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“ | Sometimes the correct path, the bravest path is the least obvious, and also the gentlest. | „ |
~ Rains Fall speaking about his ideas of peace with Arthur Morgan. |
Rains Fall is a major character in the action-adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 2. He is the father of Eagle Flies, and the chief of the Wapiti Indians.
He is voiced by Graham Greene.
Sometime prior to the games events, Rains Fall was named Chiefman of the Wapiti Indians. As a young man, he fought for his tribe against presumably the U. S army, although after he got older, he became a pacifist and tried his best to avoid confrontations and death. He wrote three treaties with the U.S government by the time of 1899, two of which were broken by that time, while the third treatie was consigned for his tribe to still live in Wapiti Indian Reservation. He also had a wife and two sons; both his wife and older son were killed by the time of 1899, both by American soldiers, the former got her throat slit and the latter having his head smashed by one of the said soldiers when drunk. Which resulted in Rains Fall only having his younger son, Eagle Flies, left.
Red Dead Redemption 2[]
Chapter: Colter[]
Rains Fall is seen alongside Eagle Flies and one of his men, Paytah, observing the Van der Linde gang leaving the mountains, who were in a journey to Horseshoe Overlook, they are spoted by Arthur, Hosea and Javier before leaving the high spot they were observing them.
Chapter: Saint Denis[]
Rains Fall responds to the attempt to drive the Wapiti Indians off their reservation due to the oil that is deposited beneath it by attending Mayor Henri Lemieux's party alongside Eagle Flies and gives a document to the mayor. Later, Rains Fall is seen talking to Evelyn Miller with Eagle Flies, where they try to arrange a meeting with one of the city's concillors to try and stop their relocation. Arthur approches him right after that, where Rain Falls offers to pay him well if he steals some incriminating documments Leviticus Cornwall's company to help preventing them from being forced to move from the reservation.
Chapter: Beaver Hollow[]
Arthur meets Rains Fall again at the reservation where they talk, if the player decides to help him. He welcomes Arthur to his tent but tells him that he shouldn't have gone on a raid with Eagle Flies. Despite this, he forgives him and expresses sadness when he learns about him having tuberculosis and hopes that Arthur finds peace. He then asks him if Arthur would like to go on a ride with him, to which Arthur accepts. During said ride, the chief collects a few herbs to help Arthur with his sickness and talks with him about several personal problems. As they continue riding, they discover that the U.S army burned down an ancient spiritual shrine that the tribe really cares about. After realising that if his tribe finds out about this they will go to war, he offers Arthur a good amount of money if he gets the shrines without killing anyone, Arthur refuses the money but helps him anyway, and if he get them without killing anyone, Rains will give him an owl trinket and feels sad that his son can't do the same thing he did.
Later, Rains rides into a camp with some news he thought could be good: Colonel Henry Favours has arranged a truce meeting between the Wapiti Indians and the U.S army. He then requests Arthur and Charles to come with him to the event, stating that it will be better if people outside the tribe would be there present. Despite his hopes, the meeting goes very badly: Favours insults the Indians several times and it becomes clear that he will not make a concession. After that, Favours acuses Captain Monroe of treason for helping the Indians, which resulted in Arthur and Charles taking a soldier hostage and rescue Monroe from Favours and the U.S army, which results in a gun battle erupting, during which Rains Fall manages to escape.
After this, Arthur meets him with despair about the truce meeting failing and Eagle Flies getting captured by the U.S army. Arthur then tells that he and Charles will rescue him, to which he originaly refused due to the possibility that it could start a war, and says that his tribe had enough pain made by the U.S army, although he later accepts it and allows them to rescue Eagle Flies.
Soon after, Rains rides into Beaver Hollow and begs to his men and Eagle Flies to not go to war, though they refuse to listen and attack the U.S at the oil fields. During the battle, Eagle Flies is mortally injured by Favours who is killed by Arthur, so he and Charles bring his body back to Rains Fall, to which he starts mourning the death of his last son, Arthur and Charles then leave him to mourn his son's death.
Eight Years after said events, John Marston meets him at Annesburg's train station, who he recognises to his associations with Arthur. Rains then reveals that he and his tribe had to leave to Canada and only returned to mourn his son's death, to which he never fully recovered.
He then leaves to Canada after John comforts him about his sons death. He is seen again in the credits, where he is seen crying after seeing an eagle flying in front of him.
Rains Fall is a very peaceful person, always trying to avoid wars and death, it's said by him that he killed several of his enemies when he was young to protect his tribe. Despite this, not only does he feel remourse for his kills, but tries his best to convince his people to avoid killing, specially his son, Eagle Flies. Although he's a very pacific individual, he understands why his son doesn't like his views and sees himself as disapointment to him.
He also is sympathetic towards his enemies, even those who hurt him and his tribe, as he tries to avoid their deaths and even says that Arthur shouldn't have killed Colonel Favour's soldiers to get a sacred item from his tribe that was stolen by them.
- Rains Fall can speak in Native American at times and stops speaking English, to which the subtitles say he is speaking Lakota.
- He doesn't appear to have aged much in the past eight years when he meets John, but in the ending cutscene, he will look like he changed very much.
- Once you meet Rains Fall in the epilogue, the player will get a sizable boost in honor.
External Links[]
- Rains Fall on the Pure Good Wiki
- Rains Fall on the Red Dead Wiki
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Red Dead Revolver Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption II Wapiti Indians Guarma Rebels Others Red Dead Online |