhile was not dead, and began to haunt Bean in her nightmares, with a music box she gave to Bean, as a baby, which played a haunting tune. In one nightmare, Dagmar claimed that Bean’s power was closer than she thought. Bean initially assumed this was just leftover trauma. Hoping to make his daughter feel better, Zøg burned Dagmar’a portrait, only for Bean to find a hidden message written behind the portrait, and a Marvian symbol. It revealed that something was hiding in the castle.

Upon further investigation, Bean found more Maruvian symbols in the castle, and followed them to a hidden cavern, under the castle. A gust of wind and a louder version of the music box’s music sent the Princess running back to the castle where she destroyed the music box. But that night, the box returned in her nightmares. Later, after another nightmare, Bean consulted Zøg, who revealed that the reason the Kingdom is called Dreamland, is because dreams had in the castle.


One evening, a dragon attacked Elf Ally. Bean pursued it out of the city, and shot it down, only to learn that the dragon was really a flying machine, piloted by a man named Sky Gunderson, who was immediately arrested by Dreamlands knights. While being interrogated, Sky claimed that magic paled in comparison to science, which really made the world go round.

Bean visited Sky in the dungeon and asked to be taught about science, as magic brought her nothing but unhappiness. After bringing him some supplies, Sky used the, to create a radio to contact his home, much to Bean’s surprise and confusion. Sky credited her for making the radio, revealing science. As Sky prepared to escape with the supplies, Bean begged him to take her with him, as she yearned to see where Sky’s technology came from. Sky agreed to bring her along, and that evening, they left Dreamland in a submarine, and traveled to Sky’s home, Steamland. A steampunk city.
Upon arrival in Sky’s house, Bean grew more and more fascinated by technology, but was warned by Sky to not leave the garage. But quickly driven boredom from being alone, Bean set out to explore Steamland. After some amazement, she traveled to Sky’s lab, where she learned that Sky had been sent to Dreamland to deliver a weapon to an assassin, to kill Zøg. When Bean asked about this, Sky revealed his true nature and attempted to kill the Princess with a gun.

Bean escaped in a zeppelin, but Sky followed and broke into the zeppelin, and after a brief fight, fell out of the zeppelin to his death. After returning to Dreamland, Bean warned Zøg about the assassin, and that a Steamland gun was the weapon. However, Odval did not believe her and ordered Sir Pendergast to take the gun. In the ensuing struggle, the gun went off, and hit Zøg.


Zøg was greatly wounded, but incapacitated. Odval accused Bean of being the assassin, and placed the Princess under house arrest. With Zøg unable to rule, Derek was crowned King, and became Odval’s puppet. The High Druidess then began to spread lies that Bean was really a witch who tried to kill the King. Soon all of Dreamland was against Bean, who would be tried as a witch. Under interrogation, Bean still claimed her innocence and Elfo and Luci offered to aid her in the trail as her lawyers.

The trail was a kangaroo case, and under Odval’s influence, combined with bad memories of mistreatment from his sister, Derek began abusing his power. The witnesses were either people who had bad experiences with her, or were coerced into putting false blame on her. Upon Elfo’s take of the stand, he revealed that both he and Bean were in hell, and that Luci had duped Asmodeus in order to escape. But this made Dreamland fear Bean even more, and even fear Elfo and Luci, as accomplices.

While in the dungeon, the three friends feared for their lives, even Luci, who had lost his immortality to save his friends. But while in the dungeon, they overheard Odval, Sorcerio,the Arch Druidess and a group of cultists were planning to kill Zøg, as he advises Derek to spare his half-sister. As this happened, the royal executioner, and Bunti’s husband helped the friends escape into the catacombs. However, Bean refused to leave and chose instead to stay and save her father.
Upon warning Zøg, Bean attempted to surgically remove the bullet to save him. Though the bullet was removed, Odval, Sorcerio, and Derek entered the room, and saw Bean with a knife. Derek immediately declared Bean and her friends guilty and the three were prepared to be burned at the stake.

Before the fire could be lit, Bean thanked Elfo and Luci for all the time they had, and for being her friends. Odval handed Derek the torch and ordered the puppet king to kill Bean. But Derek, re-thinking his father’s advice, refused, but accidentally dropped the torch on the wood. As the flames grew closer, Luci revealed that he was no longer immortal, and that he gave it up for them. Bean and Elfo thanked Luci and prepared for their deaths, only for the a hole in the ground to open, causing the three to fall underground… where they were greeted by Dagmar, and group of strange creatures.

Stay in Trøgtown[]

Dagmar once again feigned kindness towards her daughter and the creatures identified themselves as trogs. The tried to run for it, but Dagmar reminded them that if they returned to Dreamland, they would be killed and only she knew the way out. At dinner, Dagmar claimed she loved her daughter and wanted her involved in her plans for world domination.

The next morning, Bean and the others were given a tour of Trogtown and learned that they worshiped the moon. But most importantly, Bean was introduced to the Pool of Reflection. A crystal cave with an underground lake with the power to seemingly grant wishes. The place seemed familiar to Bean and Dagmar revealed she had brought Bean down there a number of times.

Later, Dagmar claimed to Bean that Cloyd and Becky had told her that Zog was evil, but Bean still did not believe her mother. Dagmar then offered to help Bean escape via having Elfo deliver a message to Zog that Bean was alive. The plan ended successfully, but that night, Bean found Dagmar eating a Trog’s brain. Bean and her friends tried to escape, but ended up in the dungeon. Dagmar then dropped all facades and revealed she never loved Bean.

Inside the dungeon, the trio found Leavo who revealed he was kidnapped by the Trogs. The trio escaped after Luci revealed he could fit through the bars, but Leavo refused to accompany them as he still sought lost elven history. Bean broke into her mothers chambers and disguised herself as Dagmar in order to find her way out. While she was able to initially fool the Trog’s, the ruse was up when the real Dagmar arrived with a captured Elfo. Bean tried pretending that Dagmar was the fake, but the attempt was interrupted by Zog who had accidentally been rescued by the Trogs. After a brief chase, the Trogs stopped as the trio came in front a sparkling crystal, whose light shown on a strange symbol, which revealed that Bean, Elfo, and Luci, were prophecized heroes in Trog myth.

Angered by Dagmar’s deception as she had told them she was the one whom the prophecy mentioned, the Trogs turned on Dagmar and Bean disowned her mother. But as Bean returned her mother’s stolen crown, Bean’s magic activated again, allowing Dagmar to escape. The Trogs then showed her and the others the way out.

Clearing her name[]

After the heroes returned to Dreamland, Derek pardoned his sister and her friends, and abdicated, acknowledging that he was an inept and weak king. Zog reassumed the throne and life seemed to return to normal. But Zog began showing signs of mental trauma on account of being trapped in a coffin and buried alive.

Bean also learned that Pendergast has been murdered. A bullet wound was found on his decapitated body, and Bean deduced the gun she took from Steamland was the weapon, and that the assassin whom Sky had mentioned, was inside the castle. After learning that “the walls have eyes” from the crystal ball, she deduced that Odval was the assassin. Inside Odval’s office, the trio found the gun inside a hollowed globe and hit it in Bean’s room.

Later, at Derek and Sagatha’s wedding, Derek noticed a concealed weapon in the Arch-Druidesses robes. Odval then revealed he had no knowledge of Pendergast’s murder, and the Arch-Druidess revealed her true nature and her gun, which she had stolen from Bean’s room with the help of a gullible knight. The Arch-Druidess then escaped on a motorcycle to Steamland. But not before dropping a map to Steamland.

Return to Steamland[]

After realizing her father’s mental health was deteriorating, Bean asked Luci to watch over Zog while she and Elmo followed the Arch-Druidess to Steamland on another motorcycle in her lair… until they lost the motorcycle in the mountains where they recovered a house they had given to Malphus back in season 1.

Upon arriving to Steamland, Elfo was able to disguise himself, but got separated from Bean as she found the Arch-Druidess. She trailed the assassin to an factory building. Inside, she got swept up in the other workers and ended up doing factory work while wearing employee standard clothing. Inside, she met and befriended an employee named Gordy who offered her shelter at the employee quarters for the night.

The following morning, the Arch-Druidess announced a mandatory break day as the Steamland amusement park. Thinking the assassin may be there, Bean traveled with Gordy as her date. On a ferris wheel, Bean revealed who she really was to Gordy, just as the Arch-Druisess was found. Bean and Gordy followed her back to the factory. While Gordy distracted the elevator operator, Bean went to the top floor and the office of the CEO, where she found out that Gordy was really the CEO, Alva Gunderson, and Sky Gunderson’s brother. And he had been pretending to be an employee in order to meet Bean. Alva then revealed the Arch-Druidess works for him. He then fired her as he didn’t really want anyone to get hurt though, he only wanted Bean. As the assassin was taken away, she warned Bean not to trust Alva. Alva revealed that Dreamland was the home of a great power that Steamland sought to harness. He then offered a marriage alliance between Steamland and Dreamland and gave Bean the night to think it over.

Escape from Steamland and meeting Mora.[]

Bean escaped and eventually was able to learn that Elfo was at the amusement park freak show via eavesdropping at the League of Gallivanting Adventurers. She quickly freed him and most of the other prisoners, but was intercepted by Alva’s robots as she and Elfo tried to escape via the docks. In her frustration, Bean destroyed the robots with her magic and caused a temporary power outage in Steamland.

As the two searched for another way to escape, Elfo remembered one prisoner Bean forgot to rescue, a Mermaid named Mora. The rescue was a success and the Mermaid escaped. But as she escaped, the power went back on. After a brief chase in the house of mirrors, the heroes found a boat but didn’t realize it was tied as they started the engines. As the robots boarded, Mora cut the ropes and was brought aboard.

Bonding with Mora[]

On the trip back home, Bean learned of rejection and heartbreak, from Elfo as he had been rejected by a fortune teller. She also started forming a close bond with Mora, who revealed that she came to Steamland to become an actress, but was deemed unfit for live action roles and reduced to doing voice roles for Squalid Squirrel cartoons and work in bars and freak shows to make a living, much to her displeasure. Bean also revealed that in spite of her friends, she still felt that something was missing from her life and that she was lonely and had a sad love life. Mora also revealed she had a sad love life as well, due to being abandoned by a previous lover. That evening, Bean learned about stars and constellations from Mora, and a bit of Mermaid history. But by the following morning, the Mermaid had vanished. Bean wondered if it was all a dream.

Later, Bean and Elfo were caught in a fog and crashed onto the Dreamland shore. Bean was knocked out. When she came to, she saw Mora again and found she could breathe underwater if she held Mora’s hand. Mora brought Bean to her home, Mermaid Island. Mora revealed that she left because she was afraid of getting hurt, and came back because “I never learn.” Soon, Mora’s family showed up, and Bean learned that Mora was the Mermaid Queen’s eldest daughter, and therefore Princess of Mermaids.

After getting taunted by her family for leaving home, Mora showed Bean her favorite place on the island and gave her a Seastar necklace. Mora even played and sang a romantic song for Bean. After that, no longer able to hold back their growing feelings, the two kissed under the moonlight.

The next morning, Bean found herself back on the shore’s of Dreamland with Mora nowhere in sight. Once again assuming it was all a dream, Bean comforted Elfo as he was mourning the loss of the boat they had traveled in, as she empathized with his heartbreak. As the two returned to civilization, Bean failed to notice her necklace from Mora be swept away.

A conspiracy uncovered[]

After reuniting with Luci, Bean found Oona looking after Zog, and learned from her stepmother that her father’s mental health was getting worse. Sensing Bean’s sorrow, Oona tried to give her stepdaughter useful advice and learned of the night on the island. She even gave Bean her own stash of drugs. Bean soon found the mother she and needed and never realized she had in Oona, despite her stepmother having issues of her own. And stepmother and stepdaughter bonded.

Later, she tried to warn the royal council of the threat of Steamland, but the warnings fell on deaf ears due to their sexist policies. She then eavesdropped on the council and learned of the curse of Dreamland’s royal family, as well as of a secret society of whom Odval and Sorcerio were members off. She also learned that Zog’s death would end the curse, and that the society had murdered her uncle, Yog.

Warning Elfo and Luci of this threat, the trio decided to start building an army to oppose the secret society and Steamland. She also warned Oona of this conspiracy and she joined immediately, revealing that once she had loved Yog. They followed Odval and Sorcerio across Dreamland and learned that the society had members among people they had met in the past and collecting weapons and of their plans to kill Zog.

Later Bean infiltrated the society in disguise… only to learn it was a sex cult that did nude orgies, and they had lured Zog to them, and that Oona had infiltrated the cult as well. As it turned out, Odval and Sorcerio wanted Oona and Bean to be on to them, and they had done exactly as planned in order to worsen Zog’s mental health.

Zog’s madness[]

After a misadventure in Bentwood that had gained the heroes more money and arrows, Bean and her friends noticed a cloud of green smoke heading towards Dreamland. To make matters worse, Oona was forced to leave, but not before leaving her stepdaughter with a speech that she was better then she thought. Derek even tagged along with his mother.

After another one of Zog’s mad fits, it became painfully obvious that Zog was unable to rule Dreamland. The council decided to put Zog into a mental ward, but knew that only Bean could ease him into it. The movement was successful. While tending her father, Bean warned Zog of the green smoke and was forced to convey messages from Zog to to the council. But Zog began hearing Dagmar’s voice and even managed to escape from the ward before being brought back by Bean, purchasing a dummy called Freckles on the way back.

Through Freckles, Zog told Bean of being buried alive and began to prepare the castles defense. But he still continued to act mad and began speaking through Freckles. In one last attempt to bring her father back to sanity, Bean stole freckles while Zog slept, only for Zog to steal it back. In the throne room, using what little sanity he had left and speaking through Freckles, Zog admitted he was unable to rule anymore, and Bean could not rely on him anymore. He decided to commit himself to a mental institution, and abdicated the throne to Bean. Reluctantly, Bean accepted this.

A Queen is crowned[]

The following morning, Zog was taken away for therapy, and Bean was crowned Queen of Dreamland, not knowing she was being spied over by Alva. And just in time, as the smoke arrived. And as it turned out, the smoke was Big Jo, an exorcist who had tried to kill Bean and her friends back in season 1. Jo claimed he wanted to apologize and the smoke was from pork sausages his assistant, Porky, was making.

Bean did not trust Jo, and had him and Porky put in the dungeons. Unbeknownst to Beam though, Jo had been summoned by Odval, and that he was a member of the Society. And that the Society did not intend for Bean to be crowned.

At the same time, Ogres attacked the Kingdom and the army mustered to the defense and learned that the Ogres were after Elfo. For her friends safety, Bean sent him underground for his safety. There, he rallied the Trogs to the defense of the Kingdom and beat the Ogres back. But the Ogres did not retreat and blockaded the castle, only agreeing to leave if Elfo was surrendered. Bean refused, despite Odval and the Kingdom’s disapproval, who kidnapped Elfo and threw him to the Ogres. Bean tried to rescue him, but the Ogres invaded the castle with the gate open.

The trio fled to the highest tower as the Ogres threatened to sack the castle of Elfo was not yielded. Now believing she was a failure as a Queen, Bean and her friends sank into depression as they prepared for the end. But Elfo, determined to try and make things right, willfully surrendered to the Ogres and cast himself from the tower into their hands. At the same time, an elevator from Hell arrived, carrying Dagmar.

Bean stood up to her wicked mother by declaring that she was now Queen. Dagmar instead revealed that no one followed or cared for her anymore. She even accused Bean of abandoning Zog. Dagmar then revealed she had kidnapped Luci while distracting Bean. The two queens got into a struggle that got into the Elevator. Luci was able to escape from the glass jar Dagmar imprisoned him in, and rushed to rescue his friend and queen as the elevator doors closed and began to descend.

The doors closed on Luci and he tried to get Bean out as the elevator dropped. But instead, Luci was killed when his throat overextended and decapitated his head. Just before he died, Luci acknowledged that Bean brought out the goodness in him. The elevator finally arrived in Hell. There, Dagmar introduced Bean to Satan… whom she intended to marry Bean off to.

Second escape from Hell[]

Dagmar dragged a struggling Bean to a private room to prepare for the wedding and revealed that she had been behind every twist in her daughter’s life since she had been foolish enough to free her. She then tossed Luci head in the trash. Bean tried ton escape, only to learn that the wedding was on an isolated part of hell with no escape.

Bean was soon bound in chains and forced to wait for an eternity of doom and misery. Taking her beloved friend’s head out of the trash, she admitted that he was right, she was cursed. A tear dropped from her eye and landed on Luci head, allowing her commune with Luci, who had gone to Heaven, the first demon to ever go to Heaven. Luci implored Bean to use her own instincts to get out of this ordeal, and to believe in herself before the connection was severed and the head went limp again.

It was then that Satan himself entered the room and unchained Bean. Bean pretended to be impressed by Satan, who did not appear to be interested in the wedding. Using this to her advantage, Bean tried to manipulate Satan into calling the wedding off, but Dagmar returned and called her daughters bluff.

As the wedding began, Bean saw the damned souls of Hansel and Gretal, Guysburn, and Sky among the crowd. A demon priest the drew up a wedding contract for the King of Hell and the Queen of Dreamland. It was then that Bean realized that Dagmar has been telling the truth about manipulating Bean’s life, and that she wanted her daughter to become queen. The priest then handed Satan a dagger with binding powers, and revealed that the contract was to be signed in blood. Despite doubting the marriage would be happy, Satan signed his part of the contract. As Satan handed the dagger to Bean, Dagmar took the dagger, intending to slash Bean’s hand herself and force her to sign it. Bean begged her mother one final time to not do it, but the vile witch didn’t listen. Now realizing her mother was beyond all hope, Bean used slight of hand to cut Dagmar’s hand and slammed it on the contract, exploiting a loophole in the contract as it did not specifically have her name on the contract, and Dagmar HAD been a Queen of Dreamland.

The contract was fulfilled, and Dagmar transformed into the Queen of Hell. Bean ran for it again, as Dagmar ordered her new subjects to seize her daughter. She soon found unexpected rescue in the form of Jerry, who had been sent back by God to help his niece, as well as Luci’s soul, which was inside a jar for safety. The heroes soon found an elevator back to Earth, and Bean found herself face to face with Asmodeus again. But the elevator arrived and the heroes escaped from the vengeful demon.

But the elevator did not bring them to Dreamland… but Steamland… and Alva’s office.

Escape and reunion with friends[]

Alva soon noticed Bean and her allies and greeted them. He then revealed that Steamland’s steam, comes from Hell itself. Thus, Hell and Steamland are neighbors and allies. Alva also claimed he wanted to win back Bean’s trust and offered to take her back to Dreamland via the largest airship in Dreamland. He also claimed that he would prove to her that science and magic could do wonders. But Jerry knocked the CEO out, thinking he was too annoying.

On the way back, Bean recovered Luci’s body, flying with other demons. Luci’s soul was put back in his body, and the demon lived again. They also came across Elfo, who had just learned his mother was Queen of the Ogres, and had found his family again. They also went by the Twinkle Town Insane Asylum, whee Zog was kept. But bean did not know her father was there despite hearing her fathers frightened cries. And even called out Jerry for supposedly being too caring.

After being reprimanded by her friends for that unnecessary treatment of Jerry, and finding the laughing horse on a nearby mountain, Bean realized she did need to become more caring and empathetic, and saved the Horse… only to too late realize it was the laughing one… much to her ire as she learned that being good means helping those who annoy you.

Return of Cloyd and Becky[]

Finally, the young queen and her friends returned to Dreamland… only to be greeted by flaming arrows which downed the Zeppelin, forcing the heroes to enter the escape pod. They landed by a cave and returned to Dreamland on horseback. They found the Kingdom seemingly deserted, and an army of goons from Maru marching to the castle.

Bean and her friends snuck back into the castle and found some goons in her bedroom. Suspecting Dagmar had taken over the Kingdom, Bean snuck into the throne room, only to find that Emperor Cloyd and Becky had taken over Dreamland. Bean and her friends were taken prisoner and learned that her evil aunt and uncle had also been spying on her. They even revealed that Mora was indeed real. Bean and her friends were thrown in the dungeons along with Dreamlands people, who had also been imprisoned.

Bean tried raising their spirits, but they were too angry and broken at her to listen. Cloyd and Becky then gave one of the people a “royal treatment”. But the trio were rescued by an escaped Zog who had found enlightenment. The heroes soon followed the sounds of painful screams and learned that the royal treatment was being turned into a goon and forced into Maru’s service via being scratched by chopped off hands. Bean soon found Sorcerio who had not been turned yet.

The heroes then hatched a plan to expose Cloyd and Becky’s crimes. Elfo and Luci stole their oracle fire which the siblings used for scrying and brought it to the dungeons, and spied on Cloyd and Becky. Bean and Zog soon interrupted another treatment, and Cloyd accidentally revealed that he and his sister were also after Dreamland’s magic. After another fight, Bean and her father were defeated and told to reveal the location of the magic. But finally, Jerry stood up to his abusive siblings and even revealed he had freed Dreamland’s people, who now stood beside their Queen.

As the siblings ran with an angry mob in pursuit, Bean found out that Zog has been scratched by the hands in the fight. But as she tried to comfort her father as he prepared for becoming a monster, she unintentionally magically healed the wounds. Cloyd and Becky tried to escape via the escape pod that Bean and her friends had used. But knowing that they would eventually return, Bean, with the help of Luci, shot down the pod. But what she didn’t know, was that the pod was a decoy. Her evil aunt and uncle had never entered it.


Once again, life seemingly returned to normal. Bean and Zog decided to become co-rulers. But they learned that Freckles, had been alive the whole time, much to Zog’s delight. Unbeknownst to anyone though, Freckles was evil and was working for Cloyd and Becky. And he was trying to get Bean and Zog to not trust each other. He started by manipulating Zog into losing his temper.

Zog however, began to regret this after a nightmare and reconciled with Bean. But later Bean and Zog found themselves in the same nightmare via Freckles. When they awoke, they were tied up and found Cloyd and Becky, who had turned themselves into puppets in order to blend in more. However, father and daughter were freed by Elfo and Luci. Bean and her friends followed her evil Aunt and Uncle to Zog’s statue, where they found themselves in an underground tunnel. They soon found themselves in small ruins. Unbeknownst to them, they had found the ruins of a long lost Elven civilization.

Sea Trogs[]

Zog also came down, but was tripped by the edge of a hole overlooking the ocean and fell in. Bean was also stuck in a hole overlooking the edge. In Luci and Elfo’s attempts to free Bean, the trio accidentally fell into the ocean. The trio soon learned they were not alone. Elfo and Luci were kidnapped by a strange race of sea monsters. Bean followed them to the sunken ruins of an old castle. She soon found her friends who had gotten away.

The trio started searching the castle to find Zog and quickly learned that this was another elven ruin, and that this ruined castle was once a wing of Castle Dreamland. They soon found Zog who was surrounded by the creatures. He revealed they were not hostile and were offering him riches. (Which he actually was stealing)

The creatures revealed that they were Sea Trogs and offered them a feast as a thanks for the riches they had gotten from sunken ships. At the feast, Zog commented that this reminded him of an old legend about how humans stole Dreamland from the Elves, much to Bean and Elf’s anger and horror. Bean ordered Zog to return the goods he had taken from the Sea Trogs and enjoy their mating ritual.

After wrestling back a stolen pearl from Zog, the pearl flew out of their reach and down a flight of stairs. Bean followed it, intending to return it to the Sea Trogs. But below, she found that the Sea Trogs reproduced by inviting people to mating rituals, and laying parasitic eggs inside their guests which ate their hosts alive. She returned to find her father and friends hypnotized and nearly infested until the group was rescued by Oona and her pirates.

In the ensuing chaos, Bean was separated from the others and trapped in the flooding castle. She tried to swim to safety, but soon passed out from a lack of oxygen. Just then, she was rescued by Mora, who brought her back to shore and even restored her back tom conscious with a kiss. But when she saw the ship approaching, the Mermaid Princess became afraid of being hurt and fled. Bean awoke with Mora’s necklace around her neck.

Finding the battlefield[]

Realizing that Mora had rescued her, Bean once again felt heartbreak and shared this news with Zog. Hoping to spare Zog the same heartbreak, Bean suggested he went in search of Ursula, a forest Selkie he had meet and fell in love with back in season 2.

That evening, Bean felt too depressed to go out drinking. Instead she sat by the sea and revealed her sorrow to Elfo and Luci. As the trio tried to get back to the castle via a secret tunnel that Elfo found back in season 2, they found themselves in a cave with a wrecked ship and the dead bodies of Humans, Elves, and even Mermaids. Removing a dagger from a Mermaid skeleton, Bean saw a horrifying vision of the battle that took place and how the Elves and Mermaids were wiped out by magic just like hers.


Later, while holding court and trying to solve people’s problems, King Rulo of the Elves requested the Kingdom back to the Elves. Bean soon realized the Elves knew the truth. But under the stress of this request and of past events, refused. Zog then returned from seeing Ursula, and revealed to Bean that he accidentally impregnated Ursula, and Bean had another half-brother, Jasper, who had just lost his mother in a fire.

That night, Bean had another Freckles induced nightmare where she saw herself surrounded by her enemies, the Elves, and even the souls of all the Elves who perished in the cave battle. But she also saw Mora, who begged Bean to wake up. After she did wake up, she tasked Elfo with spying on the Elves to learn what their plan was. Surprisingly, Elfo accepted.

The following nights she had another nightmare where she saw Dagmar taunting her over being related to colonists. After pouring this news to Zog, he suggested that Bean has unresolved trauma and offered some knockout tea to help her sleep. Bean then found herself back in the same dream and saw her mother get in the elevator to hell. Bean then decided to destroy the elevator. Bean, Luci and Miri, the castle janitor arrived at the elevator just in time to witness Hansel and Gretel escaping from Hell. The two cannibals fled back to hell upon seeing Bean, who cut the elevator chords, destroying the elevator.

That evening, Elfo returned to Bean who revealed that the Elves and Trogs were heading towards conflict. That evening, the nightmares returned and Besan pursued her mother through the castle… only to see herself nearly being eaten by Dagmar as she devoured another Trog brain. Deciding she needed to use her brain, she ordered Luci and Miri to seal all underground entrances and in the process, kicked Cloyd and Becky out when they tried to sent Luci back to Hell.

In another nightmare, she found herself in places she had been to before, chasing her mother. Still wondering what these dreams were. Later, she learned that Elfo had been taken prisoner by both Elves and Trogs. Entering the catacombs and into Trogtown, she found Elfo being taken above ground to where the Trogs worship the moon, where he would be force-fed Trog goo to see if he really was one of the prohecized heroes. They soon noticed Bean, and ordered her to give Elfo the goo. Instead, Bean freed her friend and lamented on the fact that magic had only given misery, while science was capable of greatness, and begged the Trogs to resist. They refused as Luci arrived to save his friends and escape.

Still frustrated over not knowing the meaning of the nightmares, Bean returned to bed… to find a jug of Trog goo on the nightstand that had been planted by the Trogs. Out of curiosity, she drank it and found herself pursuing her mother in the nightmare. She finally caught up with Dagmar, only to find the person she was chasing… was herself.

Bad Bean[]

Bean learned that this was her own inner darkness, called Bad Bean. Bad Bean claimed she was trying to break the family curse, and that she needed Beans help. After waking up, she told everything to Luci, Elfo, and Miri. Not trusting Bad Bean though, Bean took more knockout tea, intending to kill Bad Bean. She tried a number of times to slay Bad Bean via knockout tea, but failed each time. More bad news then showed up, Derek, Jasper, and Freckles had run away from home.

While Zog and Odval went searching, Bean confronted Bad Bean again in her dreams who once again offered a truce. Leading Bean to the courtyard, Bad Bean showed Bean a vision of Dreamland destroyed. Bad Bean revealed that this was the future if Bean did not unleash her magic. Bad Bean then showed Bean how to use the magic, and fed the inner darkness and fire inside her. And in her fury, Bean destroyed the castle, only to be realized that Bad Bean wanted to destroy Dreamland. Bad Bean then revealed she was jealous of Bean, and wanted to enter the real world. But she had to get rid of Bean in order to do so.

In the ensuing fight, Bean unleashed the magic and defeated Bad Bean. But in doing so, she allowed Bad Bean to enter the real world, while Bean herself was trapped in the real world, seeing the real world from her bedroom mirror. Bad Bean fooled the others into thinking she was the real Bean and covered the mirror where the real Bean was visible.

While Bad Bean contacted to begin Armageddon, Elfo found the real Bean trapped in the mirror, and in tears. Miri however, learned that Luci could enter Bean’s dreams in order to free her. The rescue was a success and Bean confronted her Dark Side given life, but Bad Bean revealed it was too late. Hell was on it’s way and that Bean could not kill her. Because deep down, Bad loved her evil self. Bean replied that she didn’t love herself, and decapitated Bad Bean. But another elevator was approaching from Hell. While Luci, Elfo, Bunti, and Miri, hid Bad Bean’s body and head, and tried to cover up evidence of the struggle, Bean pretended to be her deceased dark side. She even donned the screwed crown after removing the screws

Soon enough, Dagmar and Lucifer arrived. And while trying to maintain the facade by hugging Lucifer, the Evil One revealed his marriage with Dagmar was unbearable. But soon, Dagmar found out that this was the real Bean, knocked her daughter out, and cast her into the ocean to die. But once again Mora rescued Bean, and the two were finally reunited.

Reunion in the Darkest Time[]

Dagmar and Satan soon took control of Dreamland. Bean’s allies assumed their beloved friend and queen was dead, but vowed to keep fighting for her. But the evil Queen sought Bad Bean’s body, as resurrecting Bad Bean, would allow her to harness Dreamland’s magic, and unleash evil beyond all imagination.

Meanwhile, in an underwater cave and air pocket, Bean and Mora hid from the growing darkness and had a romantic night. Bean had never felt happier then ever. Mora suggested that they could elope and live on beach shake, living happily ever after. But Bean knew that it would mean abandoning her friends. The fires of Hell would merge with Dreamland’s magic and expand across the world until everything was destroyed and remade in Dagmar’s vision. Not even they would be spared.

Eventually, Mora agreed to help Bean defeat her mother, and the two arrived back at Castle Dreamland and into Elf’s room as he was still mourning Bean. The reunion brought much joy to the half-elf. Soon, Luci and Miri rendezvous with their allies, and the body of Bad Bean began moving. They managed to get the body to Sorcerio to be destroyed. But Dagmar and Lucifer arrived before it could. So it was hid in the garbage chute and fool the demonic couple. But while hiding, Bean and Mora fell from the tower and into the ocean. After making it back into the city, they went into the church to hide and find Mora some water to keep her tail hydrated or it would get flakey and slippery.

After applying holy water to rehydrate the tail, the two hid in the confession box as Dagmar’s men arrived. While there, Bean asked why Mora had abandoned her in the past. Mora claimed that Bean had abandoned her. And as the two wondered if there was a third party in play, they made out again, and accidentally rang the church bell, alerting Dagmar and Satan.

The latter arrived to investigate, but Bean and Mora escaped the the Arch-Druidess’s chambers. There, they found a television that was connected to a hidden camera on Zog’s crown. Through the TV, they learned that Zog was in Steamland and watches him get captured. Finding another motorcycle, the couple escaped Dreamland, stopping to ask for weapons from Elfo, Luci, and Miri. She then revealed her intentions to save Zog, while the others would have to hold out without her.

Rescuing Zog[]

On the way, they had dinner with Malphus, who warned Bean that someone she cared about would die in the near future. After accidentally falling through a hole in the cave, they were swept into the ocean where they were rescued by Oona and her pirates who brought them to Steamland.

After disguising Mora (and Bean accidentally insulting her), the couple sought Intel at a lesbian bar that Mora used to work at. The bartender did agree to reveal the last place Zog was seen, if Mora did a Karaoke number.    After Mora did an erotic sex rock song, the bartender revealed that Zog wa last seen by a pawnshop in a back ally. The two women found the shop, and learned that Zog’s crown was on sale. After tricking the owner into giving it to them, the women fled, only to be intercepted by Alva, who revealed that he had Zog, and brought them to him.

Zog revealed he was looking for Derek, Jasper, and Freckles. Bean warned her father that Alva could not be trusted, despite treating them to dinner. As Bean and Mora sought ways to escape with Zog, Alva recognized Mora as Squalid Squirrel’s actress. Excited, Alva invited them to his screening room, while Bean learned her likeness was being used for a bean dip without her permission. While Alva distracted the others with Squalid Squirrel cartoons, Bean snuck out and found Alva’s lab. There, she found a suit of armor in her likeness. After accidentally activating it, and getting trapped in it with her magic, Alva revealed it was built to steal her magic. To make matters worse, the Arch-Druidess was present and was going to be the one who draws the magic out by making her angry.

Soon, the Arch-Druidess was able to draw out Bean’s magic via emotional abuse and taunting. But Zog and Mora arrives to save her. But the villains gained the upper hand. As The Arch-Druidess prepared to shoot Zog, she revealed that she had buried him alive. After learning this, Bean escaped from the suit, rescued her father and Mora, and defeated the villains.

The heroes escaped via train, and Bean revealed she had swiped a talking Squalid Squirrel doll for Mora to make up for the earlier argument, much to the Mermaid’s joy. Mora also revealed she had shipped some bean dip for Bean. The heroes arrived at the Freak Show, but found all the standard entrances too heavily guarded. So they snuck back to Sky’s house and used his submarine to sneak back to the freak show. But they were caught by P.T., who was betrayed by his son who knocked out his father. Soon, all the freaks, (save the racist antelope) along with Odval, Jasper, and Ursula, were rescued who boarded the submarine.

But as the prisoners boarded, P.T. came too and got into a struggle with Zog.  Bean raced to rescue her father and used her powers to allow him tom escape. P.T. pursued them across the park. They eventually found a hot hair balloon and escaped, dropping a hard sack on P.T. either killing or knocking him out. Unable to rendezvous with Mora and the others, Bean ordered them back to Dreamland, while she and Zog sought their own way home. Unbeknownst to them, Freckles had stowawayed.

As they traveled home, Bean and Zog lamented how badly fate had treated them. But they soon found Freckles on board. Freckles warned Zog of Freckles true nature, only for the evil puppet to attempt to stab the balloon. Bean begged Freckles not to, but the puppet only revealed his evil was born from how no one appreciated him. He also revealed that Dagmar had brought him to life. But the heroes managed to cast him off the balloon.

Return to Maru[]

As Bean and Zog tried to get home, they found themselves back in Maru where they accidentally downed their balloon while trying to get Cloyd and Becky’s minions off. (They were being shot out of a cannon). But the two were rescued by two elderly women who begged Bean to save them. When she revealed her powers, the crone’s leader revealed that the severed arms from the previous season were hers. Bean returned the arms, and manages to heal the wounds.

The leader warned Bean that if left uncontrolled, her powers could kill someone she loves. Thus, she offered to teach Bean to control her power. She brought Bean and Zog to an arboretum and revealed that Maru used to be a lush and enchanted land. But when Dagmar’s family seized control, they absorbed all the magic and turned Maru into a scorching desert. They also had made a deal with Hell, and thus Bean’s magic was meant to be used for evil.

Th ensuing magic lessons only had limited success. And the crones began to lose faith. So they forced her into a do or die scenario. Stranded in the desert with a sandstorm approaching. Bean was swept into the storm and finally learning focus and control, Bean stopped the storm in it’s traps. The crones then revealed she had to save Maru, and he father was captured. But Bean’s magic was depleted.

Bean fought her way into the palace, and found him being tangled over the stairway to Hell. Cloyd and Becky arrived and offered to rule Dreamland and Maru with Bean, or Zog would go to Hell. Bean refuse, and tog was lowered. Acting fast, Bean shut the door with her magic, as Asmodeus arrived to claim Zog. The door shut on Asmodeus’s throat, decpaitating him, and saving Zog. Bean then threw her aunt and uncle into the oracle flame, where they teleported to Dreamland. Bean warned her mother that she was still alive through the fire, and destroyed it while Dagmar, finally having had enough of her siblings, had them killed with a newly resurrected Bad Bean.

With this, the palace began to collapse and father and daughter barely escaped. The crones offered a flying machine to escape from Maru, that they got from Steamland. As the heroes left, Maru once again became lush and beautiful.

The insane asylum[]

Bean and Zog grew tired after extensive travel, and crashed. After wandering a thick fog, they found themselves at the twinkle town asylum and taken prisoner. The head doctor, Chazz, had father and daughter imprisoned in separate cells. Bean tried escaping, but her powers were still recharging. Bean also found that her cellmate was Big Jo. Jo claimed he wanted to reform and offered and apology. Bean accepted

At a group therapy session, Bean learned the others had killed their mothers and told them about her powers. She also revealed she’s been unable to kill her mother, and the doctor suggested that something was holding her back. During a role-play session, Zog pretended to be Dagmar, and after some prodding, Bean revealed that she intended to utterly destroy Dagmar, wipe her from existence. She also feared that she would pay a heavy price, maybe be wiped from existence herself.

That evening, Bean, Zog, and Jo, discussed what could happen if she ends Dagmar’s existence. Jo then reminded her that she would have to find out whom she would live for, and whom she would die for. The next morning at group therapy, Bean shared more of her intentions and rage, how Dagmar always haunted her. And how unfair her life was, and that the asylum doctors, or her mother, or other authority figures who are the problem, and lock people up to keep them from threatening them.

Bean then tried to stir up the other inmates, only to be taken in for electric shock therapy. But this recharged her power, killed or incapacitated the guards, freed the inmates, and escaped.

The Final Battle for Dreamland[]

After recruiting Porky, Jo’s mute adoptive son and partner, Bean finally returned to Dreamland. As she arrived, Dreamland’s armies and allies had readied themselves. Humans, Elves, Trogs, Mermaids, Ogres, Enchanted Forest creatures, and Oona’s prates. Bean and her allies arrived as Mona’s ship arrived. Bean and her allies boarding, where Zog reunited with Ursula and Jasper. But Bean learned that Mora had joined the Mermaid army.

As the allies got their rest for tomorrow morning, Bean had a touching moment with her stepmother, who feared that this would be their last night. Not wanting to let anyone die, Bean took a rowboat, and snuck back into the castle via a sewage pipe. She entered in the throne room, and found Lucifer in the throne room. Pretending to be Bad Bean, she learned that Dagmar and Bad Bean had gone to the Pool of Reflection. It was then that Bean realized the magic was there all along. And all those trips down there, Dagmar was preparing her daughter.

As Bean rushed to the crystal caverns, a group of Elves pretending to be Janitors infiltrated the castle, and Luci, Elfo, and Miri began to make their move. While the latter trio was hiding from Satan, Luci left them and followed Satan, (whom he recently learned was his father.) to reprimand him for being a broken pedestal to him, and beg him to rethink the whole thing before rejoining the others.

By the time Dagmar, Bad Bean, and their minions of humans and goons had arrived at the cavern doors, Bean was already waiting for them. But she soon realized that one person against multiple people is no fair fight. But then, Zog, Derek, Ursula, Jasper, Bunti, her husband Stan, creatures from the Enchanted Forest, Elves, and Trogs arrived, as did Elfo, Luci, and Miri. The Battle for Dreamland, had begun.

Later, Mora and the Mermaids reinforced the heroes and in the heat of battle, Bean finally confessed her love for Mora. Additionally, Odval, Sorcerio, and the Secret Society reinforced the heroes. Even with these reinforcements, Dagmar’s army outnumbered the heroes and they were slowly driven back towards the door.

It was then that Bean noticed Bad Bean sneaking towards the door. Rushing to intercept her evil twin, the two Beans fought their way into the caverns. As they fought, Bad Bean taunted Bean about how she was her own worst enemy. Eventually, as Bad Bean got the upper hand and prepared the killing blow, Bean unleashed her magic again. As did Bad Bean, who possessed the same magic. Bad Bean drove Bean into the water, and taunted her good counterpart of her own self defeating nature and never learns. It was then that Bean realized her evil counterpart was recharging her magic, as did Bad Bean learn the same about Bean. With that, Bean used the caverns to recharge her magic and unleashed greater magic. But even that failed, and Bad Bean retreated to the fighting. Bean pursued her evil duplicate, and they entered a knife struggle. Bean got the upper hand and readied the killing blow… as Bad Bean revealed “There’s more then one way to use magic, you fool.” Bean stabbed her counterpart in the heart… only to realize in horror that it wasn’t Bad Bean she had killed… it was Mora. As the light vanished from the Mermaid Princesses horrified eyes, she asked why Bean had done it. Dagmar then complimented Bad Bean for this. Now filled with grief and hatred for her mother and doppelgänger, Bean unleashed the full might of her magic, killing Bad Bean for good. The other remaining heroes retreated to the pirate ship.

Bean brought Mora’s body to a rock by the sea and laid her to rest. It was then that Dagmar arrived to torment her daughter on using up all her magic and that it would take days to return. She then ordered her minions to take Bean prisoner, and leave Mora’s body to be eaten by the crabs. It was then the Ogres arrived to guard the doors. Bean was imprisoned in her room. Elfo, Luci, Miri, and Zog arrived. But Bean was too sad to even look at them or speak to them. They tried to get Bean to get back on her feet. But without Mora, nothing mattered to Bean anymore.

As Bean gazed at a Mermaid constellation that Mora had introduced to her in an earlier season, she commented that all magic does is bring death and sadness. Finally having had enough of magic, she vowed to destroy it forever. Meanwhile, Dagmar had bypassed the Ogre’s with Satan’s hypnotism. As Dagmar began to harness the magic, the magic began leaking into Dreamland’s water.

Luci, Elfo, and Miri arrived at Bean’s room to warn her about this. If Dagmar began to control it, the End Times would be upon them. But Bean was still mopey. Miri, Elfo, and Luci were forced to facer Dagmar themselves. In the ensuing battle, Dagmar absorbed at least a portion of Dreamland’s magic and overpowered the heroes. Luci was killed and his body destroyed by being thrown into lava. Meaning that this time he was dead for good. It was then that Lucifer, who had just arrived, finally left his hated wife, calling her more evil then he was.

Elfo returned to Bean, and unveiled the bad news. Elfo and Miri made one last attempt to beg Bean to confront her mother.  Elfo and Miri also revealed that they were in love. This news brought hope back to Bean. And her love for Mora had never left. She raced to stop her mother and end this once and for all.

At the same time, Jerry (who had been killed again earlier) and Luci, finally having had enough of God’s inaction, murdered the Supreme Being Himself, causing the End Times to begin. All light vanished from reality and Bean found her mother, along with Freckles in the throne room. Dagmar taunted her daughter over not being able to perform as she hoped. And that she was more powerful.

As the fight began, Bean retorted that she had felt love, something Dagmar had never felt since the day she was born. And that she owed Dagmar nothing. Mother and daughter proved to be evenly matched, until Bean’s magic ran out. But Bean’s love fort Mora recharged the magic, much to Dagmar’s rage, who preceded to land a blow on Bean. Believing Bean to be dead, Dagmar went to collect the remaining magic.

At the same time, Luci used the death of God to help Bean by revealing this news to Heaven, calling all the angels and saved souls to cry, as magic, unbeknownst to Bean, is a natural force born when the tears of angels, and the fires of hell merge with the Dreamland river. Soon, the Dreamland river began to flood. On her way, she found Alva along with Trogs, transporting goo for a planned trip to the moon, intending to kidnap Bean. She then stumbled across more Trogs starting a ceremony and Elfo who had been taken prisoner by them. As the Trog ceremony began, Dagmar arrived, and she and the Trogs entered another secret tunnel and began absorbing Trog magic, and Bean learned of the origin of magic as the Trog King revealed it’s nature to Dagmar and refused to give her more brains.

The Trog King also revealed that all Trogs have no more brains, which keeps Dagmar out of their dreams and renders them immortal as long as they suck on magic from stagnate. Dagmar then noticed her daughter for the final time, and Bean and Elfo ran for their lives as Dagmar pursued them as the universe continued to die. The heroes arrived in the shroom forest and began hallucinating. Dagmar arrived, but also inhaled the drugs, and began hallucinating. But not even that could tamper Dagmar’s evil. The chase continued and the group fought into the crystal cavern. Elfo was knocked out and Bean and Dagmar clashed again. Dagmar gained the upper hand and held a sword to Bean’s throat.

As it seemed that all hope was lost, Bean asked her mother why she ever had her. At the same time, Oona arrived and sliced off the top portion of Dagmar’s head. But not even that could kill the demonic woman, who then removed her own brain, achieving immortality. She then screwed the crown to her own head, declaring that she didn’t need anyone anymore. It was then that Bean revealed her intention to destroy magic. She then blasted the crown with her magic, driving Dagmar into the water which conducted the electricity and began to collapse the cavern. Oona rushed to get her daughter out, as Dagmar taunted Oona. Unable to take that insult, Bean denounced Dagmar as her mother, and revealed that she considers Oona not as her stepmother, but as her REAL mother who stepped up. With that, she used the last of her magic to impale Dagmar on a crystal as She, Oona, and Elfo escaped.

Bean, Elfo, Zog, Ursula, Jasper, Derek, Miri, and Oona reunited at Mora’s body. At Bean’s request, the others left so that Bean could have one last moment with Mora. Bean revealed how happy Mora had made her, and that she had changed her life forever. Bean also wondered if a kiss of true love could bring Mora back. But it didn’t work. However, Bean and all reality would get an unexpected miracle. For back in Heaven, Luci and Jerry resurrected God, bringing life and light back to everything. God had revealed that He had known all this would happen, and was testing Luci to see if he truly cared about his friends still on the mortal plane.

And as a reward for his selflessness, He gave Luci one wish. At first, Luci considered wishing himself back to life. But when he realized how much Mora had meant to Bean, and how she had changed his beloved friend, Luci made the most selfless choice and sacrifice he ever made. He wished for Mora to return to life… because he also loved Bean. At that moment, Mora returned to life, much to Bean’s joy. For this, Luci was made an Angel.


At the celebration ceremony, Bean thanked her beloved friends, family, and people, and had a brief eulogy She also revealed that she could finally embrace her own destiny. Zog then announced that he was abdicating to live with Ursula and Jasper in the forest, having finally found true love of his own. Bean then announced that she was also abdicating. At first she considered giving Dreamland to Rulo, but the Elf king declined and also abdicated, revealing that he was dying from sustained injuries in the final battle, and was returning to Elfwood.  He passed the throne to Miri, (who was also half-elf) Miri in turn, married Elfo, and the two became Dreamland’s new King and Queen.

Odval also resigned his post as Prime Minister and made Merkimer his successor. As for Alva, the Trogs betrayed him and the Arch-Druidess in their plans to go to the moon and marry Bean off to Alva. Alva and the Arch-Druidess were shoved in a rocket along with the Trogs and the rocket went to the moon. While the Trogs rejoiced being with their god and their immortality allowing them to live on the moon without any danger, Alva and the Arch-Druidess remained stranded in the ship as they would die on the moon. Their final fates are unknown, but it is presumed that with limited air, food, and water in the ship, they most likely starved to death.

That evening, was Bean and Mora’s wedding. But remembering their conversation in the cave, and disliking public weddings, they eloped.  Instead, Odval and Sorcerio got married. Chazz became the new leader of Steamland. Derek became a pirate, like his mother and joined her crew. Elfo’s father married the Queen of the Ogres, completing Elf’s family. Lucifer, feeling at least partially grateful for the actions of his late son, removed Bean, Mora, and Elfo from the book of souls, ensuring that when they would eventually die, they would be reunited in Heaven with Luci. As for Bean and Mora, they went to tropical island, where they lived happily ever after. It was even revealed that she still had her magic.


  • Bean's English voice actress, Abbi Jacobson, is known for creating Broad City and is bisexual.
  • Futurama and Disenchantment in the same universe resulting in New York being in Medieval times of the past towards progression of the future.


