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Reginald Peter, better known as General Skarr, is the tritagonist of Evil Con Carne, a supporting antagonist in The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and the tritagonist of the TV movie Billy & Mandy Underfist: Halloween Bash. He is Billy's neighbor, and a retired villain.


Skarr used to be Hector Con Carne's ex-paramilitary commander. He moved to Endsville after Con Carne's organization shut down, and became Billy's neighbor (much to his distress) and an avid gardener. Later, he joins the Underfist team in the Halloween special.


At the first glance, when Skarr worked for Hector Con Carne, he sometimes tried to overthrow Hector and take over his organization to take over the world himself. However, he retired from his evil ways as he trying to find peace in gardening or trying to be a good neighbor. In "Underfist", he becomes the Unscrupulous Hero. He does join the others in forming the titular team, but still retains his malicious traits.



  • In the episode Emotional Skarr, when he fantasizes about ruling the world himself, his symbol is his scar in a circle similar to how the swastika was positioned. He also was shown in the same fantasy having an eagle on his hat, positioned in the same way as the Nazi eagle symbol. However, this is only evident in one scene.
    • The fantasy is also referenced in Anger Mismanagement, and if he was to think with cats, he would be thinking to use cats as slaves.
  • According to the show's intro, he got his scar from running with scissors.
    • Coincidentally, this is also how Hoss Delgado lost his own eye (as well as his arm and leg).
  • General Skarr is an homage to Herr Starr from the Preacher series.
  • Skarr's first name was revealed in the intro of Evil Con Carne, and first mentioned in Billy and Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure.
  • He has appeared as an official character in more TV series than the characters from the rest of the franchise combined.

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           The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy logo Heroes

Grim | Billy | Mandy | Irwin Dracula

Endsville Elementary School
Nergal Jr. | Pud'n

Evil Con Carne
General Reginald Skarr | Destructicus Con Carne | Rupert the Green-Nosed Reindeer | S.P.O.R.K. (Cod Commando)

Fred Fredburger | Jeff the Spider | Hoss Delgado

Nigel Uno | Hoagie Gilligan | Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles | Abigail Lincoln

Dracula | Gladys | Harold | Judy | Nigel Planter | Baron von Ghoulish
