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You've opened my eyes. It is up to the civilizations of the universe to judge theirselves.
~ Quiz reflecting on his actions to Phil Eggtree.

Quiz is the secondary antagonist of the Riddle School video game series, serving as the overarching antagonist in Riddle School 5 and the secondary antagonist of Riddle Transfer 2. He was the third in command of Project Vision, taking over as leader later on.


Quiz is at first presented to be just as arrogant as his superiors and intent on their project. Despite his high ranking in the project, however, he is frequently mocked by Viz for being useless, much to his insecurities.

After a speech from Phil, he abandons his desire to conquer planets and realizes it should be up to planets to judge themselves. He breaks down in tears and willingly sacrifices himself to stop Project Vision


Quiz was the third in command of Project Vizion, ranking just below Viz and Diz. Despite this, he was frequently mocked for being competely useless. This was possibly due to Quiz's tendency to forget things. His frequent ridicule led him to despise his superiors.

Riddle School 5[]

He can briefly be heard talking with Viz and Diz, asking how they use the dreams of Phil and his friends for their plans with Earth.

Riddle Transfer 2[]

After the defeat of Viz and escape of Diz, Quiz now announces himself as the leader of Project Vizion, aiming for his new goal of destroying Earth. He begins his plans by taking over as the headmaster of Riddle Elementary School, imprisoning the staff and students. He ends up placing guns and scanners around the school to prevent their escape.

Once Phil breaks into his office by getting past NitWit, he challenges Quiz to a quiz, then Quiz accepts it. At the end, Phil manages to make him break down in tears and realize he is nothing more than a pawn for his superiors and that being in the project was a big mistake. Quiz breaks down in tears and shuts down all of the weapons and security, vowing to call of Project Vision forever.

Outside, he accompanies Phil and his friends, until they notice Diz up in the sky. Phil and Quiz then board Quiz's ship together to fight off Diz. After Phil completes the puzzles, Quiz presses the self destruct button to blow up his ship and sacrifice himself to stop Diz from destroying the world and ending Project Vision forever.


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