John Ulthoon, also known as Red Tornado, is the major supporting character of the animated superhero TV series, Batman: The Brave and the Bold. He is an android who can create tornados at will, fly (by encasing his lower half within a red tornado), etc. He tried to deny that he had any kind of human factors in him (emotion, creativity, etc.). During the invasion of Starro he was destroyed by the Faceless Hunter and has yet to be seen again.
John Ulthoon lives in a suburban neighborhood, wears his slippers and robe when picking up the morning paper, and has a respectable job as the Professor of Archaeology at the local community college. He's also a robot. His suburban veneer, of course, is a cover for his hero alter ego as Red Tornado. In Batman, he sees not only a partner, but also someone who can teach him more about humanity, of which he strives to both understand and be a part.
Red Tornado was developed by Star Labs and went disguised as Professor Ulthoom by day. After saving two children Red Tornado went on a search to discover the Christmas Spirit. He was considering the missing variable when reports came that flying saucers were attacking the city. He teamed up with Batman to take them down then tracked the creator of the saucers, a criminal named Fun Huas, and battled him. Red Tornado was blown apart in the battle but was eventually repaired by Star Labs.
He eventually built himself a son, but tried to shut him down after his son tried to kill a human prisoner. After this, Red Tornado's son upgraded himself to become strong enough to defeat his father and Batman, calling himself the Tornado Tyrant. The TT nearly succeeding in doing so; luckily, Red Tornado talked him down long enough to knock him out again, whereas this time Batman melted the TT with a laser in the Batcave. Despite Red Tornado's claims of having no emotional sadness over his son's loss, this event did indeed leave him saddened and even managed to somehow shed a "tear" for his lost son.
Sometime later during the beginning stages of Starro's invasion, it was shown that Red Tornado was immune to Starro's control and because of this he was destroyed by Starro's minion the Faceless Hunter. He was never seen again, leaving many to consider him dead. It is unknown what become of his remains.
Powers & Abilities[]
Red Tornado is a highly intelligent android possessing superior strength and durability, and capable of creating bursts of cyclone-force winds that enable flight, enhanced speed and the creation of storms. The character can also access information from any foreign computer system. Red Tornado was upgraded and provided with a new body composed of microscopic nanites and now possesses the ability to change from android to human form at will.