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The Rebels were a resistance movement composed of civilians formed to fight against Joseph Bertrand and his Militia.


The Rebels were formed sometime in 2010 by Russo Laroche after Bertrand and the Militia rose to power in New Marais and replaced the battered New Marais Police Department. It's suggested the Rebels were able to stand against the Militia until they started getting more heavy weaponry, and the Corrupted started getting involved in their fights.


The Rebels are the paramilitary group led by Roscoe Laroche, comprised of disgruntled citizens of New Marais who have taken up arms against Joseph Bertrand's Militia. They oppose Bertrand's oppressive reign of terror over New Marais, so they are fighting back against the Militia in hopes of liberating their city. Rosco Laroche is the leader of the Rebels in New Marais, who decides to join his forces with Cole MacGrath against their common enemies, Joseph Bertrand and the Militia.


           Infamous logo Heroes

Cole's Saga
inFAMOUS: Cole MacGrath | Police | Trish Dailey | Warden Harms | Zeke Jedediah Dunbar
Comics: Linda and Troy
inFAMOUS 2: Lucy Kuo | Rebels | Rosco Laroche | Sebastian Wolfe
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood: Father Ignitus

Second Son
inFAMOUS Second Son: Abigail Walker | Betty | Brent Walker | Delsin Rowe | Eugene Sims | Raymond Wolfe | Reggie Rowe | Hank Daughtry
inFAMOUS First Light: Jenny
