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Heroes Wiki

The dream versions of Red and Green are minor protagonists in the Animator vs. Animation web series, serving as two of the three tritagonists (alongside Yellow) of Blue's New Superpower and Animation vs. Trash, both of which serve as fundraisers for the #TeamTrees and #TeamSeas movements, respectively.

They are dream counterparts of the original stick figures that help Blue fix the environment.


Red and Green are, respectively, red and green solid-headed stick figures of average height.


Blue's New Superpower[]

Once the Second Coming realises Blue can create trees from dollar bills, he goes over to Yellow, Red and Green for their money. Stealing a dollar from Yellow, the trio witnesses Blue's new power and spend all their money as well. To get more money, the gang decides to sell hot dogs in a town filled with stick figures. The gang succeeds as Blue starts throwing money and planting trees everywhere, including a highway, water and the Minecraft world. The Second Coming looks around as Yellow drives the car, Green makes the hot dogs, Red sells them and Blue plants trees, and is happy.

He then wakes up, realising it was all a dream. However, he sees the Animator at the #TeamTrees website, planning to donate five dollars, and by extension plant five trees. However, the Second Coming changes the number to 5100 and forcefully makes the Animator give that amount of money (series creator Alan Becker actually did donate 5100 dollars in real life, even claiming his stick figure made him do it).

Animation vs. Trash[]

The Second Coming sees Blue can vanish trash from existence using money. Once again stealing all of his friends' money so Blue could erase more trash, Yellow gets an idea how to get more. Getting a boat to sell ice cream, the Stick Gang manages to erase all the trash in the ocean.

However, the Second Coming then wakes up, realising it was all a dream, and sees the Animator about to donate $5 dollars to the #TeamSeas campaign. This time, it looks like it was a shared dream between all the stick figures as they all race to the website to force the Animator - who expected this and thus fought his creations - to donate a whopping $18547808 dollars. However, the real-life Alan donated only $10,200 dollars, claiming his stick figures "almost made me donate way more than this", implying they came to a compromise off-screen.

External Links[]


           Ava logo Heroes

Stick Figures
The Chosen One | The Second Coming | Fighting Stick Figures | Purple | Mitsi

Purple's Villagers | The Musketeers | Fletcher | The Chef
Red's Third Pig | Piglin Tribe | Red's Fourth Pig
Monster School
Herobrine | The Warden | Endie, Skellington and Spider
Titan Ravager | Dolphin Soldier | Beeper | Giant Ghast

Alan Becker | Desktop Icons | Clippy | Feraligatr | Phi

Blue | Yellow | Red and Green
Green's YouTube Channel
Super Orange
