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Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker was a female human introduced in Maps and Legends, the second episode of Star Trek: Picard. She is portrayed by American actress Michelle Hurd.
During the early 2380s she was a Federation Starfleet officer who was assigned to help Admiral Jean-Luc Picard in his mission to help the Romulan people evacuate Romulus. She was also married to a man named Jae and had a son named Gabriel. She became very close to Picard during this time, affectionately calling him "JP".
Musiker's work on the evaucation episode was all consuming, leading her to becoming estranged from her family. After the Zhat Vash attacked and largely destroyed Mars, the Federation refused to continue the evacuation efforts, and Picard resigned in disgust from Starfleet. Musiker also left Starfleet at that time, believing the Tal Shiar was behind the attack but unable to prove it.
She spent the next 15 years in a deep depression, struggling with rage, humiliation, and substance abuse. By 2399 she was living in a small home in the Vasquez Rocks of California.
Season 1[]
In 2399, Picard came to her seeking assistance to save the life of a young woman named Soji Asha, who was in danger from the Zhat Vash. She was able to put Picard in touch with her friend Cristóbal "Cris" Rios, who had his own ship named the La Sirena. She accompanied Picard on his mission to save Asha's life and prevent a group of synthetic aliens from destroying all organic life in the galaxy. During a visit to Freecloud, she tried to reconnect with her son Gabe and Romulan daughter-in-law Pel, but Gabe rebuffed her. Learning that Picard was dying of a brain abnormality she came to forgive her friend and mentor, who she admitted she loved as much as she would a member of her family, and was there when Picard's original body died. She helped Elnor deal with the grief of losing a father figure, but was later happy to learn that Picard had survived and was living in a new synthetic body that did not have the brain abnormality that killed his human body.
Season 2[]
Sometime between 2399 and 2401, Musiker returned to Starfleet. Holding the rank of Commander, she was assigned to the USS Excelsior as operations officer, and was part of a fleet that responded to a Borg incursion into Federation space.
The Borg Queen attacked the USS Stargazer before Picard, Annika Hansen, Rios, Elnor, Musiker, and the Stargazer's crew were thrown into an alternate 2401 created by Q, where humans abhorred the aliens they came across and sought to dominate them.
In an attempt to find out what Q changed in the past, Picard, Hansen, Rios, Elnor, and Musiker used the Borg Queen to travel back to 2024 to prevent Q from taking Renee Picard, an ancestor of Jean-Luc Picard, off of a mission to Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.
The group succeeds in bringing back their own timeline, even though they had trouble blending into 21st century Earth, and Musiker begins a lesbian relationship with Hansen.
Season 3[]
Later in 2401 Musiker was working for Starfleet Intelligence as an undercover operative, complete with a cover story that she had been kicked out of Starfleet due to her addictions and theft of information. Musiker worked to cultivate various underworld contacts so that she could gather intelligence on them. Operating from Captain Cristóbal Rios' former ship La Sirena she pieced together that a terrorist attack was about to take place on M'Talas Prime but arrived too late to stop the attack, which consisted of causing a portal to open up beneath the Starfleet recruitment center swallowing the building whole and dropping it on another part of the city.
After the attack Musiker reported in to her handler, who said the investigation was being halted and that Musiker was to disengage. Musiker tracked the weapon back to the Ferengi gangster Sneed and went to confront him. Sneed saw through her deception and was about to kill her when Musiker's SI handler showed up and dispatched Sneed and his men with ease. The handler picked the barely concious Musiker up off the floor and revealed himself to be one Worf, Son of Mogh while grumbling that he had told her not to engage.
- The Vasquez Rocks where Musiker lived was the real-world site of many an on location shot in various Star Trek productions all the way back to the original series, standing in for a number of alien worlds including Vulcan. The scenes at Musiker's home marked the first time in a Star Trek production that the area was portrayed as itself instead of some alien location.
External Links[]
- Raffi Musiker - Memory Alpha (canon Star Trek wiki)