Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind
~ Sorting Hat, Determining students who exhibit qualities fit for Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw is one of the four houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series that consist mostly of supporting characters, but a few major characters, and is home to students who possess traits as witty, imaginative and curious. Ravenclaw along with Hufflepuff is the houses with less attention compared to Slytherin and of course Gryffindor.
Ravenclaw's emblematic animal is contrary to popular belief an eagle and its colors are again contrary to popular belief blue and bronze. Many people believe that their animal is a raven and that its colors are blue and silver, but that's not true. The house ghost is the Grey Lady, whose real name is Helena Ravenclaw. Helena Ravenclaw is the daughter of Ravenclaw's founder Rowena Ravenclaw. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw the house is composed by sudents of all blood status, because of their founders acceptance of students of all statuses. Ravenclaw's head of house is Filius Flitwick, who was also the charms teacher. Ravenclaw has a reputation that all students in the house are studious, exacting and get highest grades all the time. It tends to often side with the protagonistic Gryffindor in their rivalry with the antagonistic Slytherin. The Ravenclaw common room is located in one of the castle's towers. Ravenclaw corresponds with the element of air.
Ravenclaw house is a house of acceptance. Although the house of Ravenclaw values traits such as wit, wisdom, creativity, curiousity, individuality, cleverness, acceptance, originality and imagination. Students of Ravenclaw are said to be the smartest students at Hogwarts. Unfortunately Ravenclaws are known to be so competitive in academic success that they backstab each other, and likely other students to get top marks.
Said Ravenclaw we'll teach those whose, Intelligence is surest.
~ Sorting Hat explaining Rowena's opinons on how the sorting would go.
For Ravenclaw, The cleverest would always be the best.
~ Sorting Hat about Ravenclaw values.
And only those of sharpest mind, Were taught by Ravenclaw.
~ Sorting Hat about Ravenclaw House.
Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.
~ Ravenclaw's philosophy.
I got into big trouble during my third year for duelling a Ravenclaw prefect who insisted that Bridget Wenlock had come from his house, not mine.
~ A Hufflepuff talking about the competitive side of Ravenclaw.
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