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Heroes Wiki

Rebel Friend is an unnamed soldier of the Rebel Alliance featured in the video games LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. In both games, he appears as a playable character in Episode IV Chapter 1 "Secret Plans." He could also be unlocked as a bonus character in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.


He wears the same helmet, vest, belt and pants as the other Rebel soldiers on board the Tantive IV, wearing a black vest, gray pants and a large white helmet, excepthe wears a unique red shirt under his vest. In LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, he wears black gloves, which he does not have in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. 


He is a Rebel Soldier who was stationed aboard the CR90 Corvette Tantive IV when it was captured by the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator and was invaded by Imperial Stormtroopers. He was first seen trying to fend off two Stormtroopers, and was then assisted by Captain Raymus Antilles. He then joined him on escorting R2-D2 and C-3PO to the escape pods. While the two droids left in the escape pod, Antilles and Rebel Friend stayed behind. He was likely captured by the Empire when they left. His fate is unknown, but he was most likely executed or taken prisoner and locked up in an unknown location.


  • He was likely included in the game due to Princess Leia Organa separating from the group mid level, so the second player didn't have to play as one of the droids.
  • In free play mode, a generic rebel soldier takes his place fending off the two stormtroopers.
  • He is not based on any actual characters from the series and was made for the game.

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           LEGO logo Heroes

LEGO Adventurers: Johnny Thunder | Dr. Kilroy | Pippin Reed | Harry Cane | Mike | Babloo | Sherpa Sangye Dorje | Jing Lee
LEGO Alpha Team: Dash Justice | Crunch | Radia | Charge | Cam Attaway | Flex | Tee Vee | Arrow | Diamond Tooth | Zed
LEGO Agents: Agent Chase | Agent Charge | Agent Fuse | Agent Trace | Agent Swipe
LEGO Atlantis: Samantha Rhodes | Ace Speedman | Axel Storm | Lance Spears | Dr. Jeff Fisher | Bobby Buoy
LEGO City: Anne Brickowski | Chase McCain | Grace Makepiece | Rookie
LEGO Monster Fighters: Dr. Rodney Rathbone | Major Quinton Steele | Jack McHammer | Frank Rock | Ann Lee
Collectible Minifigures: Heroic Knight | Spy

Video Games
LEGO Island: Pepper Roni | Infomaniac | Papa Brickolini | Mama Brickolini | Nick Brick | Laura Brick
LEGO City Undercover: LEGO City Police Department (Chase McCain | Ellie Phillips | Marion Dunby | Studski and Clutch) | Henrik Kowalski | Natalia Kowalski
LEGO Dimensions: Gamer Kid | X-PO

Other Brands
LEGO Star Wars: Baird Kantoo | Jek-14 | Kordi Freemaker | Moxie Freemaker | Padawans | Rebel Friend | R0-GR | Rowan Freemaker | Zander Freemaker
LEGO DC Universe: Batman | Bizzaro League | Green Lantern | Robin | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman
LEGO MARVEL: Captain America | Captain Marvel | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Nick Fury | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Thor | Wolverine

See Also
BIONICLE Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes | Lego Universe Heroes | Mixels Heroes | Nexo Knights Heroes | Ninjago Heroes | The LEGO Movie Heroes | Unikitty! Heroes | LEGO Star Wars Heroes
