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All's well that's well for me!"
~ Ranpo Edogawa

Ranpo Edogawa is a major character of the action mystery/supernatural manga and anime series Bungo Stray Dogs. Although typically non-action compared to his comrades, he is the most valuable member (and co-founder) of the Armed Detective Agency who possesses a non-ability that instantly solves every case.

He is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya in the Japanese version, who also voiced Kusuo Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Ataru Moroboshi from Urusei Yatsura (2022), and Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan, and Vic Mignogna (seasons 1-2) and Landon McDonald (as of the DEAD APPLE movie and season 3) in the English version in the anime.


Ranpo is a 26-year-old man with a fair skin, messy black hair, and green eyes (brown in the manga), which are usually closed. During the activation of his Ultra-Deduction ability, he wears a pair of black, rectangular glasses, given by Fukuzawa. As a detective of the Agency, he wears a brown hat in which color matches to his inverness cape and pants, as well as a white button-up shirt, light and dark blue striped tie, black vest, white long socks, and black shoes.

In the Untold Origins arc, Ranpo, at the age of 14, wore a standard black gakuran uniform with a student cap and coat.


Ranpo, without a single doubt, is one of the most intelligent members of the Armed Detective Agency, along with the ex-Port Mafia member Osamu Dazai, and he is proud of having an "ability" that grants him to instantly solve cases in less than a minute. As a detective with a non-ability, in contrast to ability users like Yosano and Dazai, he is respected by the members of the Agency, given that he has a higher-leveled intelligence inherited from his parents.

Despite his age, however, Ranpo is rather a man-child who doesn't favor himself of being a leader like Fukuzawa or Kunikida. Without his glasses to activate his ability, he is lazy to do boring work and lacks common sense to do simple tasks such as finding his way home or riding a train.


Ranpo was born as the only child to intelligent parents: his father as a famous detective that goes by the name of "Clairvoyant" and his mother as a housewife. He was raised in the countryside prior to his parents' death, which led to move to Yokohama to search for jobs until he met Yukichi Fukuzawa. His encounter with the lone swordsman, as well as solving their first mystery together at a local movie theater, led to the foundation of the Armed Detective Agency one year later, where Fukuzawa became the organization's president and Ranpo being his right-hand.

Shortly after, Ranpo and Fukuzawa visited a detention facility, where the detective first met and rescued Akiko Yosano (who was imprisoned due to her history with the Great War 3 years prior) while the president prevented his former partner Ougai Mori from obtaining the young doctor by fiercely dueling him on top of the building.


Ultra-Deduction - With his glasses on, it allows Ranpo to solve mysteries in seconds. During the time of "activation", it can reveal the exact truth from any scenarios, especially crime scenes. Given that Ranpo inherited a higher range of intelligence from his parents, Ultra-Deduction, however, is not an actual ability, and it cannot be nullified by Dazai's No Longer Human ability.


  • His name derives from Edgar Allan Poe, a famous American poet and short story writer in whom the former's real-life counterpart admires. In other words, it is a Japanese pronunciation of the latter's name (Edogawa Ranpo → Edgar Allan Poe).
    • In the fictionalized version, Ranpo's admiration for Poe is inverted.
  • Like Kunikida's Matchless Poet, Ranpo's Ultra-Deduction is not a reference to any work created by his late real life counterpart.
  • He is similar to Kusuo Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
    • Both are voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya in the Japanese dub.
    • Both wear glasses for respective reasons.
    • They tend to indulge sweets in their free-time.
    • They are exceptionally intelligent.
    • Both have managed to surpass their respective rivals more than one time (Kusuo against his older brother Kusuke and Ranpo against Edgar Allan Poe)
    • Although inverted, they are the odd ones out to their group of friends (Kusuo was born with extraordinarily powerful psychic powers and is surrounded by his quirky classmates who are rather ordinary while Ranpo was born without an actual ability and is surrounded by his colleagues who were born/inherited with them).
  • His outfit from the Untold Origins arc resembles that of the titular character from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun.


           Bungou Stray Dogs logo.svg Heroes

Armed Detective Agency
Yukichi Fukuzawa (president)
Members: Atsushi Nakajima | Osamu Dazai | Doppo Kunikida | Akiko Yosano | Junichiro Tanizaki | Kenji Miyazawa | Ranpo Edogawa | Kyouka Izumi | Katai Tayama (formerly)
Clerks: Naomi Tanizaki | Kirako Haruno

Special Division for Unusual Powers
Santoka Taneda (chief)
Members: Ango Sakaguchi | Mizuki Tsujimura | Yachiyo Murakoso | Takiuchi Aoki

Port Mafia
Sakunosuke Oda (formerly) | Ryunosuke Akutagawa | Chuuya Nakahara

The Guild
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (leader)
Members: Louisa May Alcott | Lucy Maud Montgomery (formerly) | Edgar Allan Poe (formerly)

Decay of the Angel
Sigma | Bram Stoker

Aya Koda | Soseki Natsume

BEAST Universe
Ryunosuke Akutagawa | Sakunosuke Oda
