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Rabbily is the main characters from Kiratto Pri☆Chan. She doesn't have a master until she becoming a mascot of the Ring Marry. 

She is voiced by Minami Tanaka who also Non Manaka, Kanon, Pinon and Junon from PriPara and Katayama Minami from Wake Up, Girls.


Rabbily who has a mint colored rabbit with a lighter colored face and belly. She only has one pastel yellow ear and one sky blue, each with a flower drawn on it, one is violet, the other pastel yellow.


Rabbily was so flustered and run away whenever she was caught doing master-related searching. She is very sadness like she didn't have any master like the mascots did. Rabbily is kind of sense of right, and withdrawn showing the others to helping Melpan.


Significant Coords[]



  • She same like Non's bunny theme.
    • She is just almost like Rabirin from Healin' Good Pretty Cure.