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The Avatar can be reborn. But you can't, Kyoshi. I don't want to give you up to the next generation. I couldn't bear to lose you.
~ Rangi to Kyoshi.

Rangi is the deuteragonist of the Avatar: Kyoshi novel series. She is a fire nation citizen and a lieutenant in the fire nation military. She serves as a bodyguard and advisor to her girlfriend Avatar Kyoshi. She is also the daughter of Noblewoman and Former-Headmistress of the Fire Nation Academy Hei-Ran.


After Kyoshi's identity as the true Avatar was revealed, Rangi fled with her into the inner Earth Kingdom, where they joined the Flying Opera Company, and Rangi began to train Kyoshi in the art of firebending. In 296 BGthe two began a romantic relationship with each other, though they parted ways in order for Rangi to save her mother from a lethal poison.

The following year, Kyoshi and Rangi reunited during the Festival of Szeto and worked with each other and their allies to put an end to the escalating Camellia-Peony War. Rangi fiercely fought by Kyoshi's side during her lover's final confrontation with Yun, and though she was terribly wounded, she was successfully healed by the Avatar. Rangi promised to stay by Kyoshi's side, no matter what.

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           Avatar The Last Airbender Logo Heroes

Team Avatar
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Appa (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Katara (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Momo (Netflix) | Sokka (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Suki (Netflix) | Toph Beifong | Zuko (Netflix)
Gen II: Asami Sato | Bolin | Korra | Mako | Naga | Pabu | Tenzin

Wan | Szeto | Yangchen | Kuruk | Kyoshi | Roku | Aang | Korra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh | Jeong Jeong | King Bumi | Pakku | Piandao | White Lotus leader | White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang | Appa | Bumi | Gyatso (Netflix) | Ikki | Jinora | Kai | Meelo | Momo | Oogi | Opal | Pathik | Poki | Tenzin

Earth Kingdom
Baatar Jr. | Bolin | Haru | Jet | Jiang | King Bumi (Netflix) | Kuvira | Kyoshi | Kyoshi Warriors | Lin Beifong | Mayor Yukari | Republic City Police | Suki | Suyin Beifong | The Boulder | The Metal Clan | Toph Beifong | Wei & Wing | Wu

Fire Nation
Fire Sages | Iroh (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | General Iroh | Izumi | Jeong Jeong | Mai (Netflix) | Mako | Piandao | Rangi | Roku | Shyu | Sun Warriors | Ty Lee (Netflix) | Ursa | Wan | Xu | Zuko

Water Tribe
Desna & Eska | Hakoda | Huu | Katara | Korra | Kuruk | Kya | Naga | Pakku (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Sokka | Tonraq | Varrick | Princess Yue (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Zhu Li

Aye-Aye Spirit | Lion turtle | Raava | Tui & La
