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Rainbow 2
Ah Yes. Now that's two stones, with one bird.
~ Rainbow Quartz 2.0

Rainbow Quartz (or Rainbow Quartz 2.0, as they refer to themselves in order to differentiate from the original Rainbow Quartz) is the fusion of Steven and Pearl in the Cartoon Network series Steven Universe. They debuted in the episode "Change Your Mind". They are voiced by Alistair James.


The fusion has the original Rainbow Quartz's skin color, but the hair is noticeably shorter and is deep in color along with blue and pink streaks. They wear Pearl's blazer over a midriff version of Steven's shirt, Steven's pants as knee-length shorts, and Pearl's slippers.


Like his components, especially Steven, Rainbow Quartz 2.0 is caring, friendly, kind, and accepting, as he maintains his positive demeanor.

A selfless caregiver, they plunge confidently through the air to rescue the falling gemstones of their friends. 




  • Parasol Proficiency: Rainbow Quartz 2.0 can summon their weapon, which is a large parasol. They use it to easily float through the air.
    • Rocket Parasol: Rainbow Quartz 2.0 can ride their parasol as if it were a witch's broomstick. When flying, the parasol gives off a rainbow-colored trail-boost.
    • Speed of Descent Regulation: Carried over from Steven, Rainbow Quartz 2.0 can control how fast they fall via the parasol.


  • They are the first fusion in the series to not have a female voice actor.
    • He is also the first fusion to use he/him pronouns alongside they/them pronouns.
  • Their design and personality were described by Colin Howard as a "fusion" of Mary Poppins (from the book series of the same name) and Dick Van Dyke (an American actor, comedian, and performer).
    • They share some similarities to the character Mary Poppins, especially their British accent and their ability to float using their umbrella.
    • Colin Howard also referred to the character with he/him pronouns, confirming Rainbow Quartz 2.0 as the very first male-presenting Gem beside Steven. This was later confirmed again by Rebecca Sugar on The Steven Universe Podcast.
    • Colin has also stated that aspects of Rainbow's design were inspired by Nintendo's Kirby video game series


           StevenUniverseTitle Heroes

Crystal Gems
Steven Universe | Garnet (Ruby | Sapphire) | Amethyst | Pearl | Connie Maheswaran | Lion | Peridot | Bismuth | Lapis Lazuli | Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond

Greg Universe | Lars Barriga | Sadie Miller | Andy DeMayo | Watermelon Stevens

Homeworld Gems
Blue Diamond | Yellow Diamond | White Diamond | Nephrite | Blue Pearl | Yellow Pearl | Pink Pearl | Spinel | Topaz

Little Homeworld
Nice Lapis | Snowflake Obsidian | Larimar

Off Colors
Fluorite | Rhodonite | Rutile Twins | Padparadscha | Lars Barriga

Opal | Sardonyx | Alexandrite | Rainbow Quartz (2.0) | Stevonnie | Smoky Quartz | Sunstone |Obsidian | Mega Pearl
