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Reepicheep is a supporting character in The Chronicles of Narnia film series and book series. He was one of the Talking Mice of Narnia, and was their leader. He was also one of Caspian's most loyal and bravest knights. His second-in-command was Peepsiceek.

In Prince Caspian, he was voiced of Suzy Eddie Izzard, who also voiced Nigel in The Wild and Burnish in Abominable. In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, he was instead voiced by Simon Pegg, who also played Buck in Ice Age, Shaun in Shaun of the Dead, Nicholas Angel in Hot Fuzz, Montgomery Scott in the Star Trek reboot trilogy (as well as his alternate version), Benji Dunn in the Mission: Impossible franchise and the Curator in Ready Player One.

Narnian Revolution[]

Reepicheep had always had an adventurous spirit, which together with his skill with a sword led him to become leader of all Narnia's mice. He played a major role in the Narnian Revolution, in which he swore his allegiance to Caspian, and fought alongside the Old Narnians in their attempt to take the country back from the Telmarines and the usurper Miraz. He was joined by several of his fellow mice, including his second-in-command, Peepiceek, and was an advisor and friend to Prince Caspian, and the Kings and Queens of Old, the Pevensies.

He participated in the Second Battle of Beruna, and suffered near-fatal wounds in the fight. Queen Lucy healed most of his injuries with her magic cordial, but was not able to restore his severed tail. Aslan was at first reluctant to restore what Reepicheep considered "the honor and glory of a mouse", for fear it would encourage the mouse's pride. However, the love between Reepicheep and his followers, evidenced by their willingness to cut off their own tails if Reepicheep had to go without his, persuaded the Lion, and the mouse regained his tail.

After he was healed, he was made a knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion by Caspian, after he himself was knighted by Peter, along with Trufflehunter and Trumpkin.

On the Dawn Treader[]

Reepicheep sailed with Caspian on the Dawn Treader to the end of the world.

He demonstrated that he was a good chess player, often playing with Lucy and Eustace during the voyage. He won most games, even though the pieces were large and required him to use both paws to move them about the board. On occasion, he forgot that he was playing chess and acted as if the game was a real battle, making ridiculous moves that caused him to lose.

During the voyage, he had some minor scrapes with Eustace Scrubb, who showed the mouse no respect and once swung him around by his tail. Angered, Reepicheep challenged him to a duel, but Eustace declined on the grounds of being a pacifist. When he did this, Reepicheep began to whip him with the flat of his blade until he was forced to apologize. The two were almost complete opposites in character, creating extreme dislike between the two.

Reepicheep's problems with Eustace ended on Dragon Island, when Eustace was temporarily turned into a Dragon. Reepicheep forgave him for his former mistreatment, and comforted Eustace by telling him stories at night, when they were the only ones awake. Having shown Eustace such humility and kindness, the two of them became good friends.

Reepicheep was the only native Narnian to travel toward the end of the world with Edmund, Lucy and Eustace after the Silver Sea became too shallow for the Dawn Treader.

Although he was always quite eager to engage in combat for honor and glory, Reepicheep also demonstrates quick tactical thinking. When the sea serpent attacked the Dawn Treader, Reepicheep was the only one who had the sense to see that attacks against the monster were useless, and he shouted at the crew to push its coils off of the ship. It was so unusual for the mouse to tell people not to fight that they all stared at him in shock. By following his lead, the crew was able to rescue the ship.

After the humans waded toward the island, where they met Aslan, he sailed over the edge of the Narnian world and reached Aslan's Country, fulfilling his life-long wish.

In Aslan's Country[]

He met the Narnians who went with Aslan from the Old Narnia that was destroyed and came to the better one and welcomed them to come further up and further in into Aslan's Country.


  • Reepicheep was the second character Eddie Izzard played who didn't like being called cute and cuddly like Nigel the Koala didn't from Disney's The Wild.