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Reiko Higuchi is a Rescue Police officer who dons a solid suit to become SolJeanne and one of the protagonists of Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain. She is Junko's successor. She wears red armor, a black-and-white flameproof suit and a helmet without a mouthplate (so she can wear also an oxygen mask). Her primary vehicle is SolDrecker, which also carries Dozer. Her transformation call is also "Plus Up" (プラスアップ Purasu Appu), and her weapon is a small gun. Eventually, she falls in love with Daiki.

She is portrayed by Koichi Nakayama.


Reiko was first deployed as SolJeanne in response to a series of attacks carried out by a space station, which had been hijacked by the artificial brain A320. After Daiki tracked the source of the attacks to the laboratory of Professor Inagaki, Reiko became SolJeanne to contain the disaster A320 had caused and escort Inagaki to safety while Daiki became SolBraver to rescue his son.


  • SolIndicater
  • Solid Suit
  • BosWinder
  • O2 Pack
  • Medical Pack
  • Cuffs Lock


  • SolDrecker


           Metal Hero logo Heroes

Uchu Keiji Gavan
Retsu Ichijouji | Mimi | Commander Qom | Marin | Space Sheriff Alan

Uchu Keiji Sharivan
Den Iga | Lily | Jii | Miyuki | Helen Bell

Uchu Keiji Shaider
Dai Sawamura | Annie

Kyojuu Tokusou Juspion

Jikuu Senshi Spielban
Yousuke Jou | Diana Lady | Helen Lady

Choujinki Metalder
Ryusei Tsurugi | Mai Ogi | Hakko Kita

Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya
Toha Yamaji | Kei Yamaji | Rei Yagyu | Ryu Asuka | Baron Owl | Haburamu | Rocket Man | Mafuuba | Wild | Alamsa

Kidou Keiji Jiban
Naoto Tamura | Youko Katagiri | Mayumi Igarashi

Tokkei Winspector
Ryouma Kagawa | Bycle | Walter | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain
Daiki Nishio | Reiko Higuchi | SolDozer | Ryouma Kagawa | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Exceedraft
Hayato Kano | Kosaku Muraoka | Ken Okuma | Shunsuke Masaki

Tokusou Robo Janperson
Janperson | Gun Gibson

Show Narumi | Sarah Misugi | Sig

Juukou B-Fighter
Takuya Kai | Daisaku Katagiri | Rei Hayami | Mai Takatori | Kabuto

B-Fighter Kabuto
Kouhei Toba | Kengo Tachibana | Ran Ayukawa

B-Robo Kabutack
Kabutack | Kuwagiro | Tobimasky | Dangoron | Gerotan | Tentoleena

Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack
Robotack | Kamerock
