"Oh girl! I guess you and your boyfriend got a little carried away!"
"Let me shine a little light on this situation!"
Ray trying to get his light to work.
Ray screwing his light so it can work.
"It's okay, baby. I don't explode me."
"I ain't no firecracker! I just got my big butt glowing!"
"Woman like a man with a big fat porch!"
"Hang on, cap."-Ray about to untie the frogs' tongues.
"My name's Raymond but everybody call me Ray."-Ray introducing himself.
"I'm a Cajun, bro. Born and bred in the bayou!"
"Go to bed! Y'all from Shreveport?"
Ray hearing Naveen saying he and Tiana are actually humans.
Ray learning that Naveen and Tiana got cursed by a voodoo witch doctor.
Ray hearing the two frogs are now trying to get to Mama Odie.
Ray informing Tiana and Naveen that they are actually going the wrong way.
"Now what kind of jump ahead toy y'all go this way?"
"First rule of the bayou: never take directions from a
"Alright Lulu, lets get to it darlin'!"
"Come on, cher! Just follow the bouncing butt!"
"We gonna take you down! We gonna take you down!"
Ray singing Gonna Take You There.
"We've got the whole family!"
"Oh grand mama! Your light out!"
Ray whistling to help Tiana and Naveen find their way to Mama Odie.
Ray saying good-bye to his family.
Ray telling Tiana about his girlfriend, Evangeline.
Ray dreamily talking about Evangeline.
Ray longing to be with his true love, Evangeline forever.
Ray's annoyed look when Louis whines about getting a thorn pricked into his finger.
Ray getting a thorn out of Louis's finger.
Ray seeing Naveen captured by frog hunters.
"A bug's gotta do what a bug's gotta do!"
"I think I chipped my favorite tooth."
Ray after flying into the frog hunter's nose.
Ray being treated by Louis.
"Your breath almost kill me to death!"
Ray pulling thorns out Louis's skin.
"There she is! The sweetest firefly in all of creation!"
Ray singing Ma Belle Evangeline.
"Know her heart belongs to only me."
"You're my queen of the night, so still, so bright."
Ray acting as a spotlight while Tiana and Naveen share a romantic waltz.
Ray in Mama Odie's boat house.
Ray and Louis bewildered by Mama Odie's zany, eccentric behavior.
Ray being given a bottle cap.
Ray using the bottle cap as tambourine during the musical number of "Dig a Little Deeper."
At the end of the song, Ray tries to keep the music going to no avail.
Traveling on a riverboat, Ray watches Naveen kneel before Evangeline.
Ray enraged, believing Naveen is wooing Evangeline.
Ray attempting to attack Naveen in a fit of rage and jealousy.
Ray stops attacking Naveen when the frog reveals he's actually in love with Tiana.
Ray happy to hear Naveen being in love with Tiana.
Ray being told by Naveen he wants to confess his love to Tiana himself.
Ray with Tiana after they arrive in New Orleans.
Ray asking Tiana to show him her wedding ring.
Ray accidentally revealing to Tiana that Naveen loves her and wants to marry her.
Ray realizing he accidentally spilled the beans.
Ray being thanked by Tiana for confessing.
Ray and Tiana finding Naveen supposedly human again as he's about to marry Charlotte.
Ray confused on how "Naveen" is human again while Tiana isn't.
Ray noticing Tiana is gone.
Ray finding Tiana alone in a cemetery.
Ray trying to comfort the heartbroken Tiana.
Ray trying to convince Tiana that they should investigate and find out how "Naveen" is a human again.
Ray taken aback when Tiana snaps at him and calls Evangeline "nothing, but a star."
Ray in tears after Tiana hurts him
"She's just speaking through a broken heart, that's all."
Ray becoming determined to find out the truth about the "Naveen" on the wedding parade float.
Ray flying back to the Mardi Gras parade.
Ray flying over to "Naveen."
Ray whispering into "Naveen's" ear.
Ray noticing a frog's tongue sticking out through a box's keyhole.
Ray finding the real Naveen trapped in a box.
Ray seeing Naveen's eye through the keyhole.
Ray successfully managing to free Naveen.
Ray having followed the real Naveen into a church after he had stopped his impersonator from marrying
Charlotte La Bouff.
Ray witnessing the imposter posing as Naveen be revealed as Lawrence, the prince's former valet who was in disguise through a voodoo talisman.
Ray catching the talisman after Naveen throws it to him.
Ray fleeing with the talisman as Dr. Facilier and Lawrence pursue him.
Ray giving Tiana the talisman as proof of the "Naveen" they saw was an imposter.
Ray explaining to Tiana what Dr. Facilier was using the talisman for.
Seeing Dr. Facilier's shadow demons approaching, Ray tells Tiana to run and not let Facilier get the talisman no matter what.
"Don't make light my butt!", Ray facing Facilier's shadow demons.
Ray about to fight Facilier's shadow demons.
Ray having managed to defeat several of the demons with his light before he is swatted by Facilier.
Ray was about to be stepped on and mortally wounded by Facilier.
Ray wounded in Louis's hands
Ray smiling at Louis as he's tenderly placed on a feather, before he sacrificed.
Ray seeing Tiana and Naveen are still frogs.
Ray was happy that Tiana and Naveen are staying togethers, even if they're still frogs.
Ray's body being carried in a leaf.
Ray as star with Evangeline