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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Raven (Twisted Metal) Artwork

Raven is the character from the video game, Twisted Metal: Black. She is a gothic girl who's put in the Asylum after witnessing her friend's death by drowning. From this day forward, she wants to get even at the two guys who caused it.


Raven has black hair that goes a slightly past her shoulders. She dons dark clothing. As shown, she wears a black skirt and black top. She also wears a necklace with a star on it.

Twisted Metal: Black[]


Twisted Metal: Lost[]

She has taken a role as a hero to Midtown, who protects the innocents from the freaks and killers who roam the streets of the cursed city.


Raven is an macabre girl who became cynical after witnessing her friend's death. Despite this, she later intends to useher skills in voodoo to fight the other criminals in Midtown and protect the innocent.


           Twisted Metal Series LogoHeroes

Twisted Metal(1995)
Agent StoneAngela FortinBruce CochraneBruce Cochrane's GirlfriendCaptain SpearsScott CampbellSergeant Carl RobertsPolice

Twisted Metal 2
AxelCaptain Jamie RobertsKrista SparksMarcus KaneMortimer Scharf

Twisted Metal 4
OrbitalQuatroZanita Corbett

Twisted Metal: Black
Agent StoneBlackDollfaceJohn DoeNo-FacePreacherRavenWarhawkMinion

Twisted Metal: Head-On
Agent ShepardColonel Hall

Twisted Metal (2012)
PreacherHoly Men

TV Shows
Twisted Metal (2023)
John DoeQuietRavenLoudAgent Stone

External Links[]
